by Jerry Hicks
We’ve written this book to introduce you to Universal Laws and practical processes that will guide you clearly and precisely to the realization of your natural state of Well-Being. Your reading of this book will give you the unique and beneficial experience of hearing precise, powerful answers to questions that I’ve accumulated from a lifetime of asking. And your successful utilization of this joy-based philosophy of practical spirituality will also help you guide others to living whatever they would consider to be the perfect life.
Many have indicated to me that my questions, in many ways, have mirrored their own. And so, as you experience the clarity and brilliance of Abraham’s answers, not only will you likely begin to feel a true satisfaction that long-asked questions have been answered, but you’ll discover, as we (Esther and I) have, a renewed enthusiasm for your own life experience. And as you, from your fresh new outlook on life, begin to apply the practical processes that are offered here, you’ll discover that you can deliberately create for yourself anything that you want to do, be, or have.
It seems to me that my life, from as far back as I can remember, produced a stream of seemingly never-ending questions to which I wasn’t able to find satisfactory answers, for I had strongly wanted to discover a philosophy of life that was based on absolute truth. But once Abraham came into our experience—revealing to Esther and me their explanation of the powerful Laws of the Universe, coupled with effective processes that helped us to turn ideology and theory into practical results—I came to realize that the steady stream of books, teachers, and life experiences that I did encounter on my path were the perfect steps along the way to the discovery of Abraham.
I like thinking about the opportunity that you now have as you read this book to discover for yourself the value of what Abraham offers, because I know how these teachings have enhanced our life experience. I’m also aware that you would not now be holding this book in your hands if your life experience had not prepared you (as my life has prepared me) for receiving this information.
I feel an eagerness for you to dive into this book to discover the simple and powerful Laws and practical processes that Abraham offers so that you may begin to deliberately attract into your experience everything that you desire, and so that you may release anything from your experience that you don’t want.
A Steady Stream of Religious Groups
My parents weren’t religious people, so I don’t really understand why it was that I felt such a powerful compulsion to find a church and become involved in the tenets of its religion, but it was a powerful force within me as I was growing up. Maybe it was an attempt to fill the very real void that I felt deep inside, or maybe it was because so many others around me were demonstrating their religious fervor and their certainty that they had discovered truth.
During my first 14 years, I lived in 18 homes in six states, so I had the opportunity to evaluate a wide variety of philosophies. In any case, I systematically marched myself into church after church, each time hoping with all my heart that inside these doors I would find what I was looking for. But as I moved from one religious or philosophical group to another, my disappointment grew as they each exclaimed their rightness, at the same time declaring all of the others wrong. And in this environment, with my heart sinking again and again, I knew that I hadn’t found the answers I was looking for. (It was only after discovering the teachings of Abraham that I’ve been able to come to understand, and to no longer feel negative emotion about, those apparent philosophical contradictions.) And so, my search for answers continued.
A Ouija Board Spells the Alphabet
Even though I’d never had any personal experience with a Ouija board, I did, nevertheless, have strong negative opinions about it. I believed that it was, at best, only a game, and at worst, an absolute hoax. So in 1959 when friends in Spokane, Washington, presented me with the idea of playing with the board, I immediately dismissed it as ridiculous. But as my friends persisted, and subsequently presented me with my first actual experience with it, I saw for myself that a real phenomenon was occurring.
Therefore, since I was still searching for answers to my lifelong list of questions, I asked the board, “How can I become truly good?” At first, and with dramatic speed, it spelled the alphabet, and then the planchette pointed to R-E-A-D.
“Read what?” I asked. It spelled B-O-O-K-S. And then when I asked, “What books?” it spelled (again with that first dramatic speed): A N Y A N D A L L B Y A L B E R T S C H W E I T Z E R. My friends had not heard of Albert Schweitzer, and while I knew very little about him, my curiosity was piqued, to say the least, and I decided to do some research to find out about this man who had just come into my conscious awareness in this truly extraordinary way.
