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Mallory’s place gave Livie serious house envy. Zach, her curmudgeon mate, had built it for Mallory based on her plans while they’d been separated. As far as grand gestures went, it was a big flashing neon sign. Jack’s design was the same. Huh. She hadn’t thought that when she’d first seen it, but hell, he’d put in a little yoga studio. That definitely wasn’t for him.
She’d ask him about it later, but for now she was there to chill with her friends and avoid men. Well, probably not Zach, though it didn’t look like he was around tonight, which was weird, because he and Mallory were usually attached at the hip. Livie hadn’t really expected him to honor the spirit of girls’ night. One of the guys had probably chained him to his desk or something.
Whatever. She followed the sound of women’s voices and a blender to the kitchen at the back of the house. The floor to ceiling glass panel doors were all open to the deck and Mallory handed her a tray of strawberry daiquiris and waved her out to the table. She set it down, grabbed a drink and a chair. After the week she’d had, she really needed it. Jack was making her crazy and dealing with the Elect’s problems wasn’t usually as nerve wracking.
“So what did you think of the Stones?” Esme asked a minute later, dipping a cheese stick in marinara sauce.
Livie knew Esme had received the report, but that was strictly facts, not anyone’s impressions.
“I think they’re solid. I hope they decide to join us.”
She agreed with Elias however, and seriously doubted they would. She filled them in on his theory that the Stones were planning on disappearing as soon as they had things in order. She’d dug into the family’s history when they’d returned that afternoon. They’d been ranching in central Florida for three generations. Meshach had two brothers who had five sons between them. The three senior Stones had been married for years, but so far only two of the younger generation had taken the leap. Elias should have told them about mating. It might have induced them to stick around. Their roots ran pretty damned deep after all, but she doubted it would sway them. There was a hell of a lot of land to vanish into out west and they already had the skills. Livie was pretty sure that was the plan.
“The hell with business,” Rose drawled. “I want to hear about Jack.”
She’d been waiting a week for this conversation. Jane and Rose had been good friends since Livie had joined the Elect. Mallory, Esme, and Jamie were new editions to their group, but they fit in well, except for the big glittering rocks on their fingers. At the moment, all of them were focused on her, but all she saw were those damned rings. She liked jewelry just as much as the next girl but it wasn’t about that. It was a physical, tangible symbol, and she didn’t have one, couldn’t decide if she wanted one.
“Must be good. She’s staring off into space,” Jane said.
“Ha ha. I was just thinking he didn’t put up much of a fight when I said I was hanging out with y’all tonight, no guys allowed.”
“Neither did Carter,” Jamie said thoughtfully. “Think we should crash their party?”
Sighing, she leaned back and sipped her drink. “Give ‘em a pass this time.”
“Someone want to fill me in?” Rose asked.
Livie told her about Toby Evans.
“Didn’t see that coming,” Mallory mused. “He seemed so by the book.”
Mallory had met the security chief during her recent undercover mission inside Stirling to rescue Jamie and the others. She’d almost been kidnapped by Stine in the aftermath. Until that little incident, Livie had been frustrated that she didn’t get to have any fun like everyone else. That kind of excitement she could live without.
“You think he’s playing us?” she asked.
Mallory thought about it for a second then shrugged. “No idea. I didn’t speak to him that much.”
Brax had decided at the briefing that they needed a complete dossier on Toby Evans before anyone approached him. She figured Jack went to work changing that directive as soon as she’d left. She’d bet her bank account he was on the way to meet Evans now. She’d considered following, but she had no idea where he’d gone and he’d probably get more information without her as a distraction.
“Soooo. What’s up with you and Jack?” Jane asked after a couple of moments of no one speaking.
Talking to her friends didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore. What could she say? He was smoking hot, awesome in bed, and she wanted to keep him? Even knowing his ability to stick around long term might be impaired? Like she could just sober him up and everything would be just fine. She couldn’t say that.
“It’s just sex. Really great sex.”
Rose pointed a bright red fingertip at her. “You’re gonna spontaneously combust for that lie.”
Instead of answering, she picked up a cheese stick and took a big bite.
“And she’s avoiding the question, quite well too,” Jane drawled.
“I thought there was a no men rule tonight.”
“I don’t see any,” Jane countered.
“Might as well be.”
“In that case, you might as well tell us everything,” Rose said.
Livie rolled her eyes. Obviously, her friends weren’t going to let it go. “The sex really is great.”
The mated women laughed, while Jane and Rose mimed throwing things at her.
“I can’t decide if I want all the dirty details or to pretend I didn’t hear that. I hardly remember the last I had sex.”
Mallory arched her eyebrows. “I’m sure Gabe would volunteer for whatever you want.”
Rose’s jaw dropped. “Oh hell, no. That is strictly a friend zone.”
“Better not tell him that.”
Everyone but Jamie groaned. She looked confused. “Wouldn’t it be better to tell him? So there’s no confusion where he stands?”
“Can’t do it,” Rose said. “It would just as likely backfire and make him decide we’re perfect for each other. Besides, Gabe flirts with all of us. There’s no serious intent behind it.”
“I’m not so sure about that.”
“I’m with Mallory on this one,” Livie agreed, glad to have the focus move off of her. “He doesn’t look at you like he’s just enjoying the banter. He’s got that Elect male gleam in his eyes.”
Rose covered her ears and shook her head. “Nope. Not listening to any more of this.”
“I still don’t see the issue. Why not just tell him you aren’t interested?” Jamie asked.
There were a lot of shaking heads in response to that.
“Because he might decide he is serious. He’d bargain for a date or three. I’d feel guilty for hurting his feelings, and let’s be honest, Gabe can be pretty damned persuasive, so I’d agree. And before you know it, he’s got me naked and in way over my head,” Rose said.
“You could skip all that boring stuff in the middle and just jump his bones,” Livie said.
“Is that what you did?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“So you aren’t worried about him committing long term anymore?”
That was much harder to answer. She sighed. “I’m still concerned, but I’ve decided to just let this play out. If he sticks around, great. If he doesn’t, I’ll deal with it.”
“He’s your mate. Trust me, they’re harder to get rid of than you think,” Mallory said dryly, and she would know.
“Jack isn’t Elect, though.”
Rose leaned forward and squeezed her hand. “Doesn’t matter, hon. His being human doesn’t change who he is to you. You know that.”
Yeah, she just wasn’t sure he really got it. Or maybe he did. She wasn’t sure which was scarier. Thankfully, Mallory and Esme started talking about the upcoming Labor Day barbeque and the potluck sign-up. Livie finished her daiquiri and let her mind wander, which inevitably led back to Jack. Scowling, she checked the time on her phone. She’d figured he’d head out with Faine or Mason to confront Evans, but they should’ve been back by now. She sent him a text.
Where are you?
When several minutes passed without a response, she began to worry. After another twenty, she started to get irritated. They might not be bonded, but she was pretty sure she’d sense if he was in danger or hurt. So what was the damned hold up? She was trying to figure out a way to bale early when she finally got a text back.
Meet you in ten.
Perfect excuse. “I’m going to find Jack. I want to know what Toby Evans had to say for himself.”
She stood, ignoring their teasing, and walked back to the main house, but she couldn’t ignore the anticipation building as she got closer. Yeah, she wanted to know what he learned, but she wanted to see him more. There was no point in fighting it. She was going to enjoy this affair as long as it lasted. Maybe she’d get lucky and that would turn out to be a very, very long time.