One of the main benefits of this asana is the stretch it gives to the hip flexors (iliopsoas) in the pelvis. These are often shortened due to our sedentary life style, and cause stiffness in the lower back.
1 Kneel on the floor, then take your right foot forward between your hands. Stretch your left leg back, placing your left knee on the mat. Keep your front calf vertical. Breathe slowly and rhythmically.
2 Inhale and take your hands in front of your chest in Prayer Position. Keep your back vertical and use your bent leg and the toes of your front foot to help you balance. Hold for a few breaths, then continue with Step 3 or release the pose, repeat on the other side, then relax in Child’s Pose.
3 On an inhalation, take both arms straight up alongside your ears. Hold for up to 30 seconds, breathing slowly and rhythmically. On each inhalation, stretch your arms higher; on each exhalation, try to lower your hips to the floor a little more. Continue with Step 4 or release the pose, repeat on the other side, then relax in Child’s Pose.
4 To come into the full pose, on another inhalation, bend backward from your chest. Hold for up to 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side. Relax in Child’s Pose for at least 8 breaths.