Boxes, figures, and glossary entries are designated by b, f, and g, respectively.
- Abe, Shinzo, 170
- Abengoa, 184
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 50, 67, 69
- Access, to energy. See Energy access
- Accretive projects, 95
- Acemoglu, Daron, 271
- Acids, 176
- AC microgrids, 130–134
- AC transmission lines, 202, 203, 203f
- Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)
- defined, 290g
- government support of innovation via, 253, 254
- R&D investments by, 262–263
- support for, 249, 250
- and U.S. leadership in energy innovation, 273
- Africa. See also specific regions and countries
- Pay-As-You-Go model in, 124
- public-sector promotion of solar in, 135
- solar home systems in, 123
- Alexander, Lamar, 249, 250
- All-solid-state battery, 172
- Alternating current (AC)
- conversion losses from DC to, 217
- defined, 279g
- energy storage technologies for, 228
- as grid standard, 131, 202, 217
- microgrids using (see AC microgrids)
- transmission lines for (see AC transmission lines)
- Amazon, 109
- Ambri, 230
- America First agenda, 272
- Ammonia, 182
- Amoco, 35
- Amorphous silicon, 37, 161, 280g
- Anadon, Laura, 259
- Anchor clients, 130
- Anodes, 175
- Apple Computers, 109
- Appliances, 132, 214, 244–245
- Applied R&D, funding for, 255–260
- Arab oil embargo, 35, 255
- Arco, 35, 36, 41
- Argentina, 68
- Argonne National Laboratory, 263
- Arizona, 102, 242
- ARPA-E. See Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
- ARPA-E Summit, 249–250
- ARPANET, 259
- Artificial leaf technology
- commercialization of, 179
- electrolyzers vs., 175
- hydrogen fuel from, 142, 172, 173
- and solar fuels using bacteria, 182
- Asia. See also specific regions and countries
- HVDC transmission lines in, 204
- off-grid solar in Africa vs., 135
- Pay-As-You-Go model in, 124
- solar home systems in, 123
- supergrids in, 198
- Asian Development Bank, 65
- Asset-backed securities, 99, 287g
- Atacama Desert, 68
- Atmospheric losses, 150, 151
- Atomic Conference of 1955, 34
- “Atoms for Peace” speech, 33–34
- Auctions, reverse, 50
- Australia, 34, 205, 215
- Auto industry, securitization in, 99–100
- Azuri, 125
- Babati, Tanzania, 115–116
- Bacteria, as catalysts for solar fuels, 182–183
- Bandgap
- defined, 149, 279g
- in multijunction solar cells, 152–153
- for organic solar cells, 156
- for photoelectrochemical cells, 177
- for silicon, 149–151
- Bangladesh, 6, 120, 123–124, 134
- Baseload power plants, 75
- Bases (chemical), 176
- Basic scientific research, funding, 254–255, 257, 259–260
- Batteries. See also Lithium-ion batteries
- as back up for grid, 82–83
- commercial adoption of, 11
- and cost of solar power, 22
- DC power in, 132
- in deep decarbonization effort, 235–236
- defined, 283g–284g
- electrochemical, 228
- energy storage in, 193, 221–226
- flow, 230
- lead-acid, 123, 228
- nickel, cobalt, and aluminum, 229
- nickel-manganese-cobalt, 229
- other storage technologies vs., 228–231
- for solar home systems, 123
- storage capacity of, 235, 235f
- Batteries and Energy Storage hub, 263
- Bazilian, Morgan, 119
- BBOXX, 126–127
- Becquerel, Edmond, 32
- Bell Laboratories, 37, 260
- Berkshire Hathaway Energy Renewables, 108
- Bernard, Rob, 213
- Bihar, India, 133–134
- Biomass, burning of, 59
- Birds, CSP plants and, 183
- Bitcoin, 134
- Black cells, 40–41
- Blackouts, 77, 207, 215, 245–247
- Blackstone, 93
- Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), 51, 64, 80, 252
- Bonds, green/climate, 113, 288g
- Boston Celtics, 93
- British Petroleum (BP), 35, 41
- Brooklyn, New York, 208
- Buffett, Warren, 109
- Building materials, solar, 162–163
- Burning mirrors, 29
- Bush, Vannevar, 254–255, 260
- Business model innovation
- defined, 58b, 288g
- and economic appeal of solar, 78–79, 83
- for expansion of solar energy, 23–24, 85, 90
- and future of solar energy, 2
- with microgrids, 130
- with off-grid solar, 118, 135
- to overcome deployment challenges, 57, 58b
- in regulated utilities, 108
- BYD (company), 223
- Cadmium telluride (CdTe), 38, 151, 155, 280g
- CAISO. See California Independent System Operator
- California. See also specific cities
- duck curve of demand in, 74–77, 75f
- grid in, 199, 211, 242
- intermittency problems in, 4
- power market in, 240, 269
- renewable energy growth in, 73, 74
- renewable portfolio standard in, 268
- rooftop/residential solar in, 100, 104
- solar water heaters in, 30
- value deflation in, 71, 72f, 83, 146
- California Independent System Operator (CAISO), 74–77, 75f, 290g
- California Institute of Technology, 174
- Canada, 206, 207
- Capacity, 47b, 284g
- Capacity markets, 240, 284g
- Capital
- cost of, 90, 287g
- debt, 91, 98, 100–101, 126
- defined, 287g
- equity, 90–91
- for new solar projects, 90–92
- for off-grid projects, 138–139
- for SHS up-front costs, 125, 126
- venture, 39, 257, 258f, 288g
- working, 128, 138–139
- Carbon-based fuels from sunlight. See Solar fuels
- Carbon capture, utilization, and storage
- cost of, 237–238
- in deep decarbonization efforts, 61, 62
- defined, 284g
- for fossil-fueled power plants, 82, 225
- Carbon dioxide, 180, 181, 188
- Carbon emissions. See also Deep decarbonization
- and climate change, 22
- in Deep Decarbonization road map, 245
- economics of eliminating, 234
- and future of solar energy, 5–6, 10
- in India, 16
- Carbon intensity, 106
- Carbon price (carbon tax)
- and global energy transition, 23
- political coalitions and, 166
- stimulating innovation with, 253, 266, 270–271
- Carter, Jimmy, and administration, 30, 35, 255, 256
- Catalysts, 176, 177, 182–183
- Cathodes, 175
- Cavendish Laboratory, 143
- CdTe. See Cadmium telluride
- Cell phones, 117, 216. See also entries beginning Mobile
- Center for Advanced Solar Photo-Physics, 263
- Center for Global Development, 119
- Central grid
- costs of decentralized grid vs., 199
- in energy access plan, 136–138
- in hybrid grid strategy, 216
- and microgrids, 129, 131, 132
- and off-grid solar, 118–120
- Chapin, Daryl, 33
- Chatila, Ahmad, 87, 89
- Chernobyl nuclear disaster, 21
- Chevy Bolt, 170, 229
- Chile
- hybrid solar plant in, 185
- prices for solar power in, 18, 50
- PV solar installations in, 19
- value deflation of solar in, 68–71
- China
- ancient, solar technology in, 29–30
- compensation for unused solar power in, 76
- deep decarbonization plans in, 236
- electric vehicles in, 169, 170
- government funding for innovation in, 251, 252
- greenhouse gas emissions by, 15
- HVDC transmission lines in, 204–205
- interconnecting grid of, 205, 206
- investment in new solar projects in, 64
- lithium-ion battery production in, 223
- nuclear reactors in, 237
- in pan-Asian supergrid, 195, 196
- R&D spending in, 53, 164, 272, 273
- renewable energy in, 106
- silicon PV panel production in, 1, 7, 28, 39, 44, 44f, 252, 257, 272–273
- solar deployment in, 43, 44f, 51, 267
- solar industry in, 28–29, 40–45
- as solar market leader, 194
- solar water heaters in, 31
