Institute Catholique de Paris
Around the corner to the right from St-Joseph-des-Carmes is the Institute Catholique de Paris, at No. 21 rue d’Assas. This is one of the most distinguished teaching institutions in France. It was founded in 1875 and has approximately 23,000 students. It is also home to a small museum, the Musée Biblique (Biblical Museum), which shows objects that have been excavated in the Holy Land, giving an interesting insight into the daily life of ancient Palestine.
Institute Catholique de Paris
Tel: 01. 44 39 52 00
Musée Biblique
Opening times: 4–6pm Sat or by appointment
Tel: 01. 45 48 09 15
Link to the Montparnasse walk: Continue along rue de Vaugirard and turn left onto Boulevard Raspail.