People often picture writing as a solitary, angsty endeavor—and sure, the drafting phase can be like that—but in truth, writing is a profound work shared by many. What a privilege it is to share the journey with family and friends, and then to work alongside others, each one offering their God-given talents, together making something that none of us could do alone.

People step in to share specific burdens and joys, but God is present for all of it: every scriptural “aha” moment, every step of personal transformation, every moment a word hits the page. The thrill as he whispers, guides, and inspires is beyond words: sacred, life changing, soul filling.

And then there are the amazing humans who share the journey. Over the years my husband, Kevin, has become an expert at being the spouse of a writer. During the writing of this book, he reached Jedi Master levels. He listens patiently, supports enthusiastically, knows I should never talk about feelings (especially feelings about whatever I’m writing) after 9 p.m., reminds me that books always come together by the grace of God, and—he should be sainted for this—on nights when I write late, he lets me come home to well-fed children and a gleaming kitchen. Thank you for sharing not just the writing life but all of life with me, and thank you for embracing all the feelings along the way.

Thank you to Cassidy, Blake, Avery, and Sawyer, for sharing me with this book for the past year. You don’t make me feel guilty when I have to take time to write, and when we hang out as a family, you make me laugh till embarrassing things happen. Thank you for giving me all the happiest feelings.

My gracious in-laws, Bill and Glenda, cheerfully stepped in as piano-lesson chauffeurs, activity directors, and writing-night dinner providers. We couldn’t have done our life without you this year, and we are forever thankful. Thank you for loving us the way you do; what a joy it is to share daily life together.

My family—Mom and Dad, David and Lisa, Jonathan and Talia, Alexandra and Jesse—has offered endless prayer support and encouragement not only for this book but for my entire (translation: twisty-turny and producing all the feels imaginable, including a few new emotions no one knew existed) writing journey. You are—and have always been—the place where it’s safe to express and work through all the feelings. Thank you.

My writing partner, Emma, sacrificed numerous hours, even as she prepared for her own new job responsibilities, to help me craft this book. She knows what I want to say better than I do, and she lends me her words when I can’t find my own. Best of all, she understands—and helps me process—all the feels all the time. Emma, your soul-sister friendship is one of my life’s great gifts.

My agent, Jessie Kirkland, has gone far above the call of duty. Thank you for getting the idea from the get-go and for spending hours (so. many. hours.) brainstorming. Thank you for sharing your heart, insights, and friendship so generously.

This book wouldn’t exist without the generosity of the Whitaker family, who allowed me to borrow their beautiful beach house (and sometimes their dog!) for some desperately needed writing retreats. I never could have finished this book without your kindness!

An eternal thank-you to our church family for making our life a joy. How we love serving God with you—you have our hearts.

To my fifth-grade writing students: Thank you for reminding me how much fun it is to sit down with a blank page and a pen (preferably one of Mrs. Thompson’s Precious, Favorite, Multicolored Gel Pens) and write words that are all your own. Writing with you this year has been one of my all-time favorite things—and I mean that literally. (And you know I mean literally when I say “literally.”)

The editorial team at Tyndale is a dream. Stephanie Rische, thank you for your gracious, intuitive edits. You understand the big feelings, and you handled mine with sensitivity and gentleness. Thank you for making the editing process a God-centered and—can this word even go with editing?—encouraging experience!

Jillian Schlossberg, fellow big feeler, thank you for understanding this book’s message from the beginning. What a privilege and joy to work with a kindred spirit! Thank you for grasping the big picture; nurturing a fun, collaborative environment; and directing every step with passion. Sarah Atkinson, thank you for your guidance and enthusiasm and for providing the reluctant-feeler viewpoint to counterbalance all the big feels! Thank you for helping us envision ways this message could apply to all types of feelers. Brittany Bergman, thank you for devoting your eagle eye to this manuscript, catching all the mistakes that would have tormented my perfectionist soul had they escaped notice.

The design team at Tyndale is mind-blowingly talented, conveying deep spiritual messages through art. Libby Dykstra and Dean Renninger, all your insightful designs left me awed. Thank you for inviting me into the creative process and for pouring your skill—and heart—into making the cover such a delight.

A thousand thanks to Cassidy Gage, Colleen Gregorio, and the entire marketing team for your vision and dedication, helping this book find its place in the world. What a gift you are to me—and to every author blessed enough to have you in their cheering section.

Many thanks to the baristas at my Starbucks for putting extra love into my mochas. And thanks to the Tenors, George Winston, Taylor Swift, and Hans Zimmer (“The Marry Me Suite” from Pirates of the Caribbean—haunting and epic; I can’t even) for creating the music I needed to write this book.