Two pythons had an argument. Afterwards, the male python coiled his body and planted a kiss on the female’s mouth. The female python said: “You can’t get round me just like that you know.”

What do you call a snake who works for the British government?

A civil serpent.

Why did some snakes disobey Noah when he said: “Go forth and multiply”?

They couldn’t, because they were adders.

I met an Indian who worked with cobras. He was a charming man.

My friend was bitten by a rattlesnake, and I tried to save him by telling him an amusing story. If I’d known the difference between antidote and anecdote, I guess he’d be alive today.

Why can’t you trust snakes?

They speak with forked tongues.

Why did the boa constrictors get married?

They had a crush on each other.

What did St Patrick say to the snakes when he was driving them out of Ireland?

“Are ye all right in the back there, lads?”