
No one lives or works in a vacuum. This book would not exist without the help of some very important people.

My first thanks go to God, who gave me what I needed to get this done. This book bumped right into my personal life in a manner that required me to get very creative in order to have it all done on time. I could never have done it on my own.

I owe more than I can ever repay to my husband Gene, who puts up with so much from me, sometimes the least of which is my desire to pursue this yarn-filled dream instead of settling down and getting a “real job” like the other grown-ups. Mr. Wonderful, you are truly a man among men, and I cannot ever give back to you what you’ve given to me. In all ways you’ve allowed me the freedom to be who I really am, sacrificing so that I could figure out who that is. I am so grateful to you, more than I can ever express.

I must also say a very special thank you to Kathy Elkins, Mary Kubasek-Haber, Kristen Gonsalves, Rue Shanti, Mary-Alice Baker, Clara Parkes, Tina Newton, Linda Roghaar, and Cat Bordhi. Your encouragement and assistance helped me through a couple of rough spots at times along this journey. On a few choice days, when for various reasons I didn’t think it would happen, you each gave me words that kept me going. Thank you!

Many thanks to Storey Publishing for giving me another opportunity to share my work with knitters around the world. Special thanks to Kathy Brock and Tamara Stone-Snyder; making sure my ideas work is not the easiest job in the world, and I always appreciate every challenge you offer me.

To my sample knitters and friends, many, many thanks. These women do more than knit socks. They offer exceptional feedback on technique and patterns, emotional support, and occasionally, crisis intervention, which often involves things like wine, Brie, chocolate, and people to share it with. They are always willing to sacrifice for the cause. Mary-Alice Baker, Gail Callahan, Dena Childs, Barb Giguere, Kristen Gonsalves, Mary Kubasek-Haber, Rue Shanti, Tamara Stone-Snyder, Katy Wight — thank you so very much. I said it before and shall say it again: This couldn’t happen without you. And once again, we party!