Terri J. Haynes, a native Baltimorean, is a homeschool mom, writer, prolific knitter, freelance graphic artist, and former Army wife (left the Army, not the husband). She loves to read, so much that when she was in elementary school, she masterminded a plan to be locked in a public library armed with only a flashlight to read all the books and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. As she grew, her love for writing grew as she tried her hand at poetry, articles, speeches, and fiction. She is a storyteller at heart. Her passion is to draw readers into the story world she has created and to bring laughter and joy to their lives.
Terri is a 2010 American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis contest finalist, and a 2012 semifinalist. She is also a 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel quarterfinalist. Her publishing credits include A Cup of Comfort for Military Families, Crosswalk.com, The Secret Place devotional magazine, Urbanfaith.com, Vista Devotional, and Publishers Weekly.
Terri holds a bachelor’s degree in theology, a master’s degree in theological studies, and a certificate in creative writing and graphic design, meeting the minimal requirements for being a geek. She and her husband pastor a church where she serves as executive pastor and worship leader. Terri lives in Maryland with her three wonderful children and her husband, who often beg her not to kill off their favorite characters.
Website: www.terrijhaynes.com