Session Topic

In order to be involved in reaching the lost, we first need to understand the essentials of evangelistic praying.

Community Builder (Choose One)

1. Do you find it difficult to pray for those in authority, such as world and national leaders? Why is it easy to forget such people in our prayers?

2. Sometimes people are converted to Christ after being the subject of prayers for many years. If someone in your group knows the details of such a case, have them share it with the entire group.

Group Discovery Questions

1. What expression in Romans 9:1–4 demonstrates the apostle Paul’s strong desire to see his fellow Jews saved?

2. What are the four terms Paul uses in 1 Timothy 2:1 concerning evangelistic praying? Give an example of how the different shades of meaning could be applied to various needs.

3. What are several ways that praying for the salvation of all the lost is consistent with God’s heart? (See Ezek. 33:11; Acts 17:30; 1 Tim. 2:4.)

4. Has the political activism of some Christian groups in recent years made any difference in reaching the lost? What truth from 2 Corinthians 10:4 is often forgotten?

5. What favorable conditions in our nation and society will the church and individual believers see as a result of faithfulness in evangelistic prayer?

6. How is our task of praying for the lost different from Jesus’ prayer in John 17? (Compare v. 9 with 2 Cor. 5:20.)

7. How ought God’s eternal saving purpose, coupled with His desire that no one perish, be a comfort to us in our praying for and witnessing to the lost? (See 2 Tim. 2:19.)

8. How should the uniqueness of God give us incentive to pray for the lost?

9. Spend some time discussing the nature of Christ’s atonement. How can it be unlimited in sufficiency but limited in application?

10. Upon what truths was Paul’s commission as an apostle and preacher based? How does that relate to the responsibility God has given us?

Prayer Focus

• How diligent have you been during the past year to pray for unsaved friends and relatives? Ask the Lord to help you maintain or if necessary, improve your efforts.

• Choose the name of one unsaved person, perhaps a family member, and devote extra time during the coming month to praying for his or her salvation.

• Express your thanks to God for His great salvation and for His marvelous love in drawing you to Himself.

Optional Activities

1. Read J. I. Packer’s Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God or Charles Spurgeon’s The Soul Winner. Look for insights on how you can apply what the book says to your evangelistic activities (witnessing as well as praying).

2. If you know a missionary pastor who is engaged in church planting, write him a letter and tell him of your prayer support. Share some of the principles you learned in this chapter and assure him of your prayers for the people he is seeking to reach with the Lord’s help.


1. Review your memory work on Matthew 6:9–13. Try to finish memorizing it in the next week or two if you were unable to complete the assignment earlier.

2. Begin memorizing 1 Timothy 2:1–6. Give yourself a goal for when you will have the complete passage learned.