AICRPE All India Coordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology
AMR antimicrobial resistance
ANI Ancient North Indian
ASI Ancestral South Indian
ASI Anthropological Survey of India
CAMP conservation assessment and management prioritization
CE common era
EIC English East India Company
FPIC free, prior informed consent
FRLHT Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions
IK indigenous knowledge
LEK local ecological knowledge
MPCAs medicinal plants conservation areas
NBR Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
NWFP non-wood forest produce
PURSE Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence
RALHT Rapid Assessment of Local Health Traditions
RBG Royal Botanic Gardens
RP reverse pharmacology
SGs sacred groves
TAMP Threat Assessment and Management planning
TBGRI Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute
TDR trans-disciplinary research
TEK traditional ecological knowledge
VOC Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie
ZOO Zoo Outreach Organization