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Many thanks to the travellers who used the last edition and wrote to us with helpful hints, useful advice and interesting anecdotes: Isabelle Anderson, Reiter Angela, Dominique Boin, Urshla & Nelson Duarte, Veronica Graham, Jean Luc Le Formal, Keith Lofstrom, Cary Marie-Laurence, David Nicol, Chantal Palmer, Andy Wilson.
Boundless thanks to Amy, Rod, Lola and Romy for making Marseille always feel like home to me. Life on the road wouldn’t be nearly so wonderful without the kindness of strangers,so many thanks to the countless individuals who eased my trip and shared their tips. Then, to my trusty copilot, Ryan Ver Berkmoes: what a peachy treat to share springtime in Provence.And finally, thanks to Kate, Nicola and Olly for being such a super team.
Thanks to all the people who provided special help while I was out on the road: Jean-Marie and Yvette Duchamp, Gabriel Boucher, Marcel Allard, Alexandre Berri, Theo Girard and Susie and Gracie Berry. Biggest thanks as always go to fellow authors Nicola Williams and Alexis Averbuck for all their help, contributions and sage advice, and to editor Kate Morgan for giving me the opportunity to revisit one of my favourite corners of France.
Having written the 1st edition of this book in 1998, it was with immense joy that I retraced my footsteps for this 8th edition – this time with three intrepid children in tow. Un grand merci Niko, Mischa et Kaya (und Christa!). Otherwise, sincere thanks to Eva Fournial (Mougins), Alain Corroyer (Nice), Richard Auray (Courmes) and Clare Bouvier (Antibes) for insider tips and recommendations. At home, thanks to husband Matthias Lüfkens for his joie de vivre, love of travel and gracious tolerance of a temperamental workaholic wife.
Climate map data adapted from Peel MC, Finlayson BL & McMahon TA (2007) ‘Updated World Map of the Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification’, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11, 1633–44.
Illustrations pp64–5, pp146–7 by JavierZarracina. Cover photograph: Provençal village,Konstanttin/Shutterstock.
This 8th edition of Lonely Planet's Provence & the Côte d'Azur was researched and written by Alexis Averbuck, Oliver Berry and Nicola Williams. The previous edition was written by Emile Filou, Alexis Averbuck and John A Vlahides.
Destination Editor Kate Morgan
Product Editors Briohny Hooper, Kathryn Rowan
Senior Cartographer Valentina Kremenchutskaya
Book Designer Jessica Rose
Assisting Editors Sarah Bailey, Elizabeth Jones, Charlotte Orr, Simon Williamson
Assisting Cartographers Mark Griffiths, Corey Hutchison, Alison Lyall
Cover Researcher Campbell McKenzie
Thanks to Sasha Baskett, Claire Murphy, Karyn Noble, Martine Power, Samantha Russell-Tulip, James Smart, Lauren Wellicome
Ebook thanks to Andrew Bigger, Ruth Cosgrove, Julie Dodkins, Liz Heynes, Craig Kilburn, Chris Love, Wayne Murphy, Jacqui Saunders, John Taufa, Glenn van der Knijff, Juan Winata.