Week 50: Develop a passion for helping others
“Help others and give something back. I guarantee you will discover that while public service improves the lives and the world around you, its greatest reward is the enrichment and new meaning it will bring your own life.”
~Arnold Schwarzenegger
Take a moment to consider a staggering fact: if you have a roof above your head, can eat three meals a day, have electricity and running water and access to even the most basic medical care, you are among the most privileged people in the world. You are staggeringly fortunate compared to the vast majority of human beings alive today, and that should fill you with immense gratitude.
But there are still those billions of people less fortunate than you are, and as a fellow human being you are in a perfect position to help them out. The less fortunate can be found anywhere, from the farthest corners of the globe to the sidewalk outside your place of work and even to right next door to you. No matter who you are, there is someone you can help. Help doesn’t just have to be financial or physical – almost everyone could do with some form of encouragement and to have their day brightened. The best thing about these types of emotional aid is they’re free!
Weekly challenge:
Make it part of your duty this week to help others – it’s not only satisfying in the moment, but makes society as a whole better, making the world a better place for you and your children. Do whatever you can: if you are inclined to give your entire life to it, spend all your time in service. Give whatever you can to charity, and be on the lookout for people you meet in everyday life that could use a hand. Perhaps just as importantly, always make it your mission to spread joy – a kind word, a warm smile; those could help someone in ways you can barely imagine.