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Adams, Richard
Adequate Income Act
Affiliated Computer Services (ACS)
affordable housing. See also public housing
African Americans
Black Lives Matter
and child welfare
and Civil Rights movement
and criminal justice system
and digital poorhouse
and eugenics
and exclusion
and housing
Movement for Black Lives
and poorhouses
and public relief
and scientific charity movement
and welfare
and Welfare rights movement
Aid to Dependent Children (ADC)
and “employable mother” rule
history of
See also Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
and eligibility rules
history of
and New York
and Nixon administration
and Reagan administration
replaced by Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
and welfare rights movement
Alexander, Carmen
Alexander, T.C.
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Children, Youth and Families (CYF)
Department of Human Services (DHS)
See also child welfare; predictive risk models
Allegheny Family Screening Tool (AFST)
Allen, Dorothy (pseudonym)
Almy, Frederic
Anderson, Jacqueline
Andree, Jamie
area under a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
Aron, Hillel
automated decision-making. See also decision-making
automated eligibility systems
Becker, Vaneta
Bell, Christal
Bellesiles, Michael
Bennett, Paula
Berlinger, George F.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill of Rights, economic and social
Birden, Michelle “Shelli”
Black, Edwin
black boxes, human beings as
Black Lives Matter
Bland, Sandra
Blasi, Gary
Boatwright, “Uncle” Gary
Boyle, Hal
Brace, Charles Loring
Bratton, William
Brennan, Cecilia
Brennan, William J., Jr.
Brown, Michael
Buck v. Bell
Buzelle, George
Cardwell, Glenn
Cardwell, John
caregiving and caregivers
of children
and gendered expectations
casework and caseworkers
and child welfare
and digital poorhouse
and eligibility rules
history of
and homelessness
and human bias
and hybrid eligibility system
and the New Deal
and predictive risk models
scientific casework
and scientific charity
and welfare reform
and welfare rights movement
cash benefits
Cermak, Joe
Charity Organization Society
Cherna, Marc
child abuse and neglect hotlines
and mandatory reporters
and nuisance calls
and racial disproportionality
and referral bias
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA, 1974)
child welfare
case of Byron Giffin
case of Shawntee Ford
child placement as proxy for maltreatment
ChildLine (hotline)
ChildLine Abuse Registry
community re-referral as proxy for maltreatment
General Protective Services (GPS)
and human bias
and mandated reporting
neglect vs. abuse
and race
and referral bias
and religion
risk factors for abuse
and scientific charity
See also Allegheny Family Screening Tool (AFST); child abuse and neglect hotlines; predictive risk models
civil rights
civil rights movement and activism. See also King, Martin Luther, Jr.; Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Civil Works Administration (CWA)
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Clinton, Bill
Cloward, Richard
Cohen, Stanley
Cohn, Cindy
COINTELPRO (the COunter INTELligence PROgram of the FBI)
confidentiality. See also privacy
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
coordinated entry system (CES)
correlation vs. causation
county farms. See poorhouses
county homes. See poorhouses
COWPI. See Indiana, Committee on Welfare Privatization Issues
creative economy
in Los Angeles
in Pennsylvania
and automated decision-making
and digital poorhouse
and homelessness
and poverty
and welfare reform
Crouch, Suzanne
Culhane, Dennis
Cullors, Patrisse
cultural denial
Cunningham, Mary
Dalton, Erin
Daniels, Mitch
Dare, Tim
analytics, regime of
and right to be forgotten
decision making
and big data
and inclusion
revolutionary change in
and scientific charity
tracking of
and transparency
Declaration of Independence
in Indiana
in South LA
Denton, Nancy A.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
digital decision-making. See automated decision making; predictive risk models
digital poorhouse
and class
and criminalization
and discrimination
dismantling the
and diversion from public resources
effects of
and equity
eternality of
and “fear of falling”
as hard to understand
intractability of
National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO)
novel aspects of
origins of
and politics
and prediction of future behavior
scalability of
and self-interest
and values
of caseworkers
in decision-making
and child welfare
and cultural denial
and digital poorhouse
and public assistance
and reverse redlining
and welfare reform
in neighborhoods
in social service programs
disproportionality in child welfare decisions
disruptive innovation
Dogon, General
Dreyer, David
driverless cars
drug and alcohol abuse
Drug and Alcohol Services
drug and alcohol treatment
drug testing
Du Bois, W.E.B.
due process
Dunham, Calvin B.
EBT. See electronic benefits transfer
economic depression
of 1819
of 1873
economic violence
Edin, Kathryn J.
Ehrenreich, Barbara
electronic benefits transfer (EBT)
Electronic Data Systems
eligibility rules
“employable mother” rules
“man in house” rules
“substitute father” rules
“suitable home” rules
“employable mother” rules. See also eligibility rules
equity as a national value
Errington, Sue
“failure to cooperate”
fair hearings
Family Assistance Program (FAP)
false negatives
false positives
“fear of falling”
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
Flaherty, David
food banks
food stamps. See also Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Ford, Ezell
Ford, Ira B.
