The author wishes to sincerely thank Linda Ray Pratt, Chair of the Department of English, and the members of the Department of English at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln (UNL), for their support during the preparation of this text. As always, Dana Miller’s superb skills as a typist made this manuscript possible, and Gwendolyn Audrey Foster assisted in the research for the book, as well as critiquing various drafts of the manuscript. Therese Myers did an excellent job with the copy editing of the manuscript. My thanks also to the staff of Wallflower Press for their help in the final presentation of this book, particularly Yoram Allon and Hannah Patterson. My warmest thanks also go to Dean Richard Hoffmann, whose continuing support of Film Studies at UNL makes projects such as this possible. Dennis Coleman, as always, contributed unique insights in the matter of the production and reception of the dominant cinema. Jerry Ohlinger provided the stills that illustrate this text, and numerous other friends and colleagues helped me shape the material in this book into its final form. Carol L. Inskip provided the index. My thanks to all.
Wheeler Winston Dixon