In writing this book I have had to take an incredibly difficult and on occasions extremely disturbing journey in to the past.

Without doubt, I could have never completed this arduous task without the help of some dear friends, family, and helpers.

Primarily I must thank my dear wife Julie for putting up with those many hours of having to listen to me read her the latest paragraphs in the unfolding saga that was my childhood. And for helping me to cope with dyslexia, and especially my terrible spelling.

A special thank you must also go to my editor Douglas Wight who somehow made sense of my ramblings and helped me turn my story into the book you see before you.

And finally, but by no means least, a special thank you to my publisher, for having the guts, determination and vision to take me on and make this happen.

Thank you.

Roberto Sendoya Escobar

(Phillip Witcomb)