Ford, Mabel
Ford, Shawntee
foster care
fraud detection
and algorithms
and Indiana
and universal basic income (UBI)
Freeland, Mary
Galton, Francis
Gambrill, Eileen
“gaming” the system
Gandy, Oscar
Gangadharan, Seeta Peña
Garcetti, Eric
Garza, Alicia
gentrification. See also urban renewal
Gilbert, Fred
Gilens, Martin
Gillespie, Sarah
Goldberg v. Kelly
Gordon, Pat
Gray, Freddie
Great Depression
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Great Recession of 2007
Gregory, Justin E.
Gresham, Jane Porter
Grzyb, Patrick
Gustafson, Kaaryn
Hankins, Tanya
harm reduction
Hawkins, Amanda Green
health care
and child neglect
and mental health
and passbook system
and poorhouses
as a right
and surveys
health-care fraud
health-care system
and employment
and Indiana
providers and employees
health insurance
and Indiana
start dates for
See also Medicaid
Higgins, Will
Hippocratic oath for technology and administration
Holden, Ollice
Holland, Gale
Holly, Chris
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
and criminalization of poverty
and encampments
Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care System (HOPICS)
Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)
Measure H (sales tax increase)
Measure HHH (Homelessness Reduction and Prevention, Housing and Facilities Bond)
“no wrong door” approach
and storage units
See also housing
Honkala, Cheri
Hoover, J. Edgar
American Housing Act (1949)
court cases
Fair Housing Act (1968)
Home for Good
Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA)
“housing readiness” model
National Housing Act (1934)
permanent supportive housing
single room occupancy
SRO Housing Corporation
Wagner Act
See also homelessness
housing first philosophy in homeless services
Hunt, Quanetha
Hurricane Katrina
hybrid eligibility systems
and apartheid
Indiana v. IBM
and child welfare
and digital poorhouse
and homelessness
mandatory sentencing
and modernization
and poverty
reentering communities after
inclusion as a national value
Committee on Welfare Privatization Issues (COWPI)
Concerned Hoosiers
eligibility modernization
Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA)
First Steps program
Generations Project
Greater Faith Missionary Baptist Church
Healthy Indiana Plan
Hoosier Healthwise
hybrid eligibility system
Indiana v. IBM
industry and manufacturing in
Stipes family
township system of
United Senior Action
Indiana Client Eligibility System (ICES)
Indiana Legal Services
Indiana v. IBM. See also IBM
integration, data systems
Irvine, Huston
Jim Crow era
Johnson, Lyndon
Jones, Melinda
Jones v. City of Los Angeles
Joseph, Deon
Judge, Rob
“Justice on Trial” (report)
Katz, Michael
Kennedy, Howard
Key Information and Demographics System (KIDS)
Kidwell, Lindsay
King, Christina
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
and Poor People’s Campaign
“Remaining Awake through a Great Revolution”
King v. Smith
Kittell, John
Ko, Chris
Kotz, Nick
Kuehl, Sheila
Kusmer, Ken
Lanane, Tim
Laughlin, Harry
Lavan v. City of Los Angeles
LePage, Paul
Lewis, Tracey McCants
Lewis, Veronica
liberty as a national value
Lopez, Hazel
Lopez, Steve
Los Angeles, California
Blue Book plan
Bunker Hill neighborhood
Cecil Hotel
Centropolis plan
Compton neighborhood
Downtown Women’s Center (DWC)
Elysian Park Heights plan
Gateways Apartments
homelessness statistics
Lamp Community
Little Tokyo neighborhood
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)
Pathways to Home (shelter)
population statistics
public housing
Safer City Initiative (SCI)
Silver Book plan
Skid Row
South Central LA
South LA
Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
Vernon neighborhood
Watts neighborhood
wealth gap
Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN)
Los Angeles County
coordinated entry system (CES)
Downtown Women’s Center (DWC)
Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
Housing Authority of City of Los Angeles (HACLA)
See also Los Angeles, California
Lynn, Mary
magical thinking
Main, Zach
“man in house” rules. See also eligibility rules
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
Massey, Douglas S.
McGairk, Dionna
McHugh, Patricia
McKenna, Natasha
McKnight, Gerald
and automation
and “failure to cooperate”
registry for
Select Joint Commission on Medicaid Oversight
mental health
and child welfare
and homelessness
and welfare reform
middle class. See professional middle class
midnight raids
Mills, Lawren
“mop-up” public assistance programs
Morris, Gilbert E.