In the first library I could find, I discovered a very large selection of books written by Albert Schweitzer, and I systematically read them all. And while I cannot say that I discovered any specific answers to my long list of questions, Schweitzer’s book The Quest of the Historical Jesus especially opened my mind to the awareness that there are many more ways of looking at things than I had been willing to consider.
My enthusiasm for what I had hoped was to be a window into powerful enlightenment and answers to all of my questions was eventually dashed as I found neither powerful enlightenment from the Ouija board nor answers to all of my questions, but it had certainly awakened within me the realization that there was an avenue of intelligent communication available that I had never believed was possible before I had experienced it myself.
The Ouija board wouldn’t work for me at all when I used it on my own, but I tried it on hundreds of people in my travels as an entertainer, and I found three people who had success with it. With some friends in Portland, Oregon (whom the board did work for), we “talked” for hundreds of hours with what we thought to be Non-Physical Beings. What an entertaining parade of pirates, priests, politicians, and rabbis conversed with us! It was much like the kind of fascinating conversations you might engage in at parties, with individuals offering a wide variety of agendas, attitudes, and intellects.
I have to say that I learned nothing of value from that board that I could use in my own life—or that I wanted to teach anybody else—so one day I just threw it away, and that was the end of that stage of my interest or activity with the Ouija board. However, this remarkable experience—especially with the Intelligence that encouraged my reading of books—not only awakened within me an understanding that there is much more “out there” than I currently understood, but it provoked within me an even more powerful desire to find answers. I came to believe that it was possible to tap into an Intelligence that had practical answers to questions about how the Universe works, why we are all here, how we can live more joyous lives, and how we can fulfill our reasons for being here.
Think and Grow Rich
Perhaps the first experience of actually finding practical answers to my growing list of questions came to me in the discovery of a fascinating book while I was doing concerts in a series of colleges and universities in 1965. The book was lying on a coffee table in the lobby of a small motel somewhere in Montana, and I remember a contradiction formulating within me as I held it and looked at the words on the front cover: Think and Grow Rich! by Napoleon Hill.
This title was off-putting to me, for I, like so many others, had been taught to shore up my negative impression of rich people as justification for my own lack of easily acquired resources. There was something undeniably compelling about this book, though, and after I’d gotten only about 12 pages into it, the hair was standing up all over my body, and thrill bumps were rippling up and down my spine.
We’ve now come to understand that these physical, visceral sensations are confirming evidence that we’re currently on the path to something of extreme value, but even then I felt that this book awakened within me the knowledge that my thoughts are important, and that my life experience somehow reflects the contents of my thoughts. The book was compelling and interesting, and it inspired a desire within me to attempt to follow the suggestions that were offered—and I did.
Utilizing the teachings worked so well for me, in fact, that in a very brief amount of time I was able to build a multinational business, giving me the opportunity to touch the lives of thousands of people in a meaningful way. I even began teaching the principles that I was learning. But although I had personally received incredible value from Napoleon Hill’s life-changing book, many of the lives of those I was teaching weren’t as dramatically improved as mine had been no matter how many courses they took, so my search for more specific answers continued.
Seth Speaks about Creating Your Reality
While my lifelong quest to discover meaningful answers to my questions still persisted, and my desire to find a way to help others more effectively achieve their goals loomed larger than ever before, I was temporarily distracted from all of that by the new life that Esther and I were making together in Phoenix, Arizona. We were married in 1980 after knowing each other for a few years, and we found ourselves to be inexplicably compatible. We were experiencing joy, day after wonderful day, exploring our new city, making our new home, and discovering our new life together. And while Esther didn’t exactly share my thirst for knowledge or my hunger for answers, she was eager about life, always happy, and very nice to be with.
One day while passing time in a library, I spotted a book entitled Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts, and it seemed that before I could extract the book from the shelf, I felt my hairs standing on end again, and my body was again covered in thrill bumps. I leafed through the pages of this book, wondering what it could possibly contain that could be responsible for my emotional response.
