- abs method, 45, 46, 69
- Absolute minimum cardinality, 85, 93
- Accessor methods, 241
- Adjacency constraint, 208
- Adjacent Towers of Hanoi puzzle, 126–130
- Algorithmic optimization, 9
- Algorithmic puzzles, vii
- anagram grouping, 181–192
- best time to party, 13–21
- cap conformity, 1–12
- coin row game, 193–201
- counting change, 161–167
- course scheduling, 169–179
- crystal ball drop, 51–58
- disorganized handyman, 135–145
- eight-queens problem, 37–50
- fake coin problem, 57–66
- guessing numbers in least tries, 231–249
- mind reading trick, 23–36
- N-queens problem, 97–107
- party guest list, 77–87, 205–217
- six degrees of separation, 219–230
- square roots, 67–75
- Sudoku, 147–160
- talent show contestant selection, 89–95
- tiling problems, 109–122
- Towers of Brahma (Towers of Hanoi), 123–133
- Algorithms, 140. See also Divide-and-conquer algorithm; Greedy algorithm; Recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm
- Euclidean, 98
- one-pass, 9–10
- two-pass, 9
- all operator, 151
- Anagram grouping puzzle, 181–192
- Appel, Kenneth, 215
- Argument defaults in procedures, 42–50
- Arguments, functions as, 5, 173–176
- Backtracks, 150, 154, 157
- Base-r representations of numbers, 53–54
- Binary search, 72–74
- Binary search trees (BST), 231–233
- comparing data structures, 249
- for guessing game, 231–233, 243–249
- object-oriented programming, 239–243
- operations on, using dictionary representation, 235–239
- using dictionaries, 234–235
- weight of, 233, 246–247
- Bipartite graphs, 208–211
- coloring, 213–214
- graph representation of, 212–213
- Bisection search, 71–72
- Breadth-first graph traversal using sets, 224–227
- Breadth-first search, 221–223
- using sets, 224–227
- break statement, 55–56
- Cap conformity puzzle, 1–12
- Case analysis, 59–65
- control flow for, 23–35
- Chaining, 190–191
- “Chains” (Karinthy), 227
- Characters, 4
- Checking-conflicts procedure, 43–44, 48, 49
- Coin row game, 193–201
- Coloring
- bipartite graphs, 213–214
- k-coloring, 214–215
- Combinations
- choosing minimum, 83–84
- generating all possible, 81–82
- generating and testing one at a time, 91–92
- recursive generation of, 162–166
- removing unfriendly, 82–83
- Compression, data, 10–11
- Compression utilities, 11
- Conflict detection, 43–44, 48, 49
- Constructor method, 240–241
- continue statement, 48
- Continuous domain bisection search, 71–72
- Control flow (if statements and for loops), 6
- Control flow for case analysis, 23–35
- Counting change puzzle, 161–167
- Course scheduling puzzle, 169–179
- Crystal ball drop puzzle, 51–58
- Cyclic Hanoi puzzle, 132–133
- Data compression, 10–11
- Data structures, 4. See also Binary search trees (BST); Dictionary; Lists
- comparing, 249
- d-digit list representation, 54–55
- Decoding information, 29–31
- def keyword, 5
- Degrees of separation
- six, 219–228
- weighted, 229–230
- Depth-first search, 209–211
- Dictionary, 4, 186–187, 249
- binary search trees using, 234–239
- creation and lookup, 194–199
- graph representation using, 211–214
- hash tables and, 190–191
- using to group anagrams, 188–190
- Dijkstra, Edsger, 177
- Dijkstra’s algorithm, 177. See also Greedy algorithm
- Dinner party invitation list puzzle, 77–87
- recursion applied to, 103–105
- Divide-and-conquer algorithm, 60–61, 71
- pivoting in, 136–137
- recursive, 61–65, 110–118
- solving Towers of Hanoi puzzle using, 124–126
- Divide-and-conquer merge sort, 110–112
- Doubly nested loop, 15, 19
- Dynamic programming, 200–201
- Earliest finish time rule, 172–176
- Earliest start time rule, 171
- Eight-queens problem, 37–50
- elif statement, 61–62
- else statement, 61–62
- Empty sets, 157, 223
- Encoding combinations, 81–84
- Encoding information, 25–29, 33
- Enumeration
- exhaustive, 79–80
- iterative, 49
- recursive, 103
- Euclidean algorithm, 98
- except block, 199
- Exceptions, 199–200
- Exhaustive enumeration, 79–80
- Exhaustive search via iteration, 49
- Facebook, 228
- Fake coin puzzle, 57–66
- Fewest conflicts rule, 171–172, 175
- Fibonacci, recursive, 99–100, 197–198
- Five-color theorem for planar graphs, 215
- Five-queens problem, 39
- Floating-point numbers, 18, 70
- dictionaries and, 186
- for loop, 6, 27
- in breadth-first search, 225
- break statement and, 55–56
- finding anagram groupings one at a time, 182–183
