• | scalar product |
| tensorial product |
: | contracted tensorial product |
| nabla operator, gradient 0 |
| rotational |
| , Laplacian |
tr | trace of a tensor |
| material derivative |
| partial derivative in relation to time |
α | isothermal expansion coefficient |
β | thermal expansion coefficient |
χT | isothermal compressibility coefficient |
γ | specific heat ratio |
δij | Kronecker delta |
εij | components of the stress tensor |
| curvature of an interface |
λ | compression viscosity |
| dissipation function |
φ | heat flux density |
μ | shear viscosity |
μsm | subgrid viscosity |
μt | turbulent viscosity |
ν | kinematic viscosity |
ρ | density |
σ | surface tension, Poisson coefficient |
| stream function |
γ | acceleration |
ε | strain tensor |
ω | vector potential |
ωo | equilibrium vector potential |
σ | stress tensor |
τ | viscous stress tensor |
Γ | curvilinear contour |
Φ | scalar potential |
Σ | surface of a domain |
Ω | volume of a domain |
Ω | rotation rate tensor |
(x, y, z) | Cartesian coordinates |
(r, θ) | polar coordinates |
(r, θ, z) | cylindrical coordinates |
(r, θ, φ) | spherical coordinates |
(e1,e2,e3) | unit vectors |
| area of a surface |
| domain, control volume |
| linear operator |
| molar mass |
| nonlinear operator |
| power |
| volume |
a | heat diffusivity |
cp | specific heat at constant pressure |
cv | specific heat at constant volume |
d | distance |
dij | components of the strain rate tensor |
e | specific internal energy |
f | scalar function |
k | heat conductivity, turbulent kinetic energy |
h | specific enthalpy |
m | mass |
p | pressure, scalar potential |
po | equilibrium scalar potential |
p* | driving pressure |
pB | Bernouilli pressure |
q | heat production per volume |
qm | mass flowrate |
qυ | volume flowrate |
r | perfect gas constant |
s | specific entropy, curvilinear abscissa |
t | time |
υ | specific volume |
D | flowrate |
Dh | hydraulic diameter |
E | Young’s modulus, total energy |
J | Jacobian of the transformation |
R | molar constant of gases |
L | reference distance |
S | entropy |
T | temperature |
To | equilibrium temperature |
T0 | reference temperature |
V0 | reference velocity |
f | body volume force |
g | acceleration due to gravity |
n | outward normal |
q | momentum |
t | tangential unit vector |
v′ | fluctuation of velocity |
v | perturbation of velocity |
D | strain rate tensor |
F | force |
I | identity matrix or tensor |
K | permeability tensor |
M | mobility tensor |
N | outward normal to a free surface |
T | stress |
V | velocity component |
|W| | velocity modulus |
W | velocity |
| averaged velocity |
Bi | Biot number |
Da | Darcy number |
M | Mach number |
Ma | Marangoni number |
Ra | Rayleigh number |
Re | Reynolds number |
We | Weber number |