During the time that Esther and I had been together, I had discovered only one point of contention between us: She didn’t want to hear about my Ouija-board experiences. Whenever I would launch into (what I considered to be) an extremely entertaining account, Esther would leave the room. She’d been taught during her childhood to have tremendous fear of anything that wasn’t physical, and since I didn’t want to disturb her, I stopped telling those stories, at least while she was around. And so, it wasn’t really a surprise to me that Esther didn’t want to hear about the book Seth Speaks either… .
Author Jane Roberts would go into a sort of trance and allow Seth, a Non-Physical personality, to speak through her in order to dictate the series of highly influential Seth books. I found the works to be stimulating and fascinating, and I began to see an avenue to some of the answers to my long list of questions. But Esther was frightened by the book. Her discomfort surfaced immediately upon hearing of the manner in which the book had been written, and was powerfully compounded when she viewed the strange-looking picture on the back of the book of Jane, in trance, speaking for Seth.
“You can read the book if you want to,” Esther told me, “but please don’t bring it into our bedroom.”
I’ve always believed in judging the tree by its fruits, so everything that I consider, I do from the standpoint of how I feel about it… and there was so much of the Seth material that just felt right to me. So it didn’t make any difference to me where it came from or how it was presented. In essence, I felt that I had found valuable information that I could use—and that I could pass on to other people whom I believed could use it. I was excited!
by Esther Hicks
I thought it was both very wise and very kind of Jerry not to push the Seth books at me, because I really did feel a strong aversion to them. The whole idea of a person being in contact with a Non-Physical Being made me extremely uncomfortable, so, since Jerry didn’t want to disturb me, he would get up early in the morning, and while I was still sleeping, he’d read those books to himself. Gradually, when he’d find something that was particularly interesting to him, he would gently slip it into the conversation, and in my less resistant state, I could often hear the value of the idea. Bit by bit, Jerry introduced another concept and another, until I began to feel true interest in those amazing works. Eventually, it became our morning ritual. We would sit together, and Jerry would read to me from the Seth books.
My fears weren’t grounded in any negative personal experience, but from hearsay that I’d picked up, probably from others who had also picked it up from hearsay. Looking back, it now seems utterly illogical that I had those fears. In any event, I experienced a real change in attitude once I realized that as far as my personal experience was concerned … it all felt good.
As time passed, and as my fear of Jane’s process in the receiving of the information from Seth subsided, I began to feel immense appreciation for these wonderful books. In fact, we were so happily involved in what we were reading that we thought we would take a trip to New York to meet Jane and her husband, Robert—and even Seth! How far I had come, in that now I actually wanted to meet this Non-Physical Being. But the authors’ phone number was unpublished, so we didn’t know exactly what to do next to accomplish this meeting.
One day we were eating lunch in a little café next to a bookstore in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Jerry was leafing through a new book he’d just purchased, when a stranger who was sitting nearby asked us, “Have you read any of the Seth books?”
We could hardly believe what we were hearing, because we hadn’t told a single person that we were reading those books. Then the man asked, “Did you know that Jane Roberts is dead?”
I remember my eyes filling with tears as the impact of these words washed over me. It was as if someone had told me my sister was dead and I hadn’t known about it. It was shocking. We felt such disappointment, as we realized that now there would be no possible way for us to meet Jane and Rob … or Seth.
Sheila “Channels” Theo
Within a day or so of our hearing about Jane’s death, our friends and business associates, Nancy and her husband, Wes, met us for dinner. “We have a tape we want you to hear,” Nancy said, pushing a cassette into my hand. Our friends’ behavior seemed awkward to me; there was just something odd about it. In fact, I felt the same feeling coming from them that I’d felt from Jerry upon his discovery of the Seth books. It was as if they had a secret that they wanted to share but were worried about how we’d respond once it was shared.
“What is it?” we asked.
“It’s channeled,” Nancy whispered.
I don’t believe that either Jerry or I had ever heard the word channeled offered in that context. “What do you mean, ‘channeled’?” I asked.
