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DAN GIFFORD AWOKE TO the beautiful sound of a woman’s voice in his ear. “Are you ready to play sweetheart?”
He must have had more to drink than he usually did while waiting for his companion. He could not recall how he ended up in this position. Now, he was tied to the hotel bed with his mouth gagged.
He always used a specific escort service in the past, but when he noticed an ad in the magazine for this particular service it piqued his interest. He decided to throw caution to the wind and tried something new. He hoped that they were as confidential as the lady who answered the phone promised. He couldn’t have his wife ever finding out about his out of town rendezvous. He worked as a salesman for a medical supply distributor out of Branson, Tennessee. Whenever the company sent him out of town, he liked to have a good time, especially when it was on the company’s dime.
His wife tried to come up with every excuse that she could to join him this time. Finally, his saving grace was that their son came down with the flu, forcing her to stay behind. He had feared he would have to curtail his extracurricular activities for a change.
The young escort straddled him, wearing a black leather bustier and matching panties. He thought to himself that she wouldn’t need those for long. He should have paid attention to how much he had to drink, because he may be into hiring playmates, but he was not into the games. She delicately stroked his inner thigh with the whip, which gave him an erection almost immediately. When she gently brushed it against his balls, the feeling became totally erotic. He may have to rethink the game theory, although he could do without the restraints. He liked to touch as well as be touched.
The gag in his mouth was tighter than he liked. He could barely get out a mumble.
She looked down at him with a wicked smile forming across her face, and her laugh sent a shiver down his spine. This game was not as fun as he originally believed. She had him tied securely to the bed and if something were to happen, no one would hear him scream.
The woman looked at him, “You, sir, should know better than to cheat on your wife. Does she know what you are up to while away from home?”
He had no desire to listen to an escort who had a complex about a married customer. She was the one getting paid for sex, and she had a problem with a married man? She needed to get her priorities straight. Now that she had him restrained, there was nothing he could do about it.
He watched her closely to see if she planned to take pictures to blackmail him, or worse, steal his wallet and leave him tied here for someone to find.
She eased herself off of him and moved to her purse. His heart began to pound fiercely when she pulled out the syringe. He tried to scream, but the gag muffled any sound he made.
‘Oh dear God, what did she plan to do with that?’ he thought to himself.
He tried to squirm away from her, but it was useless. The restraints keep him from going anywhere.
“Cher, I have you in my web. There is no escape. Do you know what I do to bad men? Men who can’t keep it in their pants?”
He shook his head, no.
“I punish them.”
Dan swallowed hard. What kind of mess had he gotten himself into now?
She walked over to him with a syringe in her hand. “They say the venom of the black widow spider is quite deadly. Well, we shall soon find out.”
She saw the panic in his eyes and let out a maniacal laugh, “Oh, don’t worry, cher. This is my own special venom. For you, I chose battery acid. It is a little more difficult to obtain than I originally thought, but I was finally successful. Now, I have no idea how painful it will actually be, but we shall soon find out.”
What happened next was rapid. Dan experienced a sudden excruciating pain in his neck. He felt the prick of the needle as she injected the acid right behind his ear. Suddenly, his whole body was on fire. The battery acid moved through his blood system, burning everything in its wake. Death did not come nearly as fast as he would have hoped.
She sat over him as he died. Her face would be the last image he saw as he died, not that of his wife or children. He never imagined pain could be this bad. It was excruciating.
A SOFT SIGH ESCAPED as her rage ebbed. With the rage relinquished, she found peace. Men were such deceptive creatures. They were so selfish, thinking of only their own needs. Hasn’t she learned her lesson yet? She would teach them not to lie to her. They need to learn the importance of the vows they made before God. Those vows must be kept; they were holy. Men should never stray from their wives; should never allow themselves to be tempted to stray. They must be punished when they do. She would be the one to carry out their punishment as she saw fit.
Clenching her fists, she looked down at the prey caught in her web. She had done a good job. They would have to look hard to find the needle mark, if they were even smart enough to suspect poisoning. She hid the marks well. Let them search for her bite. Her mama didn’t raise her girl to be no fool. Mais non, she was nobody’s fool.
When would she find a mature, reliable and responsible man? It seemed as if those qualities did not exist in any of the men she had met. Why must she attract these deceptive men? These men were dangerous, only interested in conquests and not caring about the consequences. They never worried about what their straying did to their wives and children.
Once her prey was dead, she began to pick up the tools of her trade. Moving quickly, she removed the gag from his mouth and then removed the fur lined handcuffs around his feet and wrists. Not only did the fur lining help hide the restraint marks, but it prevented the furniture from being damaged.
Several months ago, she had visited all the hotel rooms here in Stewart to check the layout of the rooms. She needed to be prepared for all situations. Not all hotels used headboards and footboards anymore. Unfortunately, very few of those hotels remained in existence. Thankfully, The Windsor still used the elegant beds. She had previously scoped out the security situation and located any cameras. It amazed her what information could be found out when offering a free blowjob to a hotel manager, security guard and so on.
She went into the bathroom to check her makeup and hair one more time before leaving. She had to make sure her disguise was perfect.