

Are you a leader in your youth group? Do you ever get frustrated or feel like most of the other kids are lazy? And when you try to help, do they get angry at you? Well, this book of the New Testament may be just for you.

Paul wrote this short letter to Titus, a young leader he sent to Crete because of problems in that church. Paul reminds young Titus of the best way to influence others. Paul also reminds Titus that people who know Jesus should concentrate on doing good.

Lip Service Yes, Actions No

• See Titus 1:16

Best Way to Set an Example

• See explanation in Titus 2:7

Trust, Then Do Good

• Faith produces works, says Titus 3:8


• Titus is a young leader in the church, on a mission to the island of Crete.

• Paul’s letter to Titus is filled with good advice for anyone wanting to be a leader.

Paul writes near the end of his life. • The Jews have revolted against Rome. Within three years Jerusalem will fall and the temple will be burned. • Captured Jewish General Josephus will write a “History of the Jewish Wars.”