Princess Natasha Annasova Romanoff
The Montessori and Mattucci Grand Circus
Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA
Mr. John Higgins
Faber Shipping Worldwide
Union Street
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Dear John,
Yes, it’s me again, Higgins. And yes, I have joined the circus, and I like it very much. However, this circus is in trouble and I need your help. If you can see your way clear, will you join me here? It is not far from Boston, and since I am in deep cover, it should be safe enough. We are in desperate need of some of your very special talents.
If you come, please ask the Shantyman to join you and to bring his fiddle and drum . . . and my Lady Gay, too.
Oh, yes, and bring as much money as Faber Shipping can spare. Here’s the scam: I am the above Russian princess and you are my guardian who has been hired by the very possessive Count Yakov Ivanillich Petrovsky, to whom I am betrothed, to keep an eye on me. Being seventeen and headstrong, I had run away from you last month to join this circus, and you are somewhat miffed with me. Got it?
We shall be here in Buzzards Bay for four days. Please come, but only if you may safely do so.
Oh, how I long to see you and get the news from home!
Please excuse my haste, for you know that I count on you as my very best friend,