“Get some rest, Kayla.” Devon hugged Kayla and then handed her the key to her hotel suite, the one Kayla had sworn she would lose if Devon didn’t keep it for her. “You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
“Hey.” Kayla tugged on her arm before she could leave. “Where did you go tonight? I looked for you, but you disappeared.”
“You know I’m not one for big parties.”
“Jessica said she thought she saw you with Mike. Is everything okay between you two? Maybe I shouldn’t have forced you to share a room, but you’ve had a crush on Mike forever, and if you don’t take action now, you might miss your chance and always wonder ‘what if?’”
“Wait.” She swallowed air too quickly and choked. “You already knew about my crush on Mike?”
“Well, duh. I wouldn’t be a very good friend if I didn’t know. I’ve had this secret dream that you would marry Mike and then we could be real sisters, but I never wanted to put an expectation like that on you. It wouldn’t be fair. Besides, my brother can be an idiot sometimes.”
That he can, Devon thought. But, wow, she’d never seen Kayla as a matchmaker. That was a new one.
“Let me know if staying with Mike becomes a problem. I’ll figure out something else,” Kayla assured her. “If Nicole and Lauren weren’t sleeping on my pull-out and I didn’t sprawl, I’d have you stay with me. I could ask Jessica if you could stay with her.”
“Jessica, the one who has her own room because she snores? No, thanks.” Devon shuddered off the bad suggestion. “Stop your worrying. You’re getting married tomorrow.”
“I love you, Devy. Let me know about Mike, and thanks for making tonight a success,” Kayla reached for the door handle. “See you bright and early in the morning.”
“Whatever you need, Kay-K. I’ll be here for you.”
The door to Kayla’s room closed with a click as Devon made her way to Mike’s suite. It was a good thing the rooms weren’t too far apart, because she’d be running back and forth a lot the next day. Three women getting ready in one bathroom was bad enough. Four was impossible.
As she neared Mike’s room, the door opened. “I was just coming to look for you.”
“I wanted to make sure Kayla got back to her room okay.”
“And what about you?” He guided her into the room. “Do you want me to run you a bath? You look tired.”
“Exhausted, you mean. No, I took a shower earlier. I think I’ll just crash.”
She dropped her clutch next to her computer bag and slid out of her shoes. If she’d been staying alone she might have left them there, but this was Mike’s room, and he was Mr. Neat. She dug out her pajamas and toothbrush and staggered toward the bathroom, completing her before-bed routine in record time to allow Mike access to the bathroom.
When she got to the couch, the thought of removing all the cushions and unfolding the bed was just too overwhelming. But she did lie down for a quick rest, though, promising herself she’d get up in a few minutes and make the bed properly.
She awoke sometime later to see Mike draping a blanket over her.
“I didn’t mean to wake you. You should sleep on the bed. It’ll be more comfortable.”
Waking up to find Mike in nothing but boxer shorts was a not-to-miss fantasy. She wanted to catch every second of the feature. “I’m fine.” She curled her legs up to her chest, making room for him to sit down if he wanted.
“Why aren’t you asleep?” she asked as he made himself comfortable. She hesitated before throwing the end of the extra blanket over him. She’d been enjoying the view, but as soon as she saw the goosebumps on his arms, practicality won the day. Kayla would never forgive her if Mike got sick and missed her wedding.
“My mind keeps coming up with things I should check on before my project launch.” He pulled her left foot into his lap and started rubbing the aching muscles. “You’ve got knots in your feet.”
“You try wearing three-inch heels for hours, and we’ll see if your feet don’t get knots.”
“No, thanks.”
She looked up to find Mike staring at her. For the first time since she met him, he seemed to be seeing her, not looking around or over or through her. Her stomach fluttered.
“I was list-building in my sleep as well. My mind is busy trying to think of potential disasters that I should take care of before Kayla’s wedding. What’s really keeping you up?” she asked, just to break the growing silence.
She sat up straighter. “Guilt? What kind of guilt?”
“There’s a king-sized bed over there, with nice fluffy blankets, and you’re over here, freezing and half-falling off the couch. You would be more comfortable on the bed.”
“Meaning you’d feel less guilty if I slept over there.”
“Okay, yes, problem-solver. I would feel less guilty if you were to sleep over there. So are you going to solve my problem?”
“Ask me nicely,” she teased. “C’mon, you can do it. You can ask for help. Just this once. I won’t tell anyone. Repeat after me… Devon…”
He glared at her.
“Let’s try again. Devon…” She beckoned with her hands.
“Devon,” he said.
“…would you please…” She circled her hand again.
“…would you please?” He stood and looked down at her.
“Share my bed with me.”
He never responded, because he reached down and picked her up, blanket and all.
She squealed with laughter. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m helping you solve a problem.”
“Mike. Put me down.” She wiggled and pushed, but his grip was too strong. After a few seconds, she relaxed against his shoulder. “You are one stubborn-ass man, you know that?”
“You call me stubborn, but isn’t that like the yam calling the sweet potato starchy?” He gave her the what-for look. “You will be more comfortable here. Happy?”
“Very.” She pushed back against the headboard. “Now tell me about why you can’t sleep.”
“I’m worried about the next project launch. My offshore investors are threatening to pull out of the project if it doesn’t go well.”
