Unless otherwise specified, individuals in this list are French historians
- Abel, Wilhelm (1904–85) German economic historian
- Abrams, Philip (1933–81), British sociologist
- Abulafia, David (1949–)
- Aftalion, Albert (1874–1956) French economist
- Agulhon, Maurice (1926–)
- Alencastro, Luiz Felipe de (1946–)
- Althusser, Louis (1918–90) French philosopher
- anthropology
- archaeology
- Ariès, Philippe (1914–82)
- Aymard, Maurice (1936–)
- Baehrel, René
- Bailyn, Bernard (1922–) American historian
- Barber, Bernard (1918–2006) American sociologist
- Barnes, Harry E. (1889–1968) American historian
- Bataillon, Marcel (1895–1977) French Hispanist
- Baulig, Henri (1877–1962), French geographer
- Bayart, Jean-François (1950–) French sociologist
- Beard, Charles (1874–1948) American historian
- Bennassar, Bartolomé (1929–)
- Bergier, Jean-François (1931–2009), Swiss historian
- Bergson, Henri (1859–1941) French philosopher
- Berr, Henri (1863–1954), French polymath
- Besançon, Alain (1932–)
- biography
- Birnbaum, Norman (1926–) American sociologist
- Blainey, Geoffrey (1930–) Australian historian
- Bloch, Gustave (1848–1923)
- Bloch, Marc (1886–1944)
- Blondel, Charles (1876–1939) French psychologist
- Bois, Guy
- book, history of
- Bourdieu, Pierre (1930–2002) sociologist and anthropologist
- Boureau, Alain (1946–)
- Braudel, Fernand (1902–85)
- Bremond, Henri (1865–1933)
- Brunschwig, Henri (1904–89)
- Burckhardt, Jacob (1818–97) Swiss historian
- Canguilhem, Georges (1904–95)
- Cantimori, Delio (1904–66) Italian historian
- Castro, Américo (1885–1972) Spanish scholar
- Certeau, Michel de (1925–86) French polymath
- Chartier, Roger (1945–)
- Chaunu, Pierre (1923–2009)
- Christaller, Walter (1883–1969) German geographer
- comparative history
- Comte, Auguste (1798–1857) philosopher-sociologist
- conjoncture
- construction, cultural
- contemporary history
- Coquéry-Vidrovich, Cathérine (1935–)
- Corbin, Alain (1936–)
- Cornford, Francis M. (1874–1943) British classicist
- Courajod, Louis (1841–96) French art historian
- cultural history, see also material culture
- Cunningham, William (1849–1919) British economic historian
- Curtius, Ernst Robert (1886–1956) German literary scholar
- Darnton, Robert (1939–), American historian
- Davis, Natalie Zemon (1928–) American historian
- Delille, Gérard (1944–)
- Delumeau, Jean (1923–)
- Demangeon, Albert (1872–1940) geographer
- demography, historical
- Détienne, Marcel (1935–) Belgian historian
- Dreyfus generation
- Duby, Georges (1919–96)
- Dumézil, Georges (1898–1986)
- Dupâquier, Jacques (1922–2010)
- Dupront, Alfonse (1905–90)
- Durkheim, Émile (1858–1917), French sociologist
- École des Hautes Études (EPHE, then EHESS)
- École Normale
- ecology
- economic history
- Elias, Norbert (1897–1990) German-British sociologist
- Elliott, John (1930–) British historian
- Elton, Geoffrey R. (1921–94) German-British historian
- environmental history, see ecology
- Evans-Pritchard, Edward (1902–73) British anthropologist
- events, see also narrative
- everyday
- Farge, Arlette (1941–)
- Febvre, Lucien (1878–1956)
- Ferro, Marc (1924–)
- Flandrin, Jean-Louis (1931–2001)
- Florescano, Enrique (1937–) Mexican historian
- Fontana, Josep (1931–) Catalan historian
- Ford Foundation
- Foucault, Michel (1926–84) French philosopher
- Frank, André Gunder (1929–2005) German-American economist
- Frazer, James (1854–1941) British anthropologist
- Freyre, Gilberto (1900–87) Brazilian historian and sociologist
- Friedmann, Georges (1902–77) French sociologist
- Furet, François (1927–97)
- Fustel de Coulanges, Denis Numa (1830–89)
- Gascon, Richard
- Gautier, Émile-Félix (1864–1940) geographer
- Gentil da Silva, José, Portuguese historian