- generating all combinations and, 81, 82
- greedy algorithm and, 175
- in-place recursive search and, 149
- nested, 15, 18–19, 97
- in recursive algorithm, 102
- recursive searches with implications and, 154–155
- selecting combinations, 92
- Four-color conjecture for planar graphs, 215
- Four-queens problem, 40–41, 103
- Functions, 4
- as arguments, 5, 173–176
- recursive, 97
- Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, 109–110, 185–186
- Global variables, 150
- Graph representation, using dictionaries, 211–214
- Graphs
- bipartite, 208–213
- breadth-first graph traversal using sets, 224–227
- coloring, 213–215
- degrees of separation, 219–221
- interval, 176–177
- Gray, Frank, 130
- Gray codes, 130–131
- Greatest common divisor, recursive, 98–99
- Greedy algorithm
- binary search tree and, 243–245
- course scheduling puzzle and, 169–177
- defined, 169
- dinner party invitation list puzzle and, 78–79, 85
- interval graphs and, 176–177
- for set-covering problem, 93–94
- Grid, 148
- Grouping, 181–192
- finding groupings one at a time, 182–183
- via hashing, 185–186
- via sorting, 183–185
- using dictionaries, 188–190
- Guessing numbers in fewest tries, 231–249
- binary search trees, 231–239
- greedy algorithm, 243–249
- OOP-style binary search trees, 239–243
- Guthrie, Francis, 215
- Haken, Wolfgang, 215
- Hashing, anagram grouping via, 185–186
- Hash tables, 190–191, 249
- chained, 190–191
- Heap sort, 143
- Heawood, Percy John, 215
- if statement, 6, 48
- Incremental computation, 17
- Inkala, Arto, 157–158
- In-order traversal, 238–239, 243
- In-place partitioning, 140–143
- In-place pivoting, 141–143
- In-place recursive search, 149
- In-place sorting, 143
- input function, 33
- Input lists, 4–5
- Insertion sort, 143
- Integers
- dictionaries and, 186
- keys and, 187
- Interval graphs, 176–177
- Intervals, 2–3
- list of, 169
- represented in code, 5–6
- Iterative enumeration, 49
- Iterative search, 67–71
- Karinthy, Frigyes, 227
- Kashi Vishwanath temple, 124
- k-coloring, 214–215
- Kempe, Alfred, 215
- Keys
- in dictionaries, 186–187
- hash tables and, 190
- Key-value pairs, 186–187
- in hash table, 191
- Kochen, Manfred, 227
- len function, 6, 18, 63, 83
- binary search and, 73
- memoized function and, 199
- in merge sort, 112
- traceback and, 196–197
- List comprehension, 118–119
- List concatenation, 81–83
- List creation and modification, 7–8
- List of intervals, 2–3, 13–14, 169
- Lists, 4, 249
- dictionaries and, 187
- one-dimensional, 44–48
- optimizing memory usage for, 84–85
- Python’s built-in sort function for, 143
- to represent two-dimensional tables, 90–93
- of tuples, 14–15
- tuples vs., 5, 6
- two-dimensional, 41–44, 151–153
- List slicing, 15, 61–62, 105, 107, 112, 188
- Lucas, Édouard, 124
- Magic trick
- with five cards, 23–33
- with four cards, 34–35
- max function, 15, 83
- Maximum cardinality, 80, 85, 93
- Maximum independent set (MIS) problem, 85
- Memoization, 100, 198–200, 201
- creating optimal binary search tree and, 247
- Memory usage, optimizing, 84–85
- Merge sort, 110–112, 140
- execution and analysis, 112–113
- Milgram, Stanley, 227–228
- Millennium Prize Problems, 85, 176
- Mind reading trick puzzle, 23–36
- Minimum cardinality solution, 166
- Monotonicity property, 73
- Mutator methods, 241
- Mutilated chessboard tiling puzzle, 121
- n-bit binary string, 81–82
- Nested for loops, 15, 18–19, 97
- Nested loops, selection sorting and, 140
- Non-planar graph, 215
- Norvig, Peter, 158
- not keyword, 182–183
- N-queens problem, 97–107
- Object-oriented programming (OOP)-style binary search trees, 239–243
- One-dimensional list/array, 44–48
- One-pass algorithm, 9–10
- Optimization problem, coin row game, 193–201
- Partition, finding, 207–209
- Partitioning
- in-place, 140–143
- pivot, 138–139, 140–141, 143
- Party guest list puzzles, 77–87, 205–217
- Pigeonhole principle, 251n1 (Chapter 3)
- Pivoting
- in divide-and-conquer, 136–137
- in-place, 141
- Planar graphs, coloring, 214–215
- Prime numbers
- dictionaries and hashing, 188–190
- for hash values, 185
- Printing routine to produce map, 119–120
- print statement, 7, 27, 33, 151
- Programming, dynamic, 200–201
- Pseudocode, vii
- Puzzles. See Algorithmic puzzles
- Python, viii
- built-in sort function for lists in, 143
- functions for manipulating and processing lists in, 83