“Can they do that? I mean, aren’t there some sort of contracts in place?” Devon moved over an inch or two to let Mike settle in next to her.
“There are contracts, but that won’t stop them. They know a lawsuit can get tied up in court for years.”
“This sounds bad.”
“Funding for the project is running out, and my lines of credit are about maxed.”
“What about your dad?” Devon asked.
“I can’t ask dad for money again. He’s already a silent investor.”
“If it were me, I’d focus on figuring out why the investors are uncomfortable and ease their fears. Something must be giving them heartburn. Find out what it is, and you might save the relationship.”
“You’re right. Having a successful launch will be the first step, and thanks to you solving my parts problem, I think we just might make the launch date.”
Before she could respond, he leaned in to kiss her. She considered pushing him away, but his urgency indicated he needed this, and he seemed to want her.
She opened her mouth and let his tongue caress hers. He moaned, and pressed in. Mike slid his hand up her side and found her already erect nipple. He pinched and teased, rolling the nipple between his fingertips. His kisses became more urgent—almost desperate.
“Devon?” he pleaded.
“Yes, Mike.” She eased back and let his hand slide beneath the waistband of her pajama bottoms.
He caressed her skin. She savored his lips.
“Mike,” she moaned, as he worked his hand between her thighs.
“Tell me what you want,” he urged.
“You,” she panted. “I want you. I’ve wanted you for so long.”
She lifted her butt as he slid her pajama bottoms down, and as soon as they were off she pulled her cotton tank over her head and tugged on the elastic band of his boxers.
“Here, let me help.”
He rolled onto his back, and as soon as his boxers were gone she pampered his already-erect cock and then kissed the head.
“Devon.” Mike let out a soft moan.
The urgency in his tone sent a thrill down her spine. She continued licking and sucking, giving him pleasure before tucking her knees underneath her. She spied a condom on the side table next to his wallet, reached for the foil packet, tore it open, and slid the plastic skin down his cock. His dark, sensual stare lured her forward. She covered his mouth with hers. She guided his cock into her, opening her legs wider to make room for him, and then rose so she could again bury him deep inside her.
Another moan escaped him. “Devon.” Mike reached for her breast. “You are so beautiful.”
She changed her tempo, easing up to go slower and then faster. He pressed his head into the pillow. She reached over and gently pinched one of his nipples, and as soon as she squeezed, his muscles bunched, just before he rolled her onto her back.
“My turn.” He trailed his tongue up the side of her neck, linked his fingers with hers, and held her arms over her head. Excitement reverberated through her. His warm mouth claimed hers.
He kissed like he was the king of foreplay. Tongue, lips, teeth… He devoured. And there wasn’t anything gentle about these new kisses—they were all wet heat and lust.
He released her hands and shoved his fingers into her hair. She ran her tongue along the straight white line of his teeth. He moaned and nipped at her lip.
His gaze wandered from her eyes, over her nose, to her chin, and slowly his gaze rolled back up to her eyes. He traced her collarbone with his forefinger and kissed that extra-sensitive notch in the middle. Cool air cascaded over her skin.
He inhaled. “I want you, Devon, like I’ve wanted nothing else in my life.”
He lifted her knees higher so he could push farther into her. His abs flexed. She skimmed her fingertips over his hard chest, determined to trace each curve and mound. Better yet, she’d lick every inch of skin. Before she could fantasize further, he captured her mouth and pinched her nipple, rolling the swollen skin between his fingers as he continued to thrust into her. She gasped, more from surprise than his boldness.
Somewhere in between the kissing, licking and touching she’d found paradise. At the base of her neck, he sucked hard enough to leave a temporary mark, and she shivered as he claimed her. He pulled her closer. The beat of his heart underneath her palm synchronized with hers, awakened a boldness she’d never risked before.
She wanted this. She wanted to stop hiding her feelings. She wanted him to claim her. She arched to meet him.
“Devon,” he breathed, nuzzling the side of her neck. “Come for me.”
True bone-deep freedom was at her fingertips.
“Fuck me,” she said softly, with a hint of I-dare-you thrown in.
Before she finished her command, his mouth descended, claiming her, and erotic sensations sizzled their way to her core. She arched her back, allowing him greater access, winding her fingers into his hair and tugging.
“Tell me you like this.” He again reached for a leg and brought her knee up higher, so he could thrust deeper. She opened for him and looked down between their bodies to watch.
“Ohhh!” She breathed out as fireworks flared from her core to the tips of her fingers and toes, over her scalp and cheeks. “Yes! There.” She dropped her head back. “Oh my God. I’m coming!” She convulsed again and again, body, mind and emotions as one. Before she finished, another blaze of excitement rolled from the top of her head to her fingertips and toes.
He continued to pump. Sensing what he needed, she lifted her head and sank her teeth into his shoulder. He stiffened and threw his head back, grunting as his body spasmed before going limp.
He didn’t move. She couldn’t either. Minutes later he lifted his head.
“Holy shit, woman.” He buried his face again in the pillow and rolled off her.
What did that mean? She wasn’t sure. She waited for his breathing to even out and for him to say more. And she waited…and waited…and waited. “Mmmm. Mike?”
The only response was his heavy breathing. She peered into his sleeping face and then grabbed the covers and pulled the heavy cotton over them both.
The guy who claimed never to sleep now slept.