
So many kind & generous people…

Writing is a solitary pursuit, but getting a book published is a mega team effort, which includes you!

First up - team Aria you rock. To my awesome editor, Lucy Gilmour, it’s a pure delight working with you. Thanks go to copy editor Claire Rushbrook, for tightening everything up. And to Sue Lamprell, for being the final set of eyes to make sure everything sparkled! And a shout out to Melanie Price, social media guru, for the behind the scenes work she does supporting everyone.

My lovely agent, Sara Keane, and Aria’s Sarah Ritherdon get a special mention as they were instrumental in turning me into an Aria author – for which I’m very, very grateful!

There are some wonderful reviewers and readers who have been there for me every step of the way since I began writing. Forgive me if I miss anyone out (I’ll catch you next time, promise) and in no particular order as I love you all:

Shona, Noemie, Debbie, Anniek, Suze, Nikki, Nicky, Charlotte, Jo, Susan, AJ, Kate Verrier, Shaz, Tracey, Kaisha, Michele, Katie, Beverley, Rachel, Jane, Ali, Cathy, Grace.

I’m also sending a virtual hug to everyone who has read, reviewed, Tweeted and generally helped spread the word about my debut Aria Fiction novel, The French Adventure. For those who have taken the time to contact me via my website to share their reading experience, I feel both humbled and loved at the same time.

And last, but not least, there is YOU, dear reader. YOU keep me writing and because of that I’m living my dream each day that I write.

With much love and thanks,

Lucy x