
June 29, 1895

My dear brother,

I hope my letter finds you well. I have heard that your Stephen has had success in his employ as an educator. I have a position for him at the academy, should he be interested. Wickham Academy could use a straight and steady teacher like your son, and I believe he is ready for the opportunity.

I am getting on in years, and after Mr. Wickham’s passing, I find I am wanting to travel more while I still can. Please do not speak of it to Stephen, but if all goes well this year, he may find himself at the helm of Wickham’s. I need someone I can trust, and who better to trust than family?

If it is agreeable to you, I shall write to him and invite him to visit me in Northampton.

I do plan to see you at Christmastime, should the weather be pleasant enough to travel.

I remain your devoted sister,
Marjorie Wickham

Marjorie placed her pen on the desk and looked at the letter. There. It was done.

Her best teacher, Caroline Parker, would not be happy about the letter if she knew its contents.

But then, perhaps she might be happy for a different reason after Stephen Mason’s arrival in Northampton.

Time would tell.

Stephen had sown his wild oats and the grace of God had sheltered him from certain ruin, but Marjorie was certain the serious young man she had encountered last Christmas at her brother’s home would be an ideal addition to the staff at Wickham Academy.

Marjorie Wickham had a way of knowing things, and in this situation, she had a good hunch the upcoming school year would be an eventful one for all of them.