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CHLOE SAT ON HER BACK porch watching the wind blow through the trees. The sunset was breathtaking tonight. Bright orange hues and fiery reds flickered over the horizon as the blue sky faded into the night. Lightening bugs came out to play as the day came to an end.
The leaves on the pin oak and sycamore trees have begun to turn lovely shades of red and yellow. Some of the vegetation was still green, blending the colors beautifully. She loved this time of the year. Fall could be so gorgeous. The temperature was just starting to drop by a few degrees, but it was a welcome reprieve from the oppressive summer heat.
The peaceful night was welcome after all the chaos that had ensued around her lately. The murders were still on everyone’s tongues, everyone speculating as to whom could be doing this. Everyone seemed to be pointing the blame as to why the killer hasn’t been caught.
She breathed in the crisp fall air. It was such a respite from the undulating heat that plagued them every summer. A car door pierced the quiet of the night. She went back inside to see who was here. She opened the door to let Detective Landry inside. “I’m not disturbing you, am I? I thought you might enjoy some company.”
She kissed him, “You could never disturb me. I was sitting out back enjoying this lovely weather we are having for a change.”
“I thought about calling, but decided to surprise you instead. Besides, I missed you while you were gone.”
Chloe couldn’t help but notice that he was carrying in several bags of what looked to be groceries, “I love surprises, and I wasn’t gone long enough for you to miss me.” Trying to change the subject, “What’s in the bags?”
He let out a chuckle, “I thought about that big kitchen of yours going to waste, and brought over everything to cook supper.”
Chloe followed him into the kitchen, “If you want me to cook, I hope the city provides medical insurance for you.”
He laughed, “We have medical insurance, but you don’t have to worry. I’m cooking supper for you tonight.”
After he put the groceries down, he pulled her into his arms for a more passionate kiss. She asked, “Are you hungry?”
“More than you would ever know, but I plan on feeding you first.”
She peeked into the bags, “Did you bring anything for dessert?”
Kissing her one more time, “I already have my dessert planned out.”
Looking at him, she said, “We can always have dessert first, you know.”
“Mon Dieu woman, I came here to impress you with my cooking skills and that’s just what I am going to do.” He playfully swatted her away as he made himself at home in her kitchen. This place was a chef’s dream. He turned on the radio, and the local station was playing zydeco tonight.
Staying out of his way while he cooked, she sat at the bar and watched him. Her mouth was already watering at the delightful aromas that were so foreign to her kitchen.
“What’s on the menu tonight Chef Landry?”
“One of my specialties, Shrimp Carbonara with roasted red bell peppers and pancetta.”
Her mouth was salivating now, “Pasta is my weakness. I may be Cajun, but I love my pasta.”
He had even stopped by the local bakery and picked up a fresh loaf of French bread. The scent of homemade bread annihilated her senses. Chloe thought about how pleasant and homey this was. This was something she had always dreamed of, but never had. She could get used to him puttering around in her kitchen.
After having her heart ripped out, she found it difficult to picture anyone in a husband's role. She had always wondered if she would be able to open her heart up to a man once again.
After supper, they carried their coffee to the back porch to enjoy the cool night air. She looked over at Landry, “Supper was delicious. I’m going to have to work all that pasta off though.”
Kissing her deeply, “I think I can help you with that.”
The deep passionate kisses continued as Landry slowly unbuttoned her blouse and she let it drop to the ground. As he went to unfasten her bra, he looked deeply into her eyes and smiled. Her bra joined her blouse, as his gaze slowly lowered to her breasts.
Landry leaned down to fondle, kiss and suckle her breasts. Desire coursed through her veins, turning her insides to liquid fire. She wondered if it would be like this every time. Picking her up, he carried her off to the bedroom. He gently laid her on the bed and started to explore every inch of her body. He stopped at her nipples and gave them a gentle squeeze, sending electrical currents throughout her body. His tongue created havoc on her insides. His hand moved down her body, finding its way to her womanhood. As he continued to touch her, she spread her legs further apart for him. She was swollen and wet with desire. He moved his fingers in and out of her, nearly sending her over the edge. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take before she needed him inside of her.
He trailed wet, hot kisses down her body. She felt him lifting her lower body in the air, proceeding to kiss and tease her. As his hot tongue slipped inside her, she let out a soft moan. She didn’t know how much more of the sweet torment she could take. The deeper he thrust with his tongue, the more she arched against him. He used his thumb to massage her as she felt the orgasm shake her to the core.
Looking at Landry, she informed him, “It’s my turn now.”
Using her teeth, she pulled down his boxers. He had the tightest ass that she had ever seen. She took his engorged erection and teased him with her tongue in circular motions. When he slipped his finger inside of her, she lost rhythm for a moment. For every move she made with her tongue, he responded with his fingers. It was such a sweet torment. She moved up and down on him in a twisting motion and with a free hand she slowly massaged his balls. She heard a low moan escape him as he became more excited. She was on fire with need.
“If you don’t stop, I’m going to cum all over you.” He pulled her on top of him and helped glide himself into her, teasing her swollen nub as he did. She ground into him, taking him deeper inside of her. Wonderful sensations coursed through her body as she took each thrust deeper and deeper. She placed her hands on his chest and met each thrust with as much vigor as he gave her.
He had unleashed a passion inside of her that she never knew existed. All of a sudden, she was catapulted into a string of orgasms that took her breath away. Each orgasm was stronger and harder than the last. Landry became completely aroused by the tremors going on inside of her. She felt his powerful release and it brought on another powerful orgasm for her. She didn’t know if she had ever felt such a powerful explosion inside of her. It was completely mind blowing. By now they were both sated. They curled up and fell asleep in each other’s arms.