As Nancy and Wes offered their brief and somewhat disjointed explanation, both Jerry and I realized that they were describing the same process by which the Seth books had been written. “Her name is Sheila,” they continued, “and she speaks for an entity named Theo. She’s coming to Phoenix, and you can make an appointment to talk with her if you want to.”
We decided to make an appointment, and I can still remember how excited we were. We met in a beautiful (Frank Lloyd Wright-designed) home in Phoenix. It was broad daylight, and to my relief, nothing even remotely spooky happened. Everything was very comfortable and pleasant. As we sat and “visited” with Theo (well, I should say, as Jerry visited with Theo—I don’t think I said a word during that meeting), I was absolutely amazed!
Jerry had a notebook full of questions, ones he said he’d saved up since he was six years old. He was so excited, asking question after question, sometimes interrupting in the middle of an answer so that he could get one more question in before our time was up. The half hour passed so quickly, and we felt wonderful!
“Can we come back tomorrow?” I asked, because now I was developing a list of questions that I wanted to ask Theo.
Should I Meditate?
When we went back the next day, I asked Theo (through Sheila) what we could do to move faster toward our goals. Theo said: Affirmations, and then gave me a wonderful one: I, Esther Hicks, see and draw to me, through Divine Love, those Beings who seek enlightenment through my process. The sharing will elevate us both, now.
Jerry and I knew about affirmations; we were already using them. And then I asked, “What else?” Theo replied: Meditate. Well, I didn’t personally know anybody who was meditating, but the whole idea of it just felt strange to me. It wasn’t something that I could see myself doing. Jerry said he associated it with people seeing how bad their lives could become—how much pain or poverty they could take—and still exist. In my mind, meditation belonged in the same weird category as walking on hot coals or lying on beds of nails or standing on one foot all day, holding your hand out asking for a donation.
But then I asked Theo, “Well, what do you mean by ‘meditate’?”
Theo responded, For 15 minutes each day, sit in a quiet room, wear comfortable clothing, and focus on your breathing. And as your mind wanders, and it will, just release the thought and focus back on your breathing. I thought, Well, that doesn’t sound so weird.
I asked if I should bring our 14-year-old daughter, Tracy, to meet Theo, and the response was: If it is her asking, but it is not necessary—for you, too, are channels. I remember how implausible it seemed that something as strange as being a channel—or as significant as being one—could have not been known by us before now. And then the tape recorder clicked off, indicating that, once again, our time was up.
I couldn’t believe how fast the time had passed. And so, as I looked down at my list of still-unanswered questions, Stevie, the friend of Sheila’s who was operating the tape recorder and taking notes during our conversation with Theo, perhaps noticed my mild frustration, because she asked, “Do you have one last question? Would you like to know the name of your spiritual guide?”
That was not a question that would have occurred to me, because I had never heard the term spiritual guide. But I liked the sound of such a thing, so I said, “Yes, who is my spiritual guide?”
Theo said: We are told it will be given to you directly. You will have a clairaudient experience, and you will know.
We left that beautiful house that day feeling better than we ever remembered. Theo had encouraged us to meditate together. Because you are compatible, it will be more powerful. And so, following Theo’s suggestions, we went directly home, put on our bathrobes (our most comfortable clothing), closed the drapes in the living room, and sat with the intention of meditating (whatever that meant). I remember thinking, I’m going to meditate every day for 15 minutes, and I’m going to find out the name of my spiritual guide. It felt odd for Jerry and me to be doing this strange thing together, so we sat in large wingback chairs with an étagère between us so we couldn’t see each other.
Something Began “Breathing” Me
Theo’s instructions on the process of meditation had been very brief: For 15 minutes each day, sit in a quiet room, wear comfortable clothing, and focus on your breathing. And as your mind wanders, and it will, just release the thought and focus back on your breathing.
So we set a timer for 15 minutes, and I settled back into my large comfortable chair and focused on my breathing. I began counting my breaths, in and out. Almost immediately I began to feel a sort of numbness come over me. It was an extremely pleasant sensation. I liked it.