- list comprehension style in, 118–119
- set data structure in, 157
- sets in, 223–224
- Radix representations, 54, 55–57
- range keyword, 6, 15, 19, 102
- Range queries, 249
- Reading input from user, 23–31
- Recursion
- applications of, 103–105
- defined, 97
- exhaustive searches through, 101–105
- hashing and, 188
- Recursive algorithm for N-queens problem, 101–103
- Recursive code, 48–49
- Recursive decrease-by-one search, 124–130
- Recursive depth-first graph traversal, 209–211
- Recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm, 110–118
- merge sort and, 110–112
- quicksort and, 138, 140
- solving Adjacent Towers of Hanoi puzzle using, 126–130
- solving Towers of Hanoi puzzle using, 124–126
- Recursive divide-and-conquer strategy, 61–65
- Recursive enumeration, 103
- Recursive Fibonacci, 99–100, 197–198
- Recursive function, 97
- Recursive generation of combinations, 162–166
- Recursive greatest common divisor, 98–99
- Recursive in-place sorting, 140–143
- Recursive search, 101–105, 148–153
- coin row game and, 193–200
- decrease-by-one, 124–130
- divide-and-conquer, 110–118
- with implications, 153–157
- in-place, 149
- memoization in, 198–200
- Sudoku solving and, 148–153
- Reflected binary code (RBC), 130–131
- Remainder method, to generate binary string, 81–82
- Repetition, eliminating, 163–165
- Representation, sorted, 20
- return statement, 28
- Rules
- earliest finish time, 172–176
- earliest start time, 171
- fewest conflicts, 171–172, 175
- shortest duration, 170, 174, 175–176
- Run-length decoding, 11
- Run-length encoding, 11
- Runtime analysis, 120
- Scoping, 8–9
- Search. See also Recursive search
- binary, 72–74
- breadth-first, 221–223
- breadth-first, using sets, 224–227
- continuous domain bisection, 71–72
- with d balls, 53–57
- depth-first, 209–211
- iterative, 67–71
- systematic, 40–41
- ternary, 74–75
- with two balls, 52–53
- Selection sort, 18–19, 29, 113, 140
- Set, 4, 157, 223–224
- breadth-first graph traversal using, 224–227
- as dictionaries, 187
- empty, 157, 223
- Set-covering problem, 93–94
- Set operations, 157, 223–224
- Shortest duration rule, 170, 174, 175–176
- Shortest path problem, 177
- Six degrees of separation, 219–228
- history of, 227–228
- shortest path problem and, 177
- Six Degrees website, 228
- Slicing, list, 15, 61–62, 105, 107, 112, 188
- “Small-world problem,” 227–228
- Sola Pool, Ithiel de, 227
- Sorted representation, 20
- Sorting
- anagram grouping via, 183–185
- hashing and, 190
- heap, 143
- in-order traversal and, 239, 243
- in-place, 143
- insertion, 143
- merge sort, 110–112, 140
- quicksort algorithm, 137–138
- recursive in-place, 140–143
- selection sort, 18–19, 29, 113, 140
- Square roots puzzle, 67–75
- String, 4
- for combinations, 81
- dictionaries and, 186
- hash of, 185, 188
- keys and, 187
- Sudoku, 147–157
- difficulty of, 157–158
- sum function, 61
- Systematic search, 40–41
- Tables
- hash, 190–191, 249
- lists representing two-dimensional, 90–93
- Talent show contestant selection puzzle, 89–95
- Ternary representation, 65
- Ternary search, 74–75
- Three-queens problem, 40
- 3-tuples, 157
- Tiling puzzles
- courtyard, 109–120
- mutilated chessboard, 121
- Time, algorithms for best, 14–19
- Towers of Brahma (Towers of Hanoi) puzzle, 123–133
- Adjacent Towers of Hanoi puzzle, 126–130
- recursive solution, 124–126
- relationship to Gray codes, 130–131
- Traceback, 196–198
- try block, 199, 200
- try-except blocks, 199–200
- Tuples, 4, 5–6
- dictionaries and, 186
- keys and, 187
- lists of, 14–15
- lists vs., 5, 6
- Twitter, 228
- Two-dimensional lists/arrays
- chessboard as, 41–44
- sudoku solver and, 151–153
- Two-dimensional tables, lists representing, 90–93
- Two-pass algorithm, 9
- 2-tuples, 14, 18, 19
- Unique prime factorization theorem, 109–110, 185–186
- Variables
- global, 150
- initializing, 5–6
- Python keywords and, 4
- Watts, Duncan, 228
- Weight balance, finding counterfeit coin using, 59–66
- Weighted degree of separation, 229–230
- Weight of binary search tree, 233, 246–247
- while loop
- binary search and, 74
- bisection search and, 72
- breadth-first search and, 225
- divide and conquer and, 63
- greedy algorithm and, 174
- in-place partitioning and, 141–142
- iterative search and, 68–70
- merge sort and, 112
- Wrapper for recursive procedure, 102
- xrange keyword, 252n3 (Chapter 8)