Week 47: Expose yourself to differing opinions
“…celebrate people who have different opinions, and disagree with them, and argue with them, but don’t just try to shut them up.”
~Roger Ebert
Everyone has differing opinions about everything, from tiny things like choices of food or beverage and which end to peel a banana from, to monumental issues with world-reaching implications like religion, different economic models, social and moral standards and the political affiliations that largely go with them, and seemingly non opinion-based topics like scientific questions of the origin of life and global climate.
People tend to hold their opinions passionately, often to the point that they can’t tolerate being with someone of the “other side” at all. This is unfortunate – the peace and progress we have cultivated in the last few centuries have come about because our tolerance of opposing viewpoints has increased astronomically.
Exposing yourself to different modes of thought is tremendously advantageous to you as an individual: it gives you the information to decide if your current beliefs are wrong. And if they are not wrong, you can better understand the opposing side and be better able to argue against the opposing side’s views. The mind-expanding and intellect-sharpening that comes with it is also worth pursuing on its own.
Weekly challenge:
Don’t insulate yourself from views that are different from yours – read as widely as you can about them. Don’t cut people off on the basis of beliefs. It’s possible to be friends with someone and completely disagree with them. Use your time together as an opportunity to better your debating skills and maybe even change their mind.