The timer sounded its alarm and startled me. As I regained my awareness of Jerry and the room, I exclaimed, “Let’s do it again!” We set the timer for another 15 minutes, and again I felt that wonderful feeling of detachment, or numbness. This time I couldn’t feel the chair beneath me. It was as if I were suspended there in the room and nothing else was there.
So we set the timer for another 15 minutes, and again I settled into this new delicious feeling of detachment—and then I felt the incredible sensation of being “breathed.” It was as if something powerful and loving was breathing the air into my lungs and then drawing the air back out again. I realize now that this was my first powerful contact with Abraham, but at that time, all I knew was that something more loving than anything I’d ever experienced before was flowing throughout my entire body. Jerry said that as he heard the difference in the sound of my breathing, he had looked around the étagère at me, and it appeared to him that I was in a state of ecstasy.
When the timer sounded and I began to regain my conscious awareness of my surroundings, there was the feeling of an Energy moving through me unlike anything that I’d ever felt before. It was the most extraordinary experience of my lifetime, and my teeth buzzed (not chattered) for several minutes.
What an amazing sequence of events had led to this still rather unbelievable meeting with Abraham: Irrational fears that I had carried with me my entire life, which had no actual basis in my own life experience, had been released, and were replaced with a most loving and personal encounter with Source Energy. I’d never read anything that had given me any real understanding of what or who God was, but I knew that what I had experienced must surely be just that.
My Nose Spells the Alphabet
Because of the powerful and emotional experience of our very first attempt, we made a decision to set aside 15 or 20 minutes every day to meditate. And so, for approximately nine months, Jerry and I sat in our wingback chairs, silently breathing and feeling Well-Being. And then, right before Thanksgiving of 1985, during a period of meditation, I experienced something new: My head began moving very gently. It was a very pleasant sensation, in my state of detachment, to feel the sensation of that subtle movement. It was almost a feeling of flying.
I didn’t really think anything of it, except that I knew I wasn’t doing it and that it was an extremely pleasant experience. My head moved like that for two or three days whenever we were meditating, and on the third day or so, I realized that my head wasn’t just meaninglessly moving around—I was actually spelling letters with my nose as if it were writing on a chalkboard. I exclaimed in amazement, “Jerry, I’m spelling the alphabet with my nose!”
With the conscious realization that something remarkable was happening, and that someone was offering communication to me, intense waves of thrill bumps began moving all through my body. Never before that moment or since have I experienced the intensity of such wonderfully thrilling sensations rippling through my body. And then they spelled: I am Abraham. I am your spiritual guide. I love you. I am here to work with you.
Jerry got his notebook and began recording everything that I was awkwardly translating with my nose. Letter by letter, Abraham began answering Jerry’s questions, sometimes for hours at a time. We were so excited to have made contact with Abraham in this way!
Abraham Begins to Type the Alphabet
It was a somewhat slow and awkward means of communication, but Jerry was getting answers to his questions, and the experience was absolutely exhilarating for both of us. So, for about two months, Jerry asked questions, Abraham answered by spelling out words by guiding the movements of my nose, and Jerry wrote everything down. Then one night we were lying in bed, and my hand began to softly thump on Jerry’s chest. It surprised me, and I explained to him, “That’s not me. It must be them.” And then I felt a strong impulse to type.
I went to my typewriter and held my hands over the keyboard, and in the same way that my head had been involuntarily moving to spell out the letters in the air with my nose, my hands began to move across the keyboard of my typewriter. They were moving so rapidly and with such power that it was somewhat alarming to Jerry. He stood by ready to grab my hands if necessary because he didn’t want my fingers to be hurt. He said they were moving so fast that he could barely see them. But there was nothing to be alarmed about.
My fingers touched every key, many, many times, before they began spelling the letters of the alphabet, and then they proceeded to write nearly a page of: i w a n t o t y p e i w a n t t o t y p e i w a n t t o t y p e, with no capitalization and no spaces between the words. Then my fingers began typing a message, slowly and methodically, asking that I go to the typewriter every day for 15 minutes. And so that’s the way we communicated for the next two months.
