New York City
Subject: An invitation
Hey, Zoe,
I promised myself that if you didn’t answer my last email I would respect your silence. And for four days I have. Tonight there’s a send-off dinner for Alex at Red Cat, 8 p.m., so I’m trying you again.
Where is Alex going all of a sudden? The Black Sea. To paint a mural. It’s for Sergei, the guy who wants to hire me. Alex, being anti-self-celebrity, says he’s happy to skip town while his show is up at Medusa. The trip, like my job offer, is Juliette’s doing. With Alex away she can be sure he won’t sabotage his new reputation, which is all you need to know about Juliette. Well, you saw her at the opening—fawning over a Hollywood actor while ignoring us two, the nobodies. Or maybe I’m just jealous. Ethaniago, that’s me.
But Juliette is good at what she does, which is to make opportunities. So about my trip to Sagaponack. It’s a nice village. I could live there. The base of operations is a short walk to the beach. In theory the job looks great. But I don’t know.
See you tonight at Red Cat. I hope.
Subject: Red Cat update
The dinner has been pushed back to 8:30. See you there. No problem though if you can’t make it.
Subject: We’re here
In case you’re out there looking for us, we’re dining in the private room. Just tell the hostess you’re with the Giroux party. And don’t worry about arriving late—the festivities should be going on here for quite a while. I’d be texting you this if your old number worked. See you soon.
Subject: Fuckin RSVP please
So where you? farewell party over. Everybod gone but me. Wish you’d been here. Had a merry time after splling a Campari down Juliette’s blouse. Told Alex to fuckoff after three scotches at the bar. I’m up to numero six and bartender says go home. Fine. Need a clear head tmorrow to drive Alex to JFK. Juliette, strangle her, booked him on a Aeroflot to Kiev. Since dying always a good career move for n artist and with Aeroflots crashing one a week laetly, I raised a toast to Julie’s manager skills. That’s when I got bar exiled. No wait. It was after I called Sergei an oilagarch. Thought that was good since he’s a petrochemical squillionaire. Hung around here hoping you would show eventulaly so I could test it on you. Least you coulda told me yu wern’t come. What? NYU sundenly cut off your studnet email? Or u fall out a widow or somethig?
your X
remember me??
Subject: Last night’s email
I apologize for being a jerk. Obviously I need a Breathalyzer app that stops me from drunkmailing. Not that I get wasted often. If it’s any consolation my head feels the size of a pumpkin. What’s funnier though is that after I emailed you Sergei joined me at the bar to tell me I was all right. My new job is on.
Anyway, right now I’m pulled over on a JFK access road. I just dropped off Alex and am watching his plane take off. I don’t know why I’m doing this. What is this fear? Have I gone delusional? Tell me. Tell me anything because I’m worried as much about you as I am about Alex.
Zoe, if we ever meant anything to each other stop torturing me with your silence. I know you have your own problems and don’t need mine on top. But you know how I fixate on things. So just let me know you’re okay. With Alex gone, I’ve got nothing else to do but go over and over the reasons for your silence. If only I could shove my obsessions in a sack and drown them and be out of my misery. But I can’t. Damn it, Zoe, help me out a little here. Answer me.
Subject: Tonight
8 p.m. 169 E. Broadway.
Subject: RE: Tonight
I’ll be there.