
As always, there are many people who help turn an idea into the finished book that it becomes. This time, I’d like to give the biggest thanks to my agent, Phil Patterson, for the never-ending help and encouragement. Huge thanks again to my fantastic editor, Karyn Millar, for the perfect insights that really made this book shine, and to Debs Warner for the copy-edit that made Graeme even creepier than he already was. To all at Marjacq and Black & White – thank you for everything you do.

A few people got to read an early draft of this: Steph Broadribb, Ava Marsh and Jenny Blackhurst. Thank you so much for your encouragement at the exact time that it was needed. Thanks also to James Law and Graeme Cameron, whose brainstorming brought Lego and Twitter into my Graeme’s reign of terror and helped me see whose story I was trying to tell. Oh, and Graeme – thanks for letting me use your name to create the creepiest character I’ve ever written. You did give your consent, didn’t you?

I am very lucky to be part of a great network of fellow authors, bloggers, readers and crime aficionados, both online and off – thank you all for making my first year as a published author life-changing and memorable.

To my family and friends, whose support is unwavering – thank you. I hope I’ve made you proud.

And finally, to JLOH, my tea-maker, my travelling companion and my partner in crime: One Love.