- unregulated power companies in, 108
- China Development Bank, 45
- China Light and Power (CLP), 105–106, 108
- Chlorides, 188
- CIGS. See Copper indium gallium (di)selenide
- Clean Energy Investment Trust, 97
- Clean energy technology(-ies). See also specific types
- deployment of, 11
- expansion of, 5, 7
- global energy transition to, 22–23
- institutional investments in, 66
- limitations on, xvi
- nuclear power as, 21
- private funding for, 111, 113
- tax incentives for, 266–271
- U.S. military support for, 265–266
- venture capital for R&D on, 257, 258f
- Climate bonds (green bonds), 113, 288g
- Climate change
- and future of solar power, 1, 6, 7, 10
- impact of transition to solar power on, 22–23
- and India’s use of solar energy, 15, 16
- and natural disasters, 207
- solar investment required to limit, 57, 112f
- Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), 65, 97, 236
- CLP (China Light and Power), 105–106, 108
- Coal-fired power plants
- baseload power from, 76
- carbon capture for, 61, 238
- flexible-base, 76, 236
- and future of solar, 3, 14, 15
- in industrial sector, 60
- pollution controls on, 271
- U.S. transition away from, 234
- Coatings, PV, 12, 24, 27, 80–81, 141, 144
- Cobalt-phosphorus alloy, 182
- Cogeneration plants, 244
- Collateralized debt obligation, 99
- Columbia University, 273
- Combined cycle CSP plants, 188, 189
- Combined-cycle gas turbines, 234
- Commercial and industrial (C&I) market segment, 280g. See also Industrial sector
- Community solar, 107, 280g
- Competitive Renewable Energy Zone (CREZ), 269
- Compressed air, 231–232
- Concentrated solar power (CSP), 183–190
- commercial success for, 24
- cost of, 32, 173, 189
- deep decarbonization with, 61
- defined, 281g
- for desalination plants, 246
- exporting power from, 205
- in future of solar energy, 8
- growth of, 183–184
- hybrid approaches using, 188–190
- scaling up, 190–191
- technological innovation to improve, 185–188
- thermal storage for, 184–185
- Con Edison, 208
- Congo, 230
- Connecticut Green Bank, 102
- Consumption subsystem, 129
- Control algorithms, 214–215
- Conversion losses, 217
- Coons, Chris, 93, 249, 270
- Copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS), 38, 151, 153, 281g
- Copper industry, Chilean, 69
- Corporate investment, in new solar projects, 105–110. See also Private sector
- Cost of capital, 90, 287g
- CPI. See Climate Policy Initiative
- Credit, for off-grid customers, 127–128
- Crescent Dunes CSP plant (Nevada), 185
- CREZ (Competitive Renewable Energy Zone), 269
- Cross-national grids, 200–207
- Crystal lattice, 150, 152
- CSP. See Concentrated solar power
- Cuomo, Andrew, 207–208
- Currency risk, 113
- Current (electric current), 148, 149, 279g
- Curtailment, 77
- Cyclotron Road program, 264
- Cypress Semiconductor, 42
- Czech Republic, 78
- DARPA. See Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Davos, Switzerland, 212
- DC microgrids, 130–134, 138, 217
- DC transmission lines, 202–203, 203f
- high-voltage, 202–204, 203f, 206, 217, 219, 269, 285g
- ultra-high-voltage, 196, 204–205
- Death spiral, 107
- Debt capital, 91, 98, 100–101, 126
- Decarbonization, 171, 284g. See also Deep decarbonization
- Decentralization, of power, 119, 219
- Decentralized control algorithms, 214–215
- Decentralized grids
- in California, 211
- expanding central grid vs. building, 193
- in Reforming the Energy Vision program, 208–210
- solar power in, 215
- systemic innovation to accommodate, 199–200
- Deep decarbonization
- global electricity mix for, 60–63, 62f
- power sources for, 232–239
- U.S. roadmap for, 245
- Deep learning, 241
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 249, 259, 265
- Delos, 29
- Demand for electricity
- in cross-national grids, 202
- “duck curve” of, 74–78
- forecasted growth of, 60–61
- in India, 14
- Demand response, 212–216, 284g
- Demonstration projects, 264–265, 289g
- Denmark, 200–201, 244
- Department of Water and Power (Los Angeles, California), xiii
- Deregulation, of energy industry, 106–107
- Derisking insurance, 105
- Desalination, 82, 246, 284g
- Developed countries, 64, 122
- Developing countries
- applications of elastic solar materials in, 162
- funding/capital for solar projects in, 64, 65, 105, 113, 114, 126
- future of solar power in, 4–5
- microgrids in, 129
- SunEdison YieldCo for, 88
- Development banks, 45, 65, 102, 111, 113, 290g
- Devi, Shaiyra, 119
- Diesel-powered microgrids, 122
- Direct current (DC), 217, 279g. See also DC microgrids; DC transmission lines
- Discharge time, 227, 228
- Dispatchable resources, 71, 72, 185
- Distributed energy resources, 284g
- Distributed power markets, 210–212
- Distributed solar, 102, 104, 107, 199, 281g
- Distribution (stage), 284g
- Distribution subsystem, 129
- Diversification, revenue stream, 130
- d.light, 125
- DOD. See U.S. Department of Defense
- DOE. See U.S. Department of Energy
- Dow Chemical, 110
- Downstream developers, 48b, 52–53
- Downstream markets, 47f, 48b, 50
- Drones, 53
- Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 19–21, 50
- “Duck curve” of electricity demand, 74–78
- Duke Energy Renewables, 108
- Durability, of perovskite solar cells, 154–155
- Duties, import, 136
- East Africa, 86, 124, 125, 135–136
- East China Sea, 206
- Eclipse, total solar, 55–56
- Economic growth, off-grid solar and, 119
- Economies of scale, 104, 288g
- Edison, Thomas, 131, 134, 202, 217
- EESL (Energy Efficiency Services Limited), 138
- Efficiency
- and costs of solar PV panels, 45, 49
- of CSP plants, 186–188
- defined, 281g
- of organic solar cells, 156–157
- of perovskite solar cells, 143–148, 154–155
- of photoelectrochemical cells, 176–178
- of photosynthesis, 174
- of quantum dot cells, 157–158
- of silicon solar cells, 146, 148–151, 161
- of solar PV technologies, 41, 41f, 158–159, 158f
- of tandem cells, 153
- EFRCs (Energy Frontier Research Centers), 263
- Egypt, 31, 175
- Einstein, Albert, 32
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 33–34
- Elastic solar materials, 162
- Electrical technicians, training, 138
- Electric current. See Current
- Electricity
- cost of, xiv–xv, xvf, 49b, 80, 135, 159–161
- deep decarbonization of, 60–63, 62f, 232–239, 245
- demand for, 14, 60–61, 74–78, 202
- in industrial sector, 171
- lack of access to, 120–121, 121f
- from silicon solar cells, 148–151, 150f
- from solar power, 1, 30, 56, 57, 60
- from solar PV panels, 12–13
- supply of, 69–70, 200, 201
- Electricity generation mix
- for deep decarbonization, 61–63, 62f, 225
- in Japan, 17f
- nuclear power in, 21
- and renewable portfolio standards, 268
- Electricity grids (power grids), 195–219. See also Supergrids
- adding solar energy to, xiv
- battery storage tied to, 223, 224
- central grid, 118–120, 129, 131, 132, 136–138, 199, 216
- concentrated solar power in, 183
- cross-national, 200–207
- decentralized, 193, 199–200, 208–211, 215
- demand response strategy for, 212–216