The Typist Becomes the Speaker
One day we were driving on the freeway in our small Cadillac Seville, and on either side of us was a large 18-wheeler truck and trailer. This section of the freeway didn’t seem to be banked properly, and as all three of us began making this sweeping turn at the same time, both trucks seemed to be crossing over into our lane. It appeared to us that we were about to be crushed by these large vehicles. In the midst of that intensity of emotion, Abraham began to speak. I felt my jaw tighten (not so different from the sensation of yawning), and then my mouth began to involuntarily form these words: Take the next exit. And we did. We sat by that underpass, and Jerry talked to Abraham for many hours that day. It was very exciting!
Although I grew more comfortable every day as the process of my translation of Abraham evolved, I asked Jerry if we could just let this be our secret, because I was afraid of how others might respond if they found out what was happening to me. In time, however, a handful of close friends began gathering to dialogue with Abraham, and it was about a year later that we decided to open these teachings to the public, as we are still continuing to do.
The evolution of my experience in translating the vibration of Abraham continues every day. Every seminar leaves Jerry and me feeling amazement at their (Abraham’s) clarity, wisdom, and love.
One day I laughed so hard at this realization: “I was so afraid of the idea of the Ouija board, and now I am one.”
The Delicious Abraham Experiences Evolve
We’re never able to find adequate words to express what we feel for this work with Abraham. Jerry seems to have always known what he wanted most, and he’d found ways to achieve much of it before meeting Abraham. But what he has said is that Abraham has brought to his understanding an awareness of our purpose here, and an absolute clarity of how we’re getting or not getting, and with that, the knowledge that we have complete control. There are no bad “breaks,” no “unlucky” days, and no need to move with the tides that have been moved by someone else. Also, we are free … we are the absolute creators of our experience—and we love it!
Abraham has explained that my husband and I were a perfect combination for presenting these teachings because Jerry’s powerful desire to find answers to his questions summoned Abraham to us, and I was able to quiet my mind and release resistance in order to allow the answers to come forth.
It takes very little time for me to allow Abraham to begin speaking through me. From my point of view, I just set forth the intention: Abraham, I want to clearly speak your words, and then I focus on my breathing. Within a few seconds, I can feel the clarity, love, and power of Abraham rising within me, and then off we go… .
by Jerry Hicks
So, this adventure with Abraham, through Esther, continues to excite me, for I’ve discovered an unending resource for answers to the seemingly unending questions that my own life experience continues to give birth to.
For the first several months after meeting Abraham, Esther and I set aside time in every day to talk with Abraham as I began making my way through my evolving list of questions. In time, as Esther relaxed more into the idea of being someone who could quiet her mind and allow this Infinite Intelligence to flow through her, we began to gradually widen the circle of friends and associates who would gather to discuss the details of their lives with Abraham.
It was very early in our experience when I presented Abraham with my list of burning questions. It’s my hope that their answers to my early questions may also be satisfying to you. Of course, since that defining moment of plying Abraham with my questions, we’ve met thousands of people who have taken these questions even deeper, and who have added their own important questions to the list, to which Abraham has offered their love and brilliance. But here’s where I began with Abraham.
(I have no real way of understanding how it is that Esther is able to allow Abraham to speak through her. From my point of view, Esther closes her eyes and breathes a few very deep, soft breaths. Her head gently nods for a few moments, and then her eyes open and Abraham addresses me directly, as follows.)
We (Abraham) Describe Ourselves as Teachers
Abraham: Good morning! It is nice to have an opportunity to visit. We extend our appreciation to Esther for allowing this communication, and to you for soliciting it. We have been considering the immense value of this interaction, as it will provide an introduction of that which we are to our physical friends. But even more than a mere introduction of Abraham to your physical world, this book will provide an introduction of the role of the Non-Physical in your physical world, for these worlds are inextricably tied together, you know. There is no way of separating one from the other.
