Week 46: Read books
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads only lives one.”
~George R.R. Martin
Nearly every chapter in this book has a recommended book for further reading, and with good reason. The written word has only been with us around ten thousand years, but its effect on human beings and our history as a species has been phenomenal. First of all, books are a stupendous source of information – it’s no secret that the person who reads is bound to be much better informed than the person who doesn’t.
What books do for creativity and intellect takes them to a whole new level. Sure, it’s possible to get most of the information and entertainment you can get from a book by watching a movie or documentary, but reading forces you do use your imagination and make logical connections you never would – it elevates you from a mere consumer of content to being a part of the creative process. Studies have proved time and again that readers have higher creativity and intelligence than the average person. You will also get much more cutting-edge information that is little known outside of specialized circles – such things will rarely catch the attention of mainstream media until they already have a lot of traction.
Weekly challenge:
You’re already doing what you need to do right now – read a book! Join a library, go to the bookstore or start browsing online bookshops a lot more, and try to read as widely as you can. Always have at least one fiction and one non-fiction book in your rotation. Especially read those books that will help you gain information and encouragement to achieve your goals, such as those recommended in this book.
Audio books are excellent alternatives. If you drive, use public transport or walk a lot, try listening to audio books rather than the radio or an album. 
Recommended reading: 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die by Peter Boxall