If you have a mom and grandmother like Timothy’s, you’re fortunate. They each had a sincere faith, and they passed it on to Timothy, and it became his personal faith. There was no way their faith could do Timothy any good. That’s one of the first lessons any person who comes from a Christian home needs to learn. You can’t get to heaven on your parents’ faith any more than you can get there on a skateboard. If you have Christian parents or grandparents, make their faith your own. Tell Jesus you accept him as your personal Savior. You’ll be glad you did.
Everything in the Bible is not necessarily interesting or inspiring. But it is “inspired”: God was at work making sure that what the writer put down was God’s message.
Even if everything in the Bible may not seem interesting, it’s there for a purpose. And when you read the Bible, you should look for these things (2 Timothy 3:16):
• Teaching. What truths can you discover that will help you understand God and other people?
• Rebuking. What have you been doing wrong that you need to change?
• Correcting. What can you do to become more Christ-like?
• Training. What can you discover that will equip you for good deeds?
2 Timothy
This was the last letter Paul ever wrote. It encourages Timothy, and other young people, to stay on the right path.