- effect of total solar eclipse on, 55–56
- expansion of, 116, 198–199, 269
- future of, 9–10, 193
- hybrid approach to, 216–219
- in India, 15
- interconnections of national, 200–207
- microgrids, 86, 118, 122, 128–134, 138, 200, 216–217, 286g
- minigrids, 122
- and power markets, 241–242
- reliability of (see Grid reliability)
- REV program reforms to, 207–212
- rooftop/residential solar and, 46b–47b, 46f, 104
- smart, 193, 199, 200, 211, 213–214, 244, 286g
- solar PV output to, 24
- supergrid vs. decentralized models of, 195–200
- surges in, 77–78
- systemic innovation for, 82–83
- top-down, 209
- Electric power capacity mix, of India, 13–15, 14f
- Electric power companies, 91–92, 106–110. See also Utilities
- Electric vehicles (EVs). See also specific models
- batteries for, 22, 229
- and deep decarbonization, 60
- defined, 284g
- energy storage in, 169–173, 226
- and future of solar power, 5
- linking transportation and power systems with, 224, 243–244
- systemic innovation involving, 82
- Electric voltage. See Voltage
- Electrochemical batteries, 228
- Electrolysis, 285g
- Electrolyzers, 175–176
- Electrons
- defined, 279g
- four-electron reaction, 181
- in photovoltaics, 32
- in silicon solar cells, 148–150
- Electron-volt, 151
- Enel, 108
- Energiewende, 36, 55, 57, 64
- Energy, 60, 148, 279g
- Energy access
- government plan for, 136–138
- and grid reliability, 132–134
- microgrids to improve, 129
- off-grid solar to improve, 115–120, 123–124, 139
- and Pay-As-You-Go systems, 128
- solar technologies to improve, 85
- Energy density, 279g
- Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), 138
- Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs), 263
- Energy industry (power industry)
- connections of water and food systems with, 245–247
- deregulation of, 106–107
- in India, 114
- linking heating and transportation sectors with, 82, 226, 243–245
- research and development spending in, 273
- Energy Innovation Hubs, 263–264
- Energy-only wholesale market, 241
- Energy poverty, 8, 15
- Energy research, U.S. federal funding for, 254–260
- Energy security, 16–18, 29–30
- Energy storage, 142, 169–191
- in batteries, 193, 221–226
- characteristics of technologies for, 224–225, 227f
- in concentrated solar power, 183–190
- and deep decarbonization, 225, 238
- defined, 285g
- for electricity grids, 82–83
- in electric vehicles, 169–173, 226
- global technologies for, 226–232
- and grid size, 198
- in photoelectrochemical cells, 173–179
- with solar fuels, 179–183
- superconducting magnetic, 228
- and technological innovation in solar power, 190–191
- value deflation and technologies with, 81
- Energy transfer, in silicon solar cells, 148–151
- Energy transitions, 22–23, 36, 234
- E.ON, 70
- Equity capital, 90–91
- Ethiopia, 120, 124
- Europe. See also specific countries
- compensation for unused solar power in, 76–77
- funding for new solar projects in, 65
- HVDC transmission lines in, 204
- power markets in, 241
- solar PV production in, 44–45
- supergrids involving, 196, 198, 205–206
- YieldCos in, 93–94, 97
- European Union, 77, 241
- EVs. See Electric vehicles
- Experience curve, 289g
- Exxon, 34, 35, 87
- Facebook, 28
- Falling-particle receivers, 188
- Farms, solar, xiii–xiv, 14
- Feed-in tariffs, 36, 50, 57, 240, 281g
- Feynman, Richard, 157
- Fiji, 6
- Financial engineering, 85, 89, 114, 118
- Financial innovation
- and capital for new solar projects, 90–92
- defined, 289g
- for expansion of solar energy, 23–24, 85
- and future of solar energy, xvi, 2
- overcoming deployment challenges with, 57, 58b
- preserving economic appeal of solar with, 78–79, 80f, 83
- public policies to encourage, 194, 270
- and technology lock-in, 165
- Financing new solar projects, 23, 87–114
- corporate investment as, 105–110
- financial innovation and capital for, 90–92
- with Master Limited Partnerships, 92–98
- in off-grid solar, 126–128
- from public sector, 110–114
- securitization for, 98–105
- and SunEdison collapse, 87–89
- Firm Spread, 243
- First Solar, 38, 40, 94, 155, 164, 242
- Flexible-base resources
- for deep decarbonization, 234–236, 238
- defined, 285g
- in power market, 239, 242–243
- and state incentives for solar deployment, 269
- Flexible tandem solar cells, 153
- Flow batteries, 230
- Flux field, 183
- Flywheels, 228
- Food production, 245–247
- Fossil fuels. See also specific fuels
- carbon capture/storage from power plants using, 61, 62, 82, 225, 237–238
- continued use of, 3–7
- cost of electric energy from, 49b
- and decarbonization, 171
- defined, 285g
- impact of decreasing dependence on, 7–10
- India’s use of, 15–16
- profits from, 20–21
- replacements for, 60, 183
- solar PV panels as alternate to, 11
- as stores of solar energy, 59
- Four-electron reaction, 181
- France, 241
- Fresnel collectors, 186
- Friend, Sir Richard, 143
- Fritts, Charles, 32
- Fuel cells, 285g
- Fuels from Sunlight hub, 263
- Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster, 16–17, 17f, 21, 109, 169, 195
- Fuller, Calvin, 33
- Gaddy, Ben, 39, 257
- Gallium arsenide (GaAs), 37–38, 149, 151, 281g
- Gasoline, 35, 171, 175–176
- Gates, Bill, 12, 262, 272
- General Electric, 251
- General Motors, 169
- Generation IV nuclear reactors, 237
- Germany
- feed-in tariffs in, 240
- grid surges in, 78
- in international research collaborations, 273
- in Nordic Synchronized Area, 201
- nuclear power in, 239
- post-WWI, solar energy in, 30
- power market in, 241
- renewable energy in, 56–57, 73, 73f
- reverse auctions for solar power in, 50
- solar industry in, 28, 36, 43
- solar power targets for, 62–63
- solar PV production in, 44
- subsidies for renewable energy in, 64
- total solar eclipse as test of grid in, 55–56
- value deflation in, 70–71, 72f, 146
- Gigawatt (GW), 47
- Gigifactory, 223
- Global Energy Interconnection, 195–196
- Global Energy Interconnection (Liu), 196, 197
- Global supergrid, 196–198, 197f, 206–207, 219
- Goldstein, Anna, 263
- Google, 92, 109
- Gore, Al, 27
- Grätzel, Michael, 143, 145, 151
- Great Recession of 2009, 43, 91, 98, 99
- Greece, 29, 73, 73f
- Green, Martin, 40, 41, 42, 45, 155, 161
- Green banks, 102, 113, 290g
- Green bonds, 113, 288g
- Greenhouse gases, 15, 110–111
- Grid-connected solar systems, 67
- Grid reliability
- and decentralization, 212
- and duck curve of demand, 74, 75
- and energy access, 132–134
- impact of renewable energy on, 56–57, 77
- and inertia, 77
- Groh, Sebastian, 134
- Groundwater, 247
- GTM Research, 236
- Guarantees, loan, 111, 258
- The Guardian, 200
- GW (gigawatt), 47
- Heat energy, 60
- Heat engines, 30
- Heating appliances, 244–245
- Heating sector, 82, 226, 244–245
- Heat pumps, 244
- Heliocaminus, 29
- Heliostats, 186
- Hero of Alexandria, 30
- High Aswan Dam (Egypt), 175
- High-voltage alternating current (HVAC) transmission lines, 202
- High-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission lines
- for cross-national grids, 202–204, 203f, 206
- defined, 285g
