
Stay calm. Move quickly. Know what to do. These three rules are the foundation of natural first aid. They can mean the difference between life and death, injury and disability, a night in the hospital, and a life in a nursing home.

Unfortunately, even though most of us can generally manage to stay calm and move fast during a crisis, few of us really know what to do in an emergency or when an accident occurs. Even fewer know when and how to use the herbs and other home remedies that can heal.

That’s why this book was written. It contains all the techniques you need to render emergency first aid, specific instructions for more than 75 injuries and conditions, and clear indications for when medical help is needed. There is also a complete list of the ingredients you’ll need to stock in three different first-aid kits: an herbal kit to stay at home, a survival kit to keep in your car, and a traveling kit to tuck in your handbag or briefcase as you go about your life.

With this book, you’ll always be prepared. Memorize its lifesaving techniques. Learn its commonsense healing. Then supplement this knowledge by taking a first-aid and CPR course at your local chapter of the Red Cross or American Heart Association. And remember: this book is intended not as a replacement for competent medical care when needed but as a guide for appropriate action until help can be obtained.

In an emergency, call for help as soon as possible. Ask the injured person if he or she has any allergies, takes any medication, or suffers from any medical conditions so that you can relay this information to medical personnel should the victim lose consciousness. If the victim is unconscious, check for medical alert bracelets or necklaces. Never give food or water to an unconscious person, as she or he may choke. And never move a person with serious injuries, especially those affecting the neck or spine: your efforts, well meaning though they may be, could cause serious damage.

One final note: Preventing accidents and injuries is always easier than responding to them. That’s why I not only keep medicines out of children’s reach and inline skates off the stairs, but why I also often visualize surrounding myself and my loved ones with an aura of light as we go off into the busy world. It’s a form of prayer and my way of acknowledging and asking for divine protection. I firmly believe it has helped save my family from danger — and I urge you to use it, too.

Many blessings!