I am grateful to many books that were incredibly helpful resources, most especially Jane Austen’s England: Daily Life in the Georgian and Regency Periods by Roy and Lesley Adkins, In the Garden with Jane Austen by Kim Wilson, and Jane Austen and the Clergy by Irene Collins. A great big thank-you as well to Nancy Mayer for being kind enough to respond (and so quickly!) to my many questions about the fiddly ins and outs of Regency British life.
Thank you to my early readers, especially Emily Cahill and my parents, Chris and Abbie Innes. Your feedback was invaluable (as, Mom and Chris, was your encouragement to give up on a college major that would lead to stable employment and “just write” instead!). Thank you to my agent, Jennifer Weltz, for taking a chance on me and my book, and to my editor, Rachel Kahan, for seeing Charlotte’s as a story worth telling.
And finally, thank you to my husband, Stuart Campbell—for spending countless hours listening as I read each chapter aloud, for your constant enthusiasm, and for your selflessness in encouraging me to take time to myself each week in order to write (even when things were more than a little crazy at home).