- for hybrid grids, 217, 219
- state support for, 269
- Hoffman, Peter, 56
- Hong Kong, 108
- Hot carrier strategy, 157–158
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 260
- Hungary, 78
- Hurricane Sandy (Superstorm Sandy), 199, 207
- HVAC (high-voltage alternating current) transmission lines, 202
- HVDC transmission lines. See High-voltage direct current transmission lines
- Hybrid CSP plants, 188–190
- Hybrid grids, 200, 216–219, 218f
- Hybrid off-grid systems, 123
- Hybrid solar plants, 185
- Hydrocarbon fuels, from sunlight, 180
- Hydrogen, 285g
- Hydrogen fuel
- early production of, 30
- from integrated solar fuel generators, 174
- from PECs, 175
- from PV and electrolyzer systems, 175–176
- from sunlight, 172, 180
- vehicles using, 9, 170
- Hydrological cycle, 59
- Hydropower (hydroelectric power)
- in California, 76
- in Chile, 68, 69
- defined, 285g
- financing for projects involving, 111
- in interconnected grids, 206
- in Latin America, 19
- in Nordic Synchronized Area, 201
- popularity of, 5
- Hydro storage facilities, 83, 226–228, 231
- Iceland, 206
- IEA. See International Energy Agency
- IFC (International Finance Corporation), 111
- Import duties, 136
- Incentives. See also specific types, e.g.: Subsidies
- for demonstration projects, 265
- for deploying solar power, xvi, 45, 70
- for new solar projects, 65
- in power markets, 240
- tax-based, 266–271
- and U.S. solar industry, 35–36
- An Inconvenient Truth (film), 27
- India. See also specific locations
- electric power capacity mix in, 13–15, 14f
- funding for new solar projects in, 64, 65, 113–114
- irrigation and blackouts in, 245–247
- microgrids in, 130, 132–134, 136
- off-grid solar in, 86, 117, 118
- PAYG in, 128
- projected solar PV deployment in, 51
- public sector promotion of, 113–114, 135
- renewable energy in, 106
- Softbank’s solar investments in, 109
- solar farms in, 4–5
- technology costs in, 138
- YieldCos in, 97
- Indian Institute of Technology, 133
- Indonesia, 122
- Industrial sector
- fossil fuels in, 60, 171
- and future of solar power, 5, 8
- Internet-connected equipment in, 214
- Inertia, 77, 242, 285g–286g
- Infrastructure projects
- in China, 197, 205
- institutional investments in, 93
- of Donald J. Trump administration, 269
- by utilities, 209, 211
- Innovation. See also specific types, e.g.: Financial innovation
- defined, 58b, 90, 289g
- and future of solar energy, 1–2, 23–25
- government inducements for, 260–266
- to improve solar energy utilization, 78–83
- and mindset of Silicon Valley solar start-ups, 29
- overcoming deployment challenges with, 57, 58b
- to realize potential of solar energy, 11–12
- in solar energy market, xvi–xvii
- in solar industry, 53
- subsidies for, 267–268
- U.S. leadership in, 271–274
- by U.S. government, 249–254
- Instantaneous power, 71
- Institutional investors
- clean energy investments by, 98, 111
- defined, 288g
- infrastructure investments for, 93
- in new solar projects, 65–68
- Insurance, 103, 105
- Insurance companies, 111
- Integrated circuits, 259
- Integrated solar fuel generators, 174, 178
- Intel, 164
- Intermittency, 4, 193, 198
- International Energy Agency (IEA), 11, 61, 290g
- International Finance Corporation (IFC), 111
- International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), 290g
- International research collaborations, 273
- Internet, 249, 259
- Internet of Things, 214
- Invention, 58b
- Inverters, 53, 82, 212, 242, 281g
- Investment tax credit (ITC), 281g
- Ion cannons, 39
- Iranian Revolution, 35
- IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), 290g
- Irrigation systems, 31, 245–247
- Italy
- growth of renewable energy in, 73, 73f
- incentives for solar in, 43
- total solar eclipse and grid in, 55
- unregulated power companies in, 108
- value deflation in, 71
- ITC (investment tax credit), 281g
- Ivanpah CSP plant (Mojave Desert, California), 183–184, 186
- Jacobson, Mark, 232–233
- Japan
- growth of renewable energy in, 73, 73f
- interconnecting grid of, 205, 206
- in international research collaborations, 273
- orbital solar power satellite in, 163, 164
- solar industry in, 28, 36
- solar PV production in, 44
- solar water heaters in, 30
- JCAP. See Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis
- Jean, Joel, 155
- Jenkins, Jesse, 225, 234
- Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP), 177, 178, 178f, 290g
- Joint Strike Fighter, 259
- Kann, Shayle, 71, 80, 160
- Karnataka, India, 133, 247
- Kauffman, Richard, 90, 208, 209
- Kenya, 117, 124
- Kerosene subsidy, 135
- Kerry, John, 271, 272
- Kilowatt-hour (kWh), 49b, 280g
- King’s College London, 32
- Knock-on effect, 78, 267–268
- Kumar, Saurabh, 138
- Kuwait, 20
- kWh (kilowatt-hour), 49b, 280g
- kWh Analytics, 103
- Kyocera, 36
- Lancaster, Richard, 105
- Latin America, 18–19, 108. See also specific countries
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 263
- Lazard, 49b
- Lead, in perovskite, 155, 156
- Lead-acid batteries, 123, 228
- Leases, solar, 124, 126, 288g
- Lease-to-own options, 127
- LEDs (light-emitting diodes), 132, 286g
- Lee, Mike, 144
- Leijtens, Tomas, 153
- Lendable, 127
- Lending, peer-to-peer, 127
- Lending Club, 127
- Level II EV chargers, 243
- Lewis, Nathan “Nate,” 174, 175, 177, 179, 183
- LG Chem, 223
- Liebreich, Michael, 243
- Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 132, 286g
- Light-water reactors, 21, 165, 236
- Liquidity, of investments, 66, 67
- Listed securities, 66–67
- Lithium-ion batteries
- applications of, 230–231
- as backup for grid, 82–83
- characteristics of, 228–229
- for electric vehicles, 172
- energy stored in, 226, 227
- and future of solar power, 4
- for solar home systems, 123
- and solar PV panels, 223–226, 224f
- Littlewood, Peter, 198
- Liu Zhenya, 195–198, 200, 205, 206, 219
- Loan guarantees, 111, 258
- Loans Program Office, 264
- Loan syndication, 111
- Local distribution circuits, 77
- Local power sources, in decentralized grids, 199
- Lockheed, 179
- Lock-in (technological), 164–167, 231, 289g
- Logistic growth, 73–74, 73f
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, 263
- Los Angeles, California, xiii–xiv, 204
- “Low-Cost Solution to the Grid Reliability Problem with 100% Penetration” (Jacobson), 232–233
- Majumdar, Arun, 249, 250
- Mali, 122
- Mandates, on solar, 50
- Manhattan Project, 254, 263
- Manufacturing USA, 264
- Market-clearing prices, 239–240
- Markets, power. See Power markets
- Marshall Islands, 6
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 155, 236, 261
- Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs), 92–98, 270, 288g
- Maycock, Paul, 45
- McKinsey, 110
- MDBs. See Multilateral development banks
- Megawatt (MW), 47
- Memory chips, xvi
- Merchant plants, 69, 70, 71
- ME SOLshare, 134
- Meters, smart, 209, 214, 286g
- Mexico, 18–19, 50, 206
- Mexico City, Mexico, 18–19
- MGM Resorts, 109
- Miami, Florida, 6
- Microchips, xv–xvi, xvf
- Microgrids, 128–134
