Week 3: Do the small, everyday things that will build greater success
“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”
~John Wooden
Despite what many people believe, success doesn’t just happen in sudden leaps. What often appears to be abrupt, unexpected rise in status, wealth or happiness is usually the result of a long, steady process. It may appear in turn, particularly when you are faced with starting your own journey to success that there are huge things you will need to change in your life. The prospect of doing so becomes daunting, and it’s easy to keep telling yourself that you aren’t quite ready to start yet and keep pushing that time further and further back.
The truth is massively different, though. People who have achieved success will tell you that their achievements are the result of tiny, everyday things that they did – small habits that compounded over time to create a massive change. Good finances are built on each decision to save rather than spend. Good relationships are built one good interaction at a time. Fitness is attained one exercise session at a time.
Weekly challenge:
Make at least one small change to enhance your life each day this week. We cover 12 areas of life in this book, select between 5-12 small behavior changes to adopt this week.
They can be as simple as going to the gym, meditating, not buying that coffee, writing in a journal, calling your parents, catching up with a friend, throwing out clothes you don’t wear, arriving 15 minutes earlier and leaving 15 minutes later than normal to work, eating a vegetarian dish, going out on a date (whether in or out of a relationship) and the millions of other options available. Select and execute 5-12 of these small changes this week.
Recommended reading: The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson