
In a busy year full of excitement and possibility, I’m incredibly honored and humbled to thank the following people for their assistance with this book:

My editor, Holly Ingraham—for her kindness, her humor, and her keen editorial eye. It’s been so fun bringing Echo Lake to life with you.

My agent, Courtney Miller-Callihan—I’m so lucky and excited to be part of Team Courtney’s new venture.

The entire St. Martin’s team, for the gorgeous cover, the fabulous book-love, and for making me feel so welcome.

My critique partner and cheerleader extraordinaire, Jennifer Brodie—for just being indescribably awesome. Always.

My bunnies—for five amazing years of what ifs.

Markus B—for generously sharing his expertise on at-risk teens and outdoor education. And for taking me rock-climbing and not dropping me, even if I made it tempting.

The men in my family, who inspire my book-heroes. You, every day, are the real heroes.

Most importantly, to my girls, because truly, there’s no greater gift than you.