- AC, 130–134
- DC, 130–134, 138, 217
- defined, 129–130, 286g
- in energy access plan, 136–138, 137f
- fossil fuels for powering, 122
- in hybrid grid strategy, 200, 216–217
- for off-grid solar, 86, 118
- Microprocessors, xvi
- Microsoft, 92, 213, 215
- Middle East, 246. See also specific countries
- Middle East Electricity Summit, 19–20
- Military. See also U.S. Department of Defense
- as customer for new solar technologies, 163
- support for clean energy technologies from, 265–266
- Minigrids, 122
- Mirrors, burning, 29
- Missing money problem, 240
- Mission Innovation, 254, 272
- MIT. See Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- MIT Energy Initiative, 161
- M-KOPA, 124, 125
- MLP Parity Act, 93, 270
- MLPs. See Master Limited Partnerships
- Mobil, 35, 36
- Mobile banking, 117, 128, 135
- Mobile money, 125
- Mobile payments, peer-to-peer, 134
- Mobisol, 125
- Modi, Narendra, 13–15, 272
- Mongolia, 205
- Moore’s Law, xv–xvi
- Moran, Jerry, 93, 270
- Mortgage-backed securities, 99
- Mosaic Solar, 101
- Moss, Todd, 119
- Mouchot, Augustin, 30, 31
- M-PESA, 124, 125
- Multijunction solar cells, 38, 152–153
- Multilateral development banks (MDBs), 111, 113, 290g
- Multinational institutions, financing by, 92
- Multiple exciton generation, 157
- Munjal, Rahul, 13
- Musk, Elon, 59, 63, 163, 170, 221–224, 226, 229, 243, 247, 265
- MW (megawatt), 47
- Nanda, Raman, 109
- Nanometer, 157
- Nanosolar, 27–28, 38, 39, 52
- Narayanamurti, Venky, 260
- NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 265
- National Academy of Engineering, 209
- National Academy of Sciences, 263
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 265
- National Science Foundation, 261
- Natural gas
- in combined cycle plants, 188, 189
- and decline in nuclear power, 239, 240
- hydrogen fuel from, 176
- power plants running on, 75–76, 105, 234–235
- Nature (journal), 145
- NCA (nickel, cobalt, and aluminum) batteries, 229
- Needles, Arizona, 31
- Nemet, Greg, 259
- Net metering, 50, 102, 107, 281g–282g
- NET Power, 238
- Networks, of microgrids, 134
- New Delhi, India, 13–16
- New Orleans, Louisiana, 6
- New solar projects. See also Financing new solar projects
- capital for, 90–92
- corporate investment in, 105–110
- investment in, 64–68
- public funding for, 65, 110–114
- New York City, 6, 207, 208
- New York Green Bank, 113
- New York State
- decentralized grid in, 199
- power market in, 240
- Reforming the Energy Vision program in, 207–209
- support for solar deployment by, 268–269
- New York Times, 233
- New Zealand, 67
- Nextera, 94
- NextEra Energy Resources, 108
- Nichols, Ron, xiv
- Nickel, cobalt, and aluminum (NCA) batteries, 229
- Nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) batteries, 229
- Nigeria, 120, 124, 136–137
- Nile river, 6
- Nitrates, 187
- NMC (nickel-manganese-cobalt) batteries, 229
- Nocera, Dan, 179–183
- Noel, Nakita, 156
- Nondispatchable resources, 69, 71
- Nordhaus, Ted, 119
- Nordic Synchronized Area, 201, 206
- North Africa, 196, 205
- North America, 198, 204, 206. See also specific countries
- Northeast Asia supergrid, 205
- Norway, 201
- NREL (U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory), 135, 236
- NRG, 93, 94, 238
- NRG Yield, 93
- Nuclear power, 286g
- for deep decarbonization, 61–63, 225, 234, 236, 237
- flexibility of power plants producing, 76
- and future of solar energy, 1, 5, 10
- in Japan, 16–18
- light-water reactors, 21, 165, 236
- as model for solar energy, 21–23
- in power markets, 239–240
- and renewable portfolio standards, 268
- as supplement to solar power, 24
- U.S. government support for, 28, 33–34, 36
- use of, 60, 82
- Nuclear reactors, 21, 165, 236, 237
- NV Energy, 109
- Obama, Barack, and administration, 38, 39, 169, 170, 184, 245, 249, 263, 272
- OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), 111
- Off-Grid Electric, 115, 116, 118, 125
- Off-grid solar, 23–24, 115–139
- defined, 282g
- funding for, 67–68
- history of, 118–124
- improving energy access with, 86, 115–118
- in India, 14
- microgrids for, 128–134
- Pay-As-You-Go model for, 124–128
- per unit electricity costs for, 122
- public-sector promotion of, 135–139
- Office of Scientific Research and Development, 254
- Offshore oil rigs, 34
- Offtaker risk, 111
- Offtakers, 68, 104–105
- Oil, decarbonization and, 171
- Oil and gas industry, 91, 106
- Oil companies
- applied R&D in energy by, 257
- capitalization of solar vs., 89
- and carbon prices, 23
- investment in solar power by, 35
- tax incentives for, 268
- Oil exports, profits from, 20
- Oil prices, 95–96, 96f, 255, 256
- OMC Power, 130
- Open-cycle gas turbines, 235
- Optical fibers, 215–216
- Optical supergrids, 215
- Orbital solar power satellite, 163, 164
- Organic polymers, 151–152
- Organic solar cells, 147, 156–157, 282g
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 111
- O’Sullivan, Frank, 39
- Ouarzazate, Morocco, 205
- Oxford PV, 147, 153, 166–167
- Oxford University, 143, 151
- Pacific DC intertie, 204
- Paint, solar, 12, 147, 162
- Pan-Asian supergrid, 195–196
- Parabolic trough CSP designs, 186
- Paris Agreement on Climate Change
- and China Light and Power’s investment in solar, 105–106
- global warming limit in, 6
- India’s climate pledge under, 15
- and Mission Innovation, 271–272
- withdrawal of United States from, 24, 254, 272
- Paris Climate Change Conference (2015), 271
- Pasadena, California, 31
- Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) model
- defined, 282g
- for microgrids, 130
- for off-grid solar, 118, 124–128
- for solar home systems, 123
- Pearson, Gerald, 33
- PECs. See Photoelectrochemical cells
- Peer-to-peer lending, 127
- Peer-to-peer mobile payments, 134
- Penn State University, 177
- Pension funds, 111
- PERC design, 41
- Perovskite(s)
- defined, 282g
- layering of, on silicon solar cells, 147, 153, 155
- in photoelectrochemical cells, 178
- size of, 155
- in solar fuel production, 181–182
- as solar material, 144, 145, 151–156
- synthetic, 151
- Perovskite solar cells, 141, 143–167
- advantages of, over silicon solar cells, 159–164
- efficiency and development of, 143–148
- efficiency of, 161
- and energy transfer in silicon solar cells, 148–151
- organic and quantum dot solar cells vs., 156–159
- and perovskite as solar material, 151–156
- scaling up, 191
- and technology lock-in in solar industry, 164–167
- and value deflation, 190
- Persian Gulf, 246
- Peru, 18, 50
- Petroleum-fueled vehicles, 170–171
- Petro Nova project, 238
- Philippines, 122
- Phillips, 138
- Photoelectrochemical cells (PECs), 173–179
- defined, 282g
- of JCAP, 177–178, 178f
- scaling up, 191
- solar PV cells vs., 175–176
- tandem structures in, 178–179
- Photons, 32, 148–151, 280g
- Photosynthesis, 172, 174–175
- Photovoltaic effect, 32
- Photovoltaics (PV). See also entries beginning Solar PV
- defined, 282g
- electricity from, 32–33
- in hybrid CSP plants, 189–190
- Picosolar systems, 122
