The people without whom this book would not have been written and life would be a bore. First, my family - my brothers Joe and Mike, my sister Alyson, sister-in-law Marianne, brother-in-law Marty, nieces Mary and Kathleen, and aunt Anita. Also the wonderful cousins: the McDonoughs, MacKalls, Mitchells, and Hurleys. Special appreciation to Joe Hurley, whose love, support, and humor have often brought me from despair to laughter.

My agent, Deborah Grosvenor, whose persistence, criticism, and encouragement were invaluable to finishing this project.

William Barrett Haynos, the best friend anyone could wish for and the best doctor in Washington.

Caryn Pernu and Dan Odegard at Hazelden. Julian Mazor and Charles McCarry, two brilliant writers whose wisdom, encouragement, and advice gave me courage to stick with it.

Almost last and certainly not least: Steve Ochs, Greg Hartley, and the faculty past and present at Prep, Monsignors Ranieri and Enzler, the kids from Country Place, Jim Thompson, Jason Rubis, Frankie Manning, Alex Jasperson, Ella Fitzgerald, Christopher Lasch, Jesus, Thomas Merton, Jack Kirby.

And finally, the Prep boys, who continue to be a constant reminder that life is supposed to be fun.