Plough Variations

As well as working the hips and giving the upper back a deep stretch, these Plough variations give the solar plexus a powerful massage-as long as you keep up your rhythmical breathing.

Start with

Feet Apart Beginner
Starting from Plough Step 4, keep your knees straight as you take your legs as far apart as possible. Extend your hands flat on the floor behind you, palms face down. Hold for up to 1 minute, then raise your legs until they are parallel to the floor. Continue coming out of the pose and relaxing as described.
Arm Wrap Intermediate
Starting from Feet Apart (see above), lower your knees next to your ears. Bring your arms over your knees and take your hands to your ears. Hold for up to 1 minute, breathing slowly, then come out of the pose and relax as described.
Hands to Feet Intermediate
Starting from Plough Step 4, take your arms next to your ears and try to touch your toes. Hold for up to 1 minute, breathing slowly, then come out of the pose and relax as described.
Knees Behind Head Advanced
Starting from Plough Step 4, walk your feet as far away from your head as possible. Then bend your knees and slowly lower them to the mat behind your head. Hold for up to 30 seconds, then raise your legs until they are parallel to the floor. Continue coming out of the pose and relaxing as described.
Knees to Shoulder Advanced
1 Starting from Plough Step 4, support your back firmly with both hands. Walk both legs to the left side.
2 Take both knees to the floor next to your left ear. Hold for up to 30 seconds, breathing slowly, then straighten your legs and bring your feet back to the center. Repeat on the other side, then come out of the pose and relax as described.

“The self-effort of today becomes the destiny of tomorrow. Self-effort and destiny are one and the same.” Swami Sivananda