Week 45: Stay curious and always be learning
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
~Albert Einstein
All children are born curious – it’s how they grow mentally and learn new things. But there’s something in the way many are brought up that sucks it out of them – in the words of astrophysicist Nel deGrasse Tyson, we spend the first few years of their lives teaching them how to walk and talk, but then after that keep telling them to shut up and sit down. Inquisitiveness and an experimental attitude are seen as a nuisance rather than as something to be nurtured. This is a great pity – curiosity is the essence of humanity, and is what drives innovation and progress. It is those who manage to maintain that curiosity that lead the happiest and most productive lives, and are the leaders and drivers of the advancement of our species.
To be curious is to always be seeking out new knowledge, and this can have immense benefits in your life. It is only through inquisitiveness that you can find new solutions to old problems that have plagued you and discover paths that would otherwise have been closed to you, and only through those can you effect change in your life.
Weekly challenge:
Rekindle the spirit of adventure and inquisitiveness you had as a child. Constantly seek out new information and new experiences, and always be looking for ways to apply anything you learn to your own life. This is the cornerstone of continuing to grow and develop as a human being: constantly assimilating new knowledge to become the best that you can be.
Recommended reading:
Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends On It
by Ian Leslie