Also, in the writing of this book, we are all fulfilling an agreement that we set forth long before you came into your physical bodies. We, Abraham, agreed that we would remain here focused in the broader, clearer, and therefore more powerful Non-Physical perspective, while you, Jerry and Esther, agreed to go forth into your magnificent physical bodies and into the Leading Edge of thought and creation. And once your life experiences had stimulated within you clear and powerful desire, it was our agreement to rendezvous for the purpose of powerful co-creation.
Jerry, we are eager to answer your long list of questions (so deliberately prepared and honed from the contrast of your life experience), for there is much that we want to convey to our physical friends. We want you to understand the magnificence of your Being, and we want you to understand who-you-really-are and why you have come forth into this physical dimension.
It is always an interesting experience to explain to our physical friends those things that are of a Non-Physical nature, because everything that we offer to you must then be translated through the lens of your physical world. In other words, Esther receives our thoughts, like radio signals, at an unconscious level of her Being, and then translates them into physical words and concepts. It is a perfect blending of the physical and Non-Physical that is occurring here.
As we are able to help you understand the existence of the Non-Physical realm from which we are speaking, we will thereby assist you in understanding more clearly who-you-are. For you are, indeed, an extension of that which we are.
There are many of us here, and we are gathered together because of our current matching intentions and desires. In your physical environment, we are called Abraham, and we are known as Teachers, meaning those who are currently broader in understanding, who may lead others to that broader understanding. We know that words do not teach, that only life experience teaches, but the combination of life experience coupled with words that define and explain can enhance the experience of learning—and it is in that spirit that we offer these words.
There are Universal Laws that affect everything in the Universe—everything that is Non-Physical and everything that is physical. These Laws are absolute, they are Eternal, and they are omnipresent (or everywhere). When you have a conscious awareness of these Laws, and a working understanding of them, your life experience is tremendously enhanced. In fact, only when you have a conscious working knowledge of these Laws are you able to be the Deliberate Creator of your own life experience.
You Have an Inner Being
While you certainly are the physical Being that you see here in your physical setting, you are much more than that which you see with your physical eyes. You are actually an extension of Non-Physical Source Energy. In other words, that broader, older, wiser Non-Physical you is now also focused into the physical Being that you know as you. We refer to the Non-Physical part of you as your Inner Being.
Physical Beings often think of themselves as either dead or alive, and in that line of thinking they sometimes acknowledge that they existed in the Non-Physical realm before coming forth into their physical body, and that, following their physical death, they will return to that Non-Physical realm. But few people actually understand that the Non-Physical part of them remains currently, powerfully, and predominantly focused in the Non-Physical realm while a part of that perspective flows into this physical perspective and their now physical body.
An understanding of both of these perspectives and their relationship to each other is essential for a true understanding of who-you-are and of how to understand what you have intended as you came forth into this physical body. Some call that Non-Physical part the “Higher Self” or “Soul.” It matters not what you call it, but it is of great value for you to acknowledge that your Inner Being exists, for only when you consciously understand the relationship between you and your Inner Being do you have true guidance.
We Do Not Want to Alter Your Beliefs
We come forth not to alter your beliefs, but to reacquaint you with the Eternal Laws of the Universe so that you may intentionally be the creator that you have come forth to be, for there is not another who attracts into your experience that which you are getting—you are doing it all.
We come forth not to get you to believe anything, for there is nothing that you believe that we do not want you to believe. And as we are viewing this wondrous physical Earth plane, we see great diversity in that which you believe—and in all of that diversity, there is perfect balance.
We will present these Universal Laws to you in a simple format. And we will also offer practical processes whereby you may deliberately access the Laws for the achievement of whatever is important to you. And although we know that you will revel in the creative control that you will discover over your own life experience, we know that the greatest value of all will be the freedom that you will discover as you learn to apply the Art of Allowing.
