Keith stumbled downstairs to the cafe rubbing his eyes, Dazzle panting at his heels.
That, he thought, was the best sleep I’ve had in months.
Then he stopped.
Something was wrong.
Why couldn’t he smell frying?
It was after midday and Tracy and Aunty Bev would be arriving for Sunday lunch any sec and Dad should have been well into cooking the fish and chips.
Then he saw Dad sitting at one of the tables in his Simpsons T-shirt and baggy old trousers, shoulders slumped, staring into a cuppa.
‘You alright Dad?’ he said.
‘Fine,’ said Dad, looking up and trying to smile.
‘Dad,’ said Keith quietly, ‘is it Aunty Bev?’
Dad stared into his cuppa.
‘Son,’ he said after a bit, ‘can I tell you something just between us?’
‘Yes,’ said Keith.
‘It’s not going to work out between me and Bev,’ said Dad softly. ‘She wants someone thin and good-looking.’
Keith sat down at the table, heart pounding, and started sorting out in his mind all the things he had to tell Dad.
How Aunty Bev had discovered her real self.
How she wouldn’t be nagging anyone any more.
How Dad and her could fall in love and have a long and happy life together in comfy clothes.
Keith opened his mouth but before he could start Aunty Bev’s voice rang out from the doorway.
‘G’day Vin, g’day Keith.’
Keith kept his eyes on Dad’s face, waiting for Dad’s reaction when he saw what Bev was wearing. One of Mum’s baggy old tracksuits probably and a pair of her sensible shoes and flat hair and no make-up.
Keith waited.
‘Hello Bev, hello Tracy,’ said Dad, face still serious.
Keith waited some more.
Oh no, he thought, Dad’s eyes really have gone this time.
Keith turned round.
His stomach sagged.
Aunty Bev was wearing her tight pink tracksuit and her shiny red shoes and her hair was bouncing gently around her perfectly made-up face.
‘Sorry,’ said Dad, standing up, ‘I’m a bit behind with lunch.’
‘No worries,’ said Aunty Bev. ‘Won’t hurt Tracy to wait a bit. We won’t be eating much in Nepal so she might as well get used to it now.’
Keith looked sadly at Tracy.
Poor thing, he thought.
Tracy turned to Aunty Bev.
‘You can wait if you want,’ she said, ‘but I’m starving.’
‘Eh?’ said Aunty Bev.
Keith stared.
‘Come on,’ said Tracy, ‘let’s all get stuck in and help.’
Keith didn’t get a chance to speak to Tracy in private until they were at the sink together peeling the potatoes.
‘Good one,’ he said.
‘Thanks,’ said Tracy.
‘How did you do it?’ he said.
‘It was easy,’ replied Tracy. ‘I just have to remember she’s not really nagging me, she’s nagging herself.’
Keith looked at her happily.
Good old Tracy, he thought. Wish I was as quick as her at catching the drift.
He took a deep breath.
Now for the tricky bit.
‘Sorry,’ he said.
Tracy finished scraping the eye out of a potato and gave him a long look.
She didn’t say anything.
Keith took another deep breath.
‘Sorry I’ve spent most of your trip being a wally,’ he said.
Tracy grinned. ‘You mean a prawn.’
‘Yeah,’ he said.
‘You weren’t,’ she said. ‘Though I did think I’d lost a best mate there for a bit.’
Everyone at the airport looked like they’d just got off a long flight, even the people who hadn’t started theirs yet.
Except Aunty Bev.
Keith decided to give Tracy her present now so Aunty Bev could get used to it and not throw a tizz on the plane and perhaps pierce the fuselage with her high heels.
‘Here,’ he said to Tracy, ‘this is for you.’
‘Ripper,’ said Tracy, opening the bag and taking out the four egg, bacon, sausage, onion and Vegemite rolls. ‘These’ll keep me going all the way to Nepal. Thanks.’
Keith saw Aunty Bev’s lips tighten.
‘It’s OK,’ Tracy said to her, ‘I’ll walk around the plane while I’m eating them.’
Before Aunty Bev could say anything, their flight was announced.
Aunty Bev and Dad shook hands, then kissed each other on the cheek.
Keith and Tracy hugged each other, and Dazzle licked Tracy on the face.
‘I’m going to miss you,’ said Keith.
‘I’m gunna miss you too,’ said Tracy. ‘How many plates was it you have to wash up to pay for a ticket to Australia?’
‘Eighteen thousand,’ said Keith.
‘Think positive,’ said Tracy.
Keith grinned.
While Dad and Tracy were saying goodbye, Aunty Bev gave Keith a quick hug, then glanced around to make sure nobody could hear her.
‘You’re a good painter,’ she said quietly, ‘keep at it.’
As Tracy and Aunty Bev walked through the departure gate, Keith sent Tracy an urgent message.
Stay in touch.
Bugger it, he thought, the problem with silent messages is you never know if they’ve got through.
‘Stay in touch,’ he called.
Tracy stopped and turned and grinned at him.
‘No worries,’ she said. ‘Best mates always do.’