Mounk, Yascha
Movement for Black Lives
Mulvey, Laurie
Murphy, Anne Waltermann
Murphy, Kim
Murphy, Mary
Musk, Elon
Nadasen, Premilla
National Alliance to End Homelessness
national values
National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). See also welfare rights movement
Nationwide Demonstration Project
Needell, Barbara
New Deal programs
New Poor People’s Campaign
New Voices Pittsburgh
New York State Board of Charities
New Zealand Ministry of Social Development (MSD)
Nilles, Ginny
Nixon, Richard
Noel, Bruce
O’Brien, J. C.
Occupy Wall Street
O’Neil, Cathy
Operation Talon
Orwell, George
outdoor relief
Panic of 1819
Panic of 1873
passbook system (South Africa)
pauper’s oath
paupers and pauperism. See also poverty
Peel, Mark
Pennsylvania. See Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Perdue v. Murphy
Perot, Ross
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA)
Pierce, Matt
Piven, Frances Fox
community policing
culture of
and child welfare
digital decision-making as replacement for
and economic borderlands
and homelessness
New Deal programs
punitive public policy
Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC)
cadaver dissection “Poorhouse Ring”
death rates in
and fraud and profiteering
as home of last resort
integration of
legacy of
and “pauper problem”
physical conditions of
poor farms
Rensselaer County House of Industry
See also digital poorhouse; poverty
Potts, Monica
as borderland
criminalization of
and cultural denial
denial of
“deserving” and “undeserving” poor
and Great Railroad Strike of 1877
as majority experience in America
over life course
and parenting
paupers and pauperism
political and media portrayals of
See also digital poorhouse; poorhouses
poverty profiling
predictive analytics
predictive risk models
and call screening
and constitutional rights
and human bias
and human vs. automated discretion
outcome variables
predictive variables
risk for everyone
validation data
See also Allegheny Family Screening Tool (AFST)
pre-empting politics
Priddy, Albert
prioritization in homeless services
and class
and eligibility rules
and homelessness
and King v. Smith
and welfare
See also confidentiality
professional middle class
and activism
backlash against welfare rights
and child welfare
and civil rights movement
and denial of poverty
and economic borderlands
and ethical distance from poverty
and “fear of falling”
and Great Depression
and homelessness
and housing
middle class backlash
and the New Deal
and scientific charity
and social movements
and welfare rights movement
public assistance. See welfare and public assistance
public housing. See also affordable housing
Putnam-Hornstein, Emily
Quincy, Josiah, III
Rank, Mark
rapid re-housing
rational discrimination
Reagan, Ronald
red flagging
reverse redlining
referral bias
Reich, Jennifer
Renteria, Richard
Richmond, Mary
Riecken, Gail
right to be forgotten
Rockefeller, Nelson
Roob, Mitch
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Gavin
Rysman, Molly
Saba, Mariella
safety net, social
sanctions, welfare
Sandusky, Jerry
Schemm, Jessie
Schillinger, Ruth
scientific charity
and child welfare
data clearinghouse
origins of
relief investigation
in housing
in public institutions
in trade unions
Shaefer, H. Luke
Shapiro v. Thompson
Shepherd, Angel
Simmons, Pamela
Simpson, Vi
Sizemore-Thompson, Tiffany
Skid Row (Los Angeles)
Skinner, Michael “Dan”
social media
Social Security Act of 1935
social security number
social sorting
South Central LA. See Los Angeles California
South LA. See Los Angeles, California
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
status crimes
sterilization, involuntary
Stewart, Jeff
Stipes family
Stuart, Forrest
Suess, Jacquelyn Bowie
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). See also food stamps
Talley, Monique
task-based case management system
Taylor, Linda
“technology poor”
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
Thomas, George
Tillmon, Johnnie
Tolley, Anne
Tometi, Opal
“Tough on Crime” laws
Trattner, Walter
triage system
Troy, New York
Trump, Donald
truth commissions
Tyler, Dennis
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
United Way
Universal Basic Income (UBI)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
urban renewal. See also gentrification
Vaithianathan, Rhema
Vietnam War
Villaraigosa, Antonio
Volponi, Catherine
Voluntary Community Assistance Network (V-CAN)
Vulnerability Index-Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT)
Wagner, David
Walters, Paul M.
Ware, Nathanial
Welch, Peggy
welfare and public assistance
benefits as personal property
and due process
eligibility modernization
eligibility rules for
and “mop-up” programs
and privatization
racial discrimination in
social insurance as distinct from public assistance
and voluntary resettlement plan
“welfare queen” stereotype
See also individual programs
welfare diversion
welfare rights movement
and Adequate Income Act
backlash against
Mothers for Adequate Welfare
National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO)
success of
West, Terry
White, Magner
white supremacy
Wilde, Dylan
Willis, Tom
Wilmot, William
Wong, Julia Carrie
Workflow Management System (WFMS)
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
World Courts of Women
World War II
Yates, John Van Ness
Yellow Pages test
Young, Omega
Zimmerman, Roger
Zuckerberg, Mark