First of all, I want to thank my children, Sara and Nicholas, along with their partners and offspring, for the love and support they have shown throughout this long enterprise; also heartfelt thanks to all the many hands who have joined us over the years as we harvested the olives, made the oil, and then sat around the table in the Teverina farmhouse kitchen to sample, taste and discuss, analyze the past, and make plans for the future.

To Penny De Los Santos for fabulous photography and great companionship on our olive oil adventures; to Justin Schwartz, Stephanie Fletcher, and the team at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; to Jennifer Griffin, who had faith in the book when I had lost it. To all of you, I pledge my thanks and a bottle of great olive oil next time we harvest!

Thanks are also surely due to the vast number of farmers and producers of excellent olive oil right around the Mediterranean and on to California and Chile who have been generous of their time and expertise, including especially:

Other help, both general and specific, was offered by the following friends, scientists, sages, chefs, and experts, and I thank them all, with the assurance that any errors of fact or interpretation in the book are mine and mine alone: the late Mita Antolini, Arnaldo Antolini, Burton and Nancy Anderson, Nancy Ashe, Eryn Balch, Rolando Beramendi, Caroline Beck, Mario Bertuccioli, Bill Briwa, Chris Butler, Maurizio Castelli, Darrell Corti, Maria Isabel Covas, Barbara d’Agapiti, Salvatore Denaro, Lou di Palo, Carrie Donavan, Greg Drescher, Beth Elon, the late Dun Gifford, Dan Flynn, Don Harris, Roberta Klugman, Alessandro Leone and Antonia Tamburrino, Fausto and Mar Luchetti, Luanne O’Laughlin, Claudio Peri, María José San Román, Lisa Sasson, Rossella Speranza, Antonia Trichopoulou, Beatrice Ughi, Paul Vossen, and Ari Weinzweig.