Since the larger part of you already knows all of this, we see our work as reminding you of what, at some level, you already know. It is our expectation that as you read these words, if it is your desire you will be guided step-by-step to an Awakening—to a recognition of the Total You.
You Are Valuable to All-That-Is
It is our desire that you return to the understanding of the immense value that you are to All-That-Is, for you are truly on the Leading Edge of thought, adding unto the Universe with your every thought, word, and deed. You are not inferior Beings here trying to catch up, but instead, Leading-Edge creators with all of the resources of the Universe at your disposal.
We want you to know your value, for in the absence of that understanding, you do not attract the legacy that truly belongs to you. In your lack of self-appreciation, you deny yourself your natural inheritance of continuous joy. And while the Universe still benefits from everything that you experience, it is our desire that you begin to reap the fruits of your labor here and now, also.
It is our absolute knowing that you will find the keys that will lead you to the life experience that you intended even before you emerged into this body. We will assist you in fulfilling your life’s purpose, and we know that this is important to you, for we hear you ask: Why am I here? What can I do to make my life better? How do I know what is right? And we are here to answer all of that in detail.
We are ready for your questions.
Jerry: What I would like, Abraham, is an introductory book, written especially for those people who want to have conscious control over their own life experiences. I would like for there to be enough information and guidance in this one book so that each reader could begin immediately using these ideas, and therefore immediately experience an increase in their state of happiness, or their state of Well-Being … understanding that they will probably want further clarification on some specific points later on.
Abraham: Everyone will begin from right where they are, and it is our expectation that those who are seeking will find the answers they are looking for here in this book. None of us can offer everything that we know, or want to convey, at any one point in time. And so, we will offer a clear basis of understanding the Laws of the Universe here, knowing that some will be interested in going beyond what is written, and some will not. Our work is continually evolving through the questions that are being asked as a result of the stimulation of what has been discussed before. There is no end to the evolution of that which we all are.
The Universal Laws: Defined
There are three Eternal Universal Laws that we want to assist you in understanding more clearly so that you may apply them intentionally, effectively, and satisfactorily through your physical expression of life. The Law of Attraction is the first of the Laws that we will offer, for if you do not understand, and are not able to effectively apply, the Law of Attraction, then the second Law, the Science of Deliberate Creation, and the third, the Art of Allowing, cannot be utilized. You must first understand and effectively utilize the first Law in order to understand and utilize the second. And you must be able to understand and utilize the second Law before you will be able to understand and utilize the third.
The first Law, the Law of Attraction, says: That which is like unto itself, is drawn. While this may seem like a rather simple statement, it defines the most powerful Law in the Universe—a Law that affects all things at all times. Nothing exists that is unaffected by this powerful Law.
The second Law, the Science of Deliberate Creation, says: That which I give thought to and that which I believe or expect—is. In short, you get what you are thinking about, whether you want it or not. A deliberate application of thought is really what the Science of Deliberate Creation is about, for if you do not understand these Laws, and deliberately apply them, then you may very well be creating by default.
The third Law, the Art of Allowing, says: I am that which I am, and I am willing to allow all others to be that which they are. When you are willing to allow others to be as they are, even in their not allowing of you, then you will be an Allower, but it is not likely that you will reach that point until you first come to understand how it is you get what you get.
Only when you understand that another cannot be a part of your experience unless you invite them in through your thoughts (or through your attention to them), and that circumstances cannot be a part of your experience unless you invite them to you through your thought (or through your observation of them), will you be the Allower that you wanted to be when you came forth into this expression of life.
An understanding of these three powerful Universal Laws, and a deliberate application of them, will lead you to the joyous freedom of being able to create your own life experience exactly as you want it to be. Once you understand that all people, circumstances, and events are invited into your experience by you, through your thought, you will begin to live your life as you intended when you made the decision to come forth into this physical body. And so, an understanding of the powerful Law of Attraction, coupled with an intention to Deliberately Create your own life experience, will ultimately lead you to the unparalleled freedom that can only come from a complete understanding and application of the Art of Allowing.