The breeze on my flesh, the oceanic fragrance, the warmth of Scotty’s body… We’re not touching, but still, his presence invades me even as my eyes are closed. The flimsy fabric of my dress grazes my bare legs, the water tickles my toes.
And if I open my eyes, I’ll see the moonlight streaming onto the midnight blue sea.
So lovely.
I expect Scotty to say something. Or to touch me. Kiss me.
But he doesn’t.
He lets me be. Simply be.
Which comforts me.
He said I was safe here.
He’s wrong, but I am at least safe for this moment.
I open my eyes, turn to face him.
He’s gorgeous in the moonlight. It glints off his dark hair, creates a black veil over most of the colors in his clothing, but not his eyes. Not those olive-gold orbs that nearly seduced me the first time I gazed into them.
The darkness doesn’t affect them at all.
“You’re beautiful,” he says, his low voice even lower than normal.
I take a step toward him, my feet sinking in the sand. “So are you.”
He smiles. A wide smile that shows his sparkling white teeth against the dark of night.
“Will you do something for me?” I ask.
“Take me somewhere. Take me somewhere on this island where you’ve never taken another woman.”
He widens his eyes, and for a moment, I fear a place like that doesn’t exist on the island.
I try to hide my frown.
He grabs hold of my left hand, entwines my fingers through his. “I know just the place. Are you up for a little danger?”
I hold back a scoff. I’m in danger just by existing. “What kind of danger?”
“There’s a cliff about a mile up the beach. It’s off limits to colonists and staffers. My buddies and I visited it once.”
“What’s so dangerous about it? Is it high?”
“No. Not at all. But parts of it are covered in coral, which can cut you up pretty badly, and neither of us is wearing shoes. But I’m not suggesting we actually get on the cliff.”
“Why are you suggesting it, then?”
“Because right before we get to the cliff is a gorgeous stretch of beach. The sand is snow white, and the sunsets and sunrises are glorious.”
“So you’ve been there with your friends…”
“I have. Nemo and Lyle. My suitemates.” He smiles. “But I’ve never taken a woman there.”
“Why not?”
“I’ve never wanted to.”
“Wait, wait, wait. You went there with guys, and you say it’s a gorgeous stretch of beach, but you never went back with a woman?”
“I never did.”
“Why?” I can’t help asking.
“It’s too special,” he says. “I never wanted to share it with a woman. Until now.”
His words melt the last layer of ice around my heart. Lucifer Raven disappears, and for this moment, I’m safe.
Safe with Scotty.
And I want to share this with him.
“Let’s go,” I say.
We walk another mile or so until I see the cliff he’s talking about in the distance. “Beyond the cliff is the other side of the island. There’s a retreat center there, and beyond that, the Wolfes are building a huge resort.”
I nod. “My brother told me all about it.”
“Yeah. He works for the Wolfes.”
Scotty nods. “I may apply for a job at the resort. Resorters are allowed to tip.”
I laugh. “You’re hardly living in poverty here.”
“Not at all. But a guy’s got to plan for the future.”
I widen my eyes. Scotty is so much more than a beach bum. He’s thinking about his future. I like that.
“I’m sorry,” I say.
“For what?”
“For thinking you were a beach bum with no goals.”
He stops walking. “That’s what you thought?”
“Well, if it looks like a duck…”
“Hey.” He cups my cheek. “I live day to day. I pull each sliver of happiness I can out of each minute of my day. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think about the future. In fact…”
“In fact…what?”
“In fact, I’ve been thinking more about the future during the last twelve hours than I have in a long time.”
I don’t reply. Does he mean me? Silly to even think that. We hardly know each other.
Still, his words warm me. Soothe me. Comfort me.
And, of course, turn me on.
The night is warm, and the ocean breeze cushions us. This tiny stretch of beach is isolated, pure white sand. What must a sunrise look like from here? A sunset?
I need to come back here with my paints.
But for now…
“Hmm?” He plays with my fingers.
“Kiss me. Please.”