- geography
- Geremek, Bronisław (1932–2008) Polish historian
- Gernet, Jacques (1921–)
- Gernet, Louis (1882–1962)
- Gibbon, Edward (1737–94) British historian
- Ginzburg, Carlo (1939–)
- global history, see also total history
- Goffman, Erving (1922–92) Canadian-American sociologist
- Goitein, S. D. (1900–85) German Jewish scholar
- Goubert, Jean-Pierre
- Goubert, Pierre (1915–2012)
- Granet, Marcel (1884–1940) French sinologist
- Green, J. R. (1837–83) British historian
- Gruzinski, Serge (1949–)
- Gurevich, Aron Yakovlevich (1924–2006) Russian historian
- Gurvitch, Georges (1894–1965) Russian-French sociologist
- Halbwachs, Maurice (1877–1945) sociologist
- Halperín Donghi, Tulio (1926–) Argentinian historian
- Hamilton, Earl J. (1899–1989) American economic historian
- Harrison, Jane (1850–1928) British classicist
- Hartog, François (1946–)
- Hauser, Henri (1866–1948)
- Heckscher, Eli (1879–1952) Swedish economic historian
- Heller, Clemens (1917–2002), Austrian-American administrator of the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
- Henry, Louis (1911–91)
- Hexter, Jack, American historian
- Hilton, Rodney (1916–2002) British historian
- Hobsbawm, Eric (1917–2013) British historian
- Hoskins, William G. (1908–92) British historian
- Hunt, Lynn (1945–) American historian
- iconography
- ideology
- imagination, social
- interdisciplinarity
- Jaurès, Jean (1859–1914) socialist leader
- Jouhaud, Christian
- Joutard, Philippe (1935–)
- Juglar, Clément (1819–1905) French economist
- Julia, Dominique (1940–)
- Keynes, John Maynard (1883–1946) British economist
- Ki-Zerbo, Joseph (1922–2006) African historian and politician
- Klaniczay, Gábor (1950–) Hungarian historian
- Klapisch, Christiane (1936–)
- Kondratieff, Nikolai (1892–1931?) Russian economist
- Kula, Witold (1916–88) Polish historian
- Kuznets, Simon (1901–85) Russian-American economist
- Labrousse, Camille-Ernest (1895–1986)
- Lacombe, Paul (1834–1919) French philosopher
- Lamprecht, Karl (1856–1915) German historian
- Langlois, Charles-Victor (1863–1929)
- Lavisse, Ernest (1842–1922)
- Lebon, Gustave (1841–1931) French psychologist
- Le Bras, Gabriel (1891–1970) French sociologist
- Le Bras, Hervé (1943–), French demographer
- Lefebvre, Georges (1874–1959)
- Lefranc, Abel (1863–1952) French literary scholar
- Le Goff, Jacques (1924–2014)
- Lemonnier, Henri (1842–1936)
- Lepetit, Bernard (1948–96)
- Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel (1929–)
- Leuilliot, Paul (1897–1987)
- Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1908–2009) French anthropologist
- Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien (1857–1939) French philosopher
- Lilti, Antoine
- Lombard, Denys (1938–98)
- Lombard, Maurice (1904–65)
- longue durée, see time
- McLuhan, Marshall (1911–80) Canadian media theorist
- Magalhães Godinho, Vitorino (1918–2011) Portuguese historian
- Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
- Maitland, Frederick William (1850–1906) British historian
- Makkai, Laszlo (1914–89) Hungarian historian
- Mâle, Émile (1862–1954) French art historian
- Malinowski, Bronisław (1884–1942) Polish-English anthropologist
- Mandrou, Robert (1921–84)
- Martin, Henri-Jean (1924–2007) librarian and book historian
- Marx, Karl (1818–83) and Marxism
- material culture
- Mauro, Frédéric (1921–2001)
- Mauss, Marcel (1872–1950) French anthropologist
- Meillet, Antoine (1866–1936) French linguist
- memory
- mentalities
- Meuvret, Jean (1909–71)
- Michelet, Jules (1798–1874)
- micro-history
- Millar, John (1735–1801) Scottish historian
- Monod, Gabriel (1844–1912)
- Moore, Will G. (1905–78) English scholar
- Morazé, Charles (1913–2003)
- Moretti, Franco (1950–) Italian scholar
