
I’m Serious!

Have you ever noticed that when your parents are serious about something, they say it again and again. “Sarah, clean your room.” Then five minutes later, “Sarah, clean your room.” Hey, you just want to finish your email. But oh, no, five minutes later, and they’re at it again. “Sarah, clean your room!”

Three New Testament books say, “Watch out for false teachers,” “Watch out for false teachers,” “Watch out for false teachers.” God must be serious. Jude even says he planned to write a different kind of letter, but the Holy Spirit led him to write about false teachers instead. Maybe we’d better listen!

Can’t Miss the False Teacher

• For a description, see Jude 4

Nasty, Nasty!

• See Jude 16

Can We Protect Ourselves?

• For the good news, read Jude 20, 21


• Jude is the brother of James and of Jesus. He was Mary and Joseph’s son.

• Jude quotes Jewish writings that are not in the Bible (verses 9, 14, 15).

As Jude writes, the city of Pompeii lies covered with lava from the recent eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.