November 2010
Her decision was finalized.
The suitcase by the door had everything she’d need for her weekend trip to Seattle. Jeremiah’s photos and video footage of a few of his games were in her carry-on. She wished she could stay longer than two days, but she had to get back by Sunday to anchor the Monday morning national news on Morning to You, America.
“Bye, Mama,” she said, giving her mother a hug.
“I wanna go with you,” Jeremiah whined.
“What did I tell you about shortcuts? It’s ‘I want to go with you.’”
He stared at her with those eyes just like his daddy’s, eyes that pleaded more than words. “Mama, I want to go with you to Atlanta.”
She hated lying to her mother and son, but there was no way she could tell either the truth. “I’ll bring you something back.” Hopefully, his dad. “Now, go back to bed. Four o’clock is too early for you to be up.”
Kissing her son, and hugging her mom again, Katherine put her suitcase on the passenger seat, then headed to Montgomery for her connecting flight to Dallas/Fort Worth.
The drive from Selma to Montgomery’s Dannelly Field airport was a welcomed hour of solitude. She made sure she drove the speed limit along U.S. 80 for two reasons. One, she feared getting stopped by the police in the dark. Two, she didn’t want to collide with any animals.
Parking, checking in, and getting through security consumed more time than her road trip. It was too early to eat; a breakfast sandwich would be cold by the time she was hungry. A club sandwich and a cup of fruit would have to do.
Waiting to board, she dialed the number to the hotel. When the operator answered, Katherine said, “Lincoln, I mean William Lincoln’s room, please.”
“Certainly, I’ll put you through.”
Confirming he was still a guest, Katherine ended the call before he answered. In eight hours she’d be face-to-face with the man she hadn’t seen since high school. Was he the same? Did he look better than when she last saw him? Would he find her equally or more attractive? Would her heart forgive him for abandoning them?
Settling into her seat, Katherine prayed Lincoln had more answers than she had questions.