- Mousnier, Roland (1907–93)
- Muchembled, Robert (1944–)
- narrative, see also events
- new history
- Noiriel, Gérard (1950–)
- Nora, Pierre (1931–)
- Ozouf, Jacques (1928–2006)
- Ozouf, Mona (1931–)
- Pach, Zsigmond Pál (1919–2001) Hungarian historian
- Pagès, Georges (1867–1939)
- Parsons, Talcottt (1902–79) American sociologist
- Perrot, Jean-Claude
- Perrot, Michelle (1928–)
- Peter, Jean-Pierre
- Pfister, Christian (1857–1933)
- Philippson, Alfred (1864–1953) German geographer
- Piganiol, André (1883–1968)
- Pirenne, Henri (1862–1935) Belgian historian
- Polanyi, Karl (1886–1964) Hungarian economist
- political history
- Pomian, Krzysztof (1934–) Polish historian
- Popper, Karl (1902–94) Austrian-British philosopher
- Porshnev, Boris F. (1905–72) Russian historian
- Postan, Michael M. (1899–1981) Russian-British historian
- problem-oriented history
- psychology, historical
- Ranke, Leopold von (1795–1886) German historian
- Ratzel, Friedrich (1844–1904) German geographer
- regressive method
- Revel, Jacques (1942–)
- Richet, Denis (1927–89)
- Ricoeur, Paul (1913–2005) French philosopher
- Rist, Charles (1874–1955)
- Robinson, James H. (1863–1936) American historian
- Roche, Daniel (1935–)
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Rogers, J. E. Thorold (1823–90) British economic historian
- Romano, Ruggiero (1923–2002) Italian historian
- Ruggiu, François-Joseph
- Ruiz Martín, Felipe (1915–2004) Spanish historian
- Rutkowski, Jan (1886–1948) Polish historian
- Sahlins, Marshall (1930–) American anthropologist
- Sapori, Armando (1891–1976) Italian historian
- Schmitt, Jean-Claude (1946–)
- Schmoller, Gustav (1838–1917) German economic historian
- Sée, Henri (1864–1936)
- Seebohm, Frederick (1833–1912) British banker and historian
- Seignobos, Charles (1854–1942)
- serial history, see quantitative history
- Siegfried, André (1875–1959) political scientist
- Simiand, François (1873–1935) economist
- Sion, Jules (1879–1940), French geographer
- Sixth Section
- sociability
- sociology
- Sombart, Werner (1863–1941) German economist and sociologist
- Sorbonne
- Sorre, Maximilien (1880–1962) French geographer
- Spate, Oskar (1911–2000) British geographer
- Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903) British sociologist
- Spengler, Oswald (1880–1936) German philosopher of history
- Stone, Lawrence (1919–99) British historian
- Subrahmanyam, Sanjay (1961–), Indian historian
- Tawney, Richard H. (1880–1962) British historian
- teamwork
- Tenenti, Alberto (1924–2002) Italian-French historian
- Thompson, Edward P. (1924–93) British historian
- time
- total history
- Trevor-Roper, Hugh R. (1914–2003) British historian
- Troels-Lund, Troels Frederik (1840–1921), Danish historian
- Tucci, Ugo (1917–2013), Italian historian
- Turner, Frederick J. (1861–1932) American historian
- Turner, Victor (1920–83), British anthropologist
- Valensi, Lucette (1936–)
- Vansina, Jan (1929–) Belgian historical anthropologist
- Varga, Lucie (1904–41) Austrian historian
- Vázquez de Prada, Valentin (1925–)
- Veblen, Thorstein (1857–1929) American sociologist
- Vernant, Jean-Pierre (1914–2007)
- Veyne, Paul (1930–)
- Vicens Vives, Jaume (1910–60)
- Vidal de la Blache, Paul (1843–1918) French geographer
- Vidal-Naquet, Pierre (1930–2006)
- Vigarello, Georges (1941–)
- Vilar, Pierre (1906–2003)
- Voltaire, François Marie Arouet (1694–1778) French philosophe
- Vovelle, Michel (1933–)
- Wachtel, Nathan (1935–)
- Wagemann, Ernst (1884–1956), German economist
- Wallerstein, Immanuel (1930–) American sociologist
- Warburg, Aby (1866–1929) German scholar
- Weber, Max (1864–1920) German sociologist
- women's history
- Zeller, Gaston (1890–1960)