9 Half Spinal Twist
Ardha Matsyendrasana

Lateral rotation is important for achieving complete flexibility of the spine. These twisting asanas work on the rotation of all the vertebrae, as well as the hip joint. Follow each of them with Child’s Pose as a relaxing counterpose. This asana is named after the great yogic sage, Matsyendranath.



• Helps to improve the flexibility of the spine.

• Helps to tone the roots of the spinal nerves.

• Helps to energize the gastrointestinal system.

• Enhances the functioning of the large intestine.

• Improves the appetite.


• Rotation or twisting of the spine is not a common movement in daily life. By exploring this unusual movement, your mind will also become more flexible and adaptable.

Half Spinal Twist Beginner

1 Sit with your legs extended straight in front of you and take both arms behind your back. Place your hands palms down, with your fingers pointing backward. Breathe rhythmically in the abdomen.
2 Place your left foot flat on the mat outside your right calf. Inhale and lift your right arm straight up.
3 To come into the full pose, exhale, bring your right arm down and push it against the outside of your left leg. Catch hold of the sole of your left foot or ankle. Turn your chest, head, and eyes to the left. Breathe slowly in your abdomen. Hold for up to 1 minute. Slowly release first your head, then your spine. Repeat on the opposite side. Relax in Child’s Pose for about 30 seconds.