2 Peter

Different Beliefs.

You know kids with beliefs that are different from yours. Some won’t say the pledge of allegiance. Some won’t go to doctors but say God will heal them. Sometimes these kids may try to convince you that what you believe is wrong. They can be convincing too—so convincing it may be hard to know who’s right.

Peter’s first letter was about persecution from non-Christians. This second letter is about danger from false teachers who claim to be believers. Peter shows you how to know what teachers and teachings are false.

Blind? Check Your “I” Sight

• Read 2 Peter 1:5–9

Promise of “Freedom”

• Be on guard, warns 2 Peter 2:17–21

Talking About My Science Teacher?

• A word about scoffers is found in 2 Peter 3:1–7


• Just before his execution in Rome, the apostle Peter writes this letter warning against false teachers.

• Jude and 2 Timothy give similar warnings against heresy—teachings that contradict the Bible or promote sinful living.

As Peter writes, the Jews in Judea rebel against Rome. • Roman armies are on the march to put down the rebellion.