some chapter

Getting Old

I’ve had ingrown hairs before. This one is particularly painful and it’s a fucking pubic hair. Thankfully it’s not on the base of my dick, but more in the general pubic area, kind of toward my left hip. It’s formed a whitehead, and I figure I should pop it, get the shit out and let it heal, so it stops causing me pain as soon as possible.

In the bathroom I pull my pants down, kind of squat over the toilet for some reason, and bend over so I can get my eyes as close to the area as I can. I’m sure I look like some hunchbacked psychopath who’s on the verge of jerking off, but it must be done.

I get a thumbnail on either side of the offender and give it a good squeeze. It pops, and a little pus comes out, along with about half an inch of curly pubic hair. At this point, two things happen: I’m happy to have the hair free, and I’m horrified to see that the hair is, to my knowledge, the first gray hair anywhere on my body.