1 John

A Close Friend.

Wouldn’t it be great to feel as close to God as you do to your best friend? Or maybe you feel that close already. If you do, you already understand the important things John has to say in this letter.

John’s first letter is about fellowship. The word means “sharing”: being close to God and other Christians. John says the keys to fellowship with God are love and obedience. If you love God, you’ll stay close to him and pay attention to his Word. As you obey the Lord, you sense him near and learn to love him even more.

So You Think You’re Perfect?

• Don’t fool yourself, warns 1 John 1:5–10

Want Everything in the World?

• Danger exposed. See 1 John 2:15–17

Let’s Not Kid Ourselves

• Take this test, found in 1 John 3:4–10

Love God? Then Love Others

• It’s all about love? Check out 1 John 4:16–21


• The apostle John writes this letter. John outlives the other twelve disciples.

• John writes three letters that are in the New Testament. He writes in the early 90’s A.D.

As John writes, Domitian is emperor. His policy is to persecute Christians. Many believers are executed, others lose jobs and homes. • In 96 A.D. Domitian will be assassinated.