This is absolute heaven; I can’t get enough of it. It goes with absolutely everything and instantly livens up any meal, plus it’s so easy to make and only requires four simple ingredients. It’s delicious served with my Honey and Mushroom Quinoa; the two go so perfectly together! It’s great in a lunch box, too, as it adds a creamy texture and vibrant color to your meal, while also providing a wonderfully subtle sweetness.
Makes 1 big bowl
3 sweet potatoes (2 pounds)
2 garlic cloves, crushed
juice of 1 lemon
up to 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons almond milk
Peel the sweet potatoes and chop into small pieces. Place them in a steamer and steam for about 40 minutes, until each piece is so soft that it can easily be mashed by a fork. (If you don’t have a steamer, you can also boil the sweet potatoes.)
Put the sweet potatoes in a food processer with the garlic, lemon juice and salt. Blend together, adding the milk bit by bit (you may not need it all), until totally smooth.
Remove the purée from the processer and leave it to cool. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.