- Plasmonic resonance, 158
- PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), 232, 233
- Poland, 78
- Political coalitions, 166
- Political issues, with global supergrid, 198
- Political risk, 111
- Polysilicon, 39, 50, 52
- Post-silicon solar materials, 52
- Poverty, energy, 8, 15
- Power. See also specific sources, e.g.: Solar power
- defined, 31, 280g
- instantaneous, 71
- from silicon solar cell, 151
- Power capacity, 227, 228, 230
- Power density, 150, 229–230
- Power-generation subsystem, 129
- Power grids. See Electricity grids
- Powerhive, 131
- Power industry. See Energy industry
- Power markets
- decentralized, 199
- distributed, 210–212
- diverse power mix in, 225
- effect of renewable energy on, 56–57, 70
- REV reforms for, 210
- state governments’ work with, 269
- systemic innovations in, 239–243
- wholesale, 69, 243–244, 287g
- Power plants. See also Coal-fired power plants
- baseload, 75
- combined cycle, 188, 189
- in deep decarbonization efforts, 225
- derisking of, 105
- effects of solar PV on non-solar, 75–76
- in electricity grid, 82
- inertia of, 77
- natural gas-fueled, 75–76, 105, 234–235
- solar PV, 31, 61, 183–184
- virtual, 215
- Power-purchase agreements (PPAs)
- defined, 282g
- and power markets, 240
- prices for solar in, 50, 51f
- with regulated utilities, 108
- and value deflation, 68–69, 71
- Power sources, for deep decarbonization, 232–239
- Power supply volatility, 55–56, 82
- Power tower CSP designs, 186–188, 187f
- Powerwall, 222, 225
- Priority dispatch, 76–77
- Private equity funds, 66
- Private sector
- capital for solar industry from, 85
- financing for off-grid solar by, 121–122
- investment in commercialization by, 263–265
- investment in new solar projects by, 64
- solar PV technology advances by, 41, 42
- support for R&D by government and, 250, 251, 253–257
- Prizes, for demonstration projects, 265
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 232, 233
- Profits, 45, 49–53, 114
- Public bond markets, 91
- Public Investment Fund, 93
- Public policy
- distortionary, and off-grid solar, 135–136
- encouraging innovation with, 24, 83, 85, 194, 270
- and energy access, 86
- on global energy transition, 22–23
- and technology lock-in, 165–166
- Public sector. See also U.S. government
- funding for new solar projects by, 65, 110–114
- investment in solar projects by, 92
- promotion/financing of off-grid solar by, 118, 135–139
- Public stock markets, 91
- PV. See Photovoltaics
- PV coatings, 12, 24, 27, 80–81, 141, 144
- Qatar, 20
- Q-Cells, 36
- Quantum dot solar cells, 147, 157–159, 282g
- Rajasthan, India, 134
- R&D. See Research and development
- Reagan, Ronald, and administration, 36, 255–257
- Real estate investment trusts (REITs), 98, 288g
- Receivers, falling-particle, 188
- Refineries, solar, 180
- Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) program, 207–212
- Regional supergrids, 206, 207
- Regulated utilities (regulated power companies), 107–108, 110
- REITs (real estate investment trusts), 98, 288g
- Renewable energy, 286g. See also specific types
- and carbon intensity targets, 106
- creating separate market for, 242–243
- in cross-national grids, 201–202, 206
- for deep decarbonization, 225, 235
- effect on power markets of, 56–57, 70
- grid reliability issues with, 77
- institutional investments in, 67
- logistic growth for, 73–74, 73f
- public-sector funding for, 110–111
- in Saudi Arabia, 20–21
- in Texas, 269
- Renewable portfolio standard (RPS), 268, 286g
- Renew Power, 67
- Research and development (R&D), 289g
- applied, 255–260
- federal investment in nondefense, 261–262, 262f
- federal vs. private funding for, 250, 251, 254–260
- necessity of current work in, 24–25
- shared laboratories for, 264
- in solar industry, 52–53
- spending on, in China, 53, 164, 272, 273
- spending on, in semiconductor industry, 273
- U.S. federal funding for, 36, 250–251
- Reserve Bank of India, 128
- Residential solar
- connecting, to electric grid, 46b–47b, 46f
- cost of, 100
- defined, 282g
- off-grid, 116
- price of, 103–104
- Resilience, of grid, 208
- Reverse auctions, 50
- REV (Reforming the Energy Vision) program, 207–212
- Rickover, Hyman, 165
- Rive, Lyndon, 221
- Rive, Peter, 221
- Rodgers, T. J., 42
- Rokkasho, Japan, 16–18
- Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (Rokkasho, Japan), 16–18
- Rolls, solar, 161–162
- Rome, ancient, 29
- Romney, Mitt, 39
- Roofs, solar, 222–223, 247
- Rooftop solar installations, 162, 212
- Rooftop solar panels, 14, 100, 103–104
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 254
- Roscheisen, Martin, 27, 52
- Royal Dutch Shell, 35
- RPS (renewable portfolio standard), 268, 286g
- Ruffalo, Mark, 233
- Russia, 195, 198, 205, 206, 237
- Rwanda, 117, 136
- RWE, 70
- Safaricom, 124
- Sahara Desert, 202
- Samsung, 223, 229
- Sanchez, Dan, 273
- Sandia National Laboratory, 188
- Sanyo, 36
- Satellites, solar power, 34, 163, 164, 283g
- Saudi Arabia, 20–21, 50–51, 244
- Scarce materials, in batteries, 230
- Schumpeter, Josef, 58b, 90
- Science (journal), 145
- Science: The Endless Frontier (Bush), 254–255
- Scotland, 206
- S-curve, 73
- Seaborg, Glenn, 21
- Seasonal variation, in energy storage, 231
- “The Secret Tesla Motors Master Plan” (Musk), 221
- Securitization
- defined, 288g
- for off-grid projects, 126–128
- for solar projects, 91, 98–105, 101f
- Security, energy, 16–18, 29–30
- Selenium, 32
- Semiconductor industry, 38–40, 259, 273
- Semiconductors
- current and voltage, 148–149
- defined, 280g
- improving efficiency of solar cells with, 151
- in photoelectrochemical cell, 178
- selenium as, 32
- wide-gap, 204
- Shared laboratories, for R&D, 264
- Sharp (company), 36
- Shingles, solar, 162, 222–223, 247
- Shi Zhengrong, 42
- SHSs. See Solar home systems
- Shuman, Frank, 31
- Siemens, 36
- Silicon, 283g
- amorphous, 37, 161, 280g
- bandgap for, 149
- characteristics of perovskite vs., 152
- in high-efficiency solar cells, 151
- prices of thin-film technologies vs., 39
- as solar material, 28, 32–33, 145–146
- in solar technologies, 22, 37
- Silicon solar cells
- advantages of perovskite over, 159–164
- efficiency of, 146, 161
- energy transfer in, 148–151
- global trends in installation of, 252
- invention of, 33
- perovskite layers on, 141, 147, 153, 155
- replacing, 161
- in solar roofs, 222–223
- Silicon solar PV panels, xiv
- Chinese production of, 1, 7, 28, 39, 44, 44f, 252, 257, 272–273
- costs of, 159–160
- current installations of, 12–21
- development of modern, 40–41
- and future of solar energy, 3–4, 7–8
- incentives for deploying, 267
- invention of, 29
- and potential of solar energy, 11
- rooftop installations of, 14, 100, 103–104
- solar PV coatings as alternative to, 27
- technology lock-in with, 164–166
- value deflation and, 190
- Silicon Valley solar start-ups, 27–29, 37–40, 146, 179, 257
- Simpa Networks, 128
- Skyscrapers, solar building materials for, 162
- Slovakia, 78
- Smart appliances, 214
- Smart grids
- decentralization with, 193, 199, 200
- defined, 286g
- and demand response strategies, 213–214
- and electric vehicles, 244
- technological innovation for, 211
- Smart inverters, 242
- Smart meters, 209, 214, 286g
- SMES (superconducting magnetic energy storage), 228
- Smil, Vaclav, 22
- Smith, Willoughby, 32
- Snaith, Henry, 143–145, 147–148, 153, 156, 166–167
- Socrates, 29
- Softbank, 13, 109, 195
- Soft costs, 283g
- Solar architecture, 29–30
- Solar-as-a-service business model, 88
- Solar cells. See also Perovskite solar cells; Silicon solar cells
- materials for, 37–38
- multijunction, 38, 152–153
- organic, 147, 156–157, 282g
- quantum dot, 147, 157–159, 282g
- substrates for, 152, 161–162
- tandem, 153, 154f, 156, 161, 283g
- SolarCity, 100, 116, 221–223
- Solar energy, 3–25
- battery storage for, 221–226
- current installations of PV panels, 12–21
- innovations to improve future of, 23–25
- nuclear power as model for, 21–23
- optimistic projections about, 7–10
- pessimistic projections about, 3–7
- potential of, 10–12
- scale of, xiii–xiv
- Solar energy utilization, 55–83
- and “duck curve” of electricity demand, 74–78
- economic challenges with, 56–59
- innovations for improving, 78–83
- and investment in new solar projects, 64–68
- power supply volatility as challenge with, 55–56
- setting global targets for, 59–63
- value deflation as challenge with, 68–74
- Solar farms, xiii–xiv, 14
- Solar fuels
- commercial success for, 24
- concentrated solar power vs., 183
- energy storage in, 179–183
- hydrogen fuel vs., 172–173
- investment in, 12
- value deflation and, 81
- Solar home systems (SHSs)
- capital for up-front costs of, 125, 126
- costs of, 132, 133f
- defined, 283g
- in India, 128
- lease-to-own options for, 127
- microgrids vs., 129, 130
- networks of, 134
- as off-grid solar, 123
- Pay-As-You-Go model for, 124, 125
- Solar industry, 27–53
- ancient solar technologies, 29–32
- in China, 40–45
- current state of, 45–53
- silicon material in, 32–33
- Silicon Valley start-ups in, 27–29, 37–40
- technology lock-in for, 164–167
- U.S. government support of, 33–37
- Solar leases, 124, 126
- Solar paint, 12, 147, 162
- Solar power
- cost of, 22, 48b–49b, 48f, 79, 80
- in cross-national grids, 201–202
- in decentralized grids, 211–212
- and decline in nuclear power, 239, 240
- for deep decarbonization, 61–63, 234, 236, 238
- with demand response strategies, 215–216
- early use of, 31
- electricity supplied by, 56, 57
- technical potential of, 63
- technological innovation in, 190–191
- upstream production and downstream markets in, 47b–48b, 47f
- U.S. public policies in support of, 266–271
- utilization targets in India, 13–15, 14f
- Solar Power Corporation, 34
- Solar power satellite, 34, 163, 164, 283g
- Solar PV panels. See also Silicon solar PV panels
- components of, 46b, 46f
- costs of, 31–32, 45
- defined, 283g
- deployment trends, 85
- economics of, xvi
- with electrolyzers, 175–176
- and lithium-ion batteries, 223–226, 224f
- of off-grid providers, 118
- power from, 31
- production costs for, 78–79, 79f
- Solar PV power plants, 31, 61, 183–184
- Solar PV systems
- connecting residential systems to grids, 46b–47b, 46f
- deployment projections for, 51–52, 52f
- and efficiency of silicon solar cells, 146
- expanding capital pool for installing, 90–92
- projected costs for, 160, 160f
- stand-alone, 117
- Solar PV technologies
- and concentrated solar power, 173, 191
- cost of, 34
- efficiency of, 41, 41f, 158–159, 158f
- financial and business model innovations for expanding, 78–79
- in future of solar energy, 9
- grid penetration of, 236, 237f
- systemic innovation for, 81–82
- technological innovation for, 141
- value deflation for, 71, 72f, 198
- Solar refineries, 180
- Solar rolls, 161–162
- Solar technologies
- ancient, 29–32
- cost of, xv–xvi, xvf
- economic appeal of using alternate, 80–81
- evolutionary improvements to, 147
- and future of solar energy, 7–8
- international funding for, 253–254
- investment in, 12
- in Japan, 18
- perovskite-based, 166–167
- revolutionary improvements to, 147
- silicon in, 37
- stagnation in, 22
- U.S. federal loan program for, 258–259
- U.S. government funding for, 251–253
- Solar thermal plants, 31
- Solar water heaters, 30–31
- Solid-state battery, 172
- Solyndra, 38, 39, 258, 264
- Son, Masayoshi “Masa,” 109, 195, 198, 200, 205, 206, 219
- South Asia, 85, 117, 120
- Southern Power, 108
- South Korea, 145, 195, 205, 223, 273
- Soviet Union, 38. See also Russia
- Space-based solar power, 147, 163
- Space program, 34
- SpaceX, 221, 222, 265
- Spain, 43, 69, 73, 73f
- Sponsors, YieldCo, 94, 96–97
- Sputnik satellites, 34
- Stand-alone solar PV systems, 117
- Stanford University, 27, 53, 190
- Start-ups
- demand-side innovations by, 213–214
- Silicon Valley solar, 27–29, 37–40, 146, 179, 257
- State governments, 264–265, 268–269
- State Grid Corporation, 195, 196
- Stirling Dish Engine, 186
- Stranks, Sam, 145
- Strauss, Lewis, 21
- Streamers, 183
- Sub-Saharan Africa, 85, 117, 120, 121
- Subsidies
- for deploying solar power, 17, 43, 57, 70, 266–268
- for electricity used in agriculture, 247
- for kerosene, 135
- for new solar projects, 64
- for silicon PV panel manufacturing, 43
- Substation, 287g
- Substrates, for solar cells, 152, 161–162
- Sun Catalytix, 179
- SunEdison, 87–89, 89f, 91, 94–98, 106
- Sunlight
- carbon-based fuels from (see Solar fuels)
- conversion of, into mechanical work, 30
- electricity from, in silicon cells, 148–151, 150f
- as energy source, 11, 59
- Sunlight Financial, 103
- SunPower, 35, 42, 45, 94
- SunShot program, 160, 160f, 260
- Suntech, 42, 45
- Supercapacitors, 228, 230–231
- Supercharger stations, 243
- Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), 228
- Superconducting transmission lines, 204
- Supercritical carbon dioxide, 188
- Supergrids, 195–200
- global, 196–198, 197f, 206–207, 219
- in Global Energy Interconnection, 195
- and hybrid grid, 219
- optical, 215
- pan-Asian, 195–196
- regional, 206, 207
- solar power in, 215
- systemic innovation for, 199–200
- transmission lines for, 205–207
- Supermajor(s)
- and corporate investment in solar, 105–110
- in solar energy, 89, 91–92
- SunEdison as, 87, 106
- Superstorm Sandy, 199, 207
- Supply of electricity, 69–70, 200, 201
- Surges, power grid, 77–78
- Swanson, Dick, 42, 45
- Swanson’s Law, 45
- Swarm electrification, 134
- Sweden, 201, 204
- Sylmar converter station (Los Angeles, California), 204
- Synfuels program, 259
- Synthetic perovskite, 151
- Systemic innovation, 221–247
- and battery storage of solar energy, 221–226
- defined, 58b, 193, 289g
- for expansion of solar energy, 24
- and future of solar energy, xvi–xvii, 2
- and global energy storage technologies, 226–232
- for hybrid grid, 217, 219
- and interconnections of energy, water, and food systems, 245–247
- linking heating/transportation sectors with power sector, 243–245
- overcoming solar deployment challenges with, 57, 58b, 59
- in power markets, 239–243
- and power sources for deep decarbonization, 232–239
- preserving economic appeal of solar with, 80f, 81–83
- public policies to encourage, 194
- for supergrids or decentralized grids, 199–200
- technological vs., 200
- Tanaka, Yoshikazu, 169, 170
- Tandem solar cells, 153, 154f, 156, 161, 283g
- Tandem structures, in photoelectrochemical cells, 178–179
- Tanzania, 115–117, 124, 136
- Tarangire National Park, 115
- Tariffs
- feed-in, 36, 50, 57, 240, 281g
- and off-grid solar, 135–136
- protecting domestic solar manufacturers with, 24–25, 273–274
- Tax credits
- for clean energy, 266–271
- for deployment of solar power, 50, 166
- investment, 281g
- for new solar projects, 65
- and technological innovation, 253
- and U.S. solar industry, 35–36
- Technological innovation
- and carbon tax, 271
- and current silicon PV technology, 141
- defined, 58b, 289g–290g
- for expansion of solar energy, 24
- and financial innovation, 165
- and future of solar energy, xvi, 2
- government support for, 259
- overcoming deployment challenges with, 57, 58b
- preserving economic appeal of solar with, 80–81, 80f, 83
- in solar power, 190–191
- systemic vs., 200
- U.S. funding for, 252–253
- Technology companies, as solar supermajors, 109–110
- Technology costs, 138
- Technology demonstrations, 264–265
- Technology lock-in, 164–167, 231, 289g
- Telecom firms, as anchor clients, 130
- Temperature, in CSP systems, 185–187, 190
- TenneT, 55
- Tesla, Inc., 100, 162, 169, 215, 223, 226, 229, 243, 258
- Tesla, Nikola, 131, 202, 217
- Tesla Model 3, 170, 221, 222, 229
- Tesla Model S, 169, 221
- Tesla Motors, 221–223
- Texas, 71, 72f, 241, 269
- Thermalization losses, 151
- Thermal storage, for CSP systems, 185
- Thin film technologies, 38–40, 163, 283g
- Three Gorges Corporation, 108
- Tidal energy, 60
- Tin-based perovskites, 156
- Titanium dioxide, 177
- Tokyo University, 144
- Top-down grids, 209
- Total (company), 35
- Total solar eclipse, 55–56
- Toyota Mirai, 170, 172, 173, 180, 191
- Toyota Motor Corporation, 169–170, 172, 191
- Toyota Prius, 169, 170
- Track Two, REV program, 208–209
- Trade barriers, 24–25, 135–136, 273–274
- Transmission, 287g
- Transmission lines
- AC, 202, 203, 203f
- for cross-national grids, 201–202
- DC (see DC transmission lines)
- superconducting, 204
- for supergrids, 205–207
- virtual, 215–216
- Transportation sector
- electric vehicles in, 224
- fossil fuels in, 60, 171
- and future of solar power, 5
- linking power sector with, 82, 226, 243–244
- Trembath, Alex, 119
- Trump, Donald J., and administration, 24, 65, 194, 250, 254, 255, 269, 270, 272, 273–274
- Tuvalu, 6
- Twin Creek Technologies, 39
- Two-way communications networks, 214
- Uganda, 124
- Ultra-high-voltage-direct current (UHVDC) transmission lines, 196, 204–205
- Underground thermal storage, 233
- United Kingdom, 97, 211, 240
- United Nations, 6, 33–34
- United States. See also entries beginning U.S.
- advancement of innovation by, 193–194
- battery storage capacity needed to power, 235, 235f
- debt capital for solar in, 126
- electricity generation via solar power in, 59
- electricity grid in, 209
- federal tax credits for solar deployment in, 165–166
- funding for new solar projects in, 65
- and future of solar power, 6, 9
- greenhouse gas emissions by, 15
- grid interconnections in, 206, 207
- in international research collaborations, 273
- manufacturing vs. commercialization of solar technologies in, 272–273
- Master Limited Partnerships in, 93
- net metering in, 102
- nuclear power in, 237, 239
- Pay-As-You-Go model in, 124
- per unit electricity costs in, 122
- power markets in, 240
- power-purchase agreements in, 71
- price of residential solar installation in, 103–104
- seasonal variation in solar radiation, 231
- smart meters in, 214
- solar industry in, 28
- solar installations in, 238, 267
- solar PV production in, 44–45
- SunEdison YieldCo for, 88
- UHVDC transmission lines in, 196
- unregulated power companies in, 108
- utilities in, 91
- YieldCos in, 93–94, 97
- “United States Mid-Century Strategy for Deep Decarbonization” road map, 245
- Universal Studios, 222
- University of California, 67
- University of Dar es Salaam, 115
- University of New South Wales, 40
- University of Oxford, xiii, xiv
- Unregulated power companies, 91–92, 106–109
- Upstream producers, 47b–48b, 47f, 50, 52
- U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), 249, 259–260, 265–266
- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), 177
- applied R&D funding by, 263
- applied R&D funding from, 256f, 259–261
- described, 290g
- Loans Program Office of, 264
- microgrid definition from, 129–130
- SunShot 2030 program, 160, 160f
- U.S. Federal Reserve, 88, 95
- U.S. government, 249–274
- energy research funding by, 254–260
- in history of energy innovation, 249–254
- and inducing innovation in energy technology, 260–266
- leadership in energy innovation by, 24–25, 271–274
- support for nuclear power by, 28, 33–34, 36
- support for solar industry by, 33–37
- tax incentives for clean energy from, 266–271
- U.S. National Laboratories, 263, 264
- U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 155, 236
- U.S. Navy, 265
- U.S. Treasury, 267
- Utilities
- AC power at, 131
- defined, 287g
- demand response strategies by, 213–215
- impact of renewable energy on, 70
- regulated, 107–108, 110
- systemic innovation for, 24
- top-down grids of, 209
- vertically integrated, 106–107
- view of net metering by, 102
- view of solar power by, 91
- Utility-scale solar
- benefits for grid of, 242
- cadmium telluride panels for, 155
- cost of, 103–104, 161, 212
- cost of power from, 48b, 49b
- defined, 283g
- by unregulated power companies, 108
- Value deflation
- cost of electricity to outpace, 159–161
- counteracting, 81–83
- defined, 57, 283g
- effect of, on grids, 198
- and future of solar power, 4
- and perovskite solar cells, 146
- and silicon PV solar panels, 190
- and solar energy utilization, 68–74
- Vanguard I satellite, 34
- VC. See Venture capital
- Venture capital (VC), 39, 257, 258f, 288g
- Verizon, 216
- Vertical integration, 125
- Villaraigosa, Antonio, xiii, xiv, 204
- Virtual power plants, 215
- Virtual transmission lines, 215–216
- Volatility, power supply, 55–56, 82
- Volkswagen, 169
- Voltage (electric voltage), 148, 149, 280g
- Voltage converters, 203, 204
- Voltage losses, 151
- Voltage source converter, 204
- Volvo, 171
- W (Watt), 280g
- Walmart, 110
- WA Parish Generating Station (Houston, Texas), 238
- Warehousing approach, 101–102
- Washington State, 213
- Water heaters, 30–31, 244
- Water system, energy sector and, 245–247
- Watt (W), 280g
- Waxman-Markey Bill, 270
- West Africa, 136
- Westinghouse, 33, 236
- Wholesale power market, 69, 243–244, 287g
- Wide-gap semiconductors, 204
- Wind power
- China Light and Power’s deployment of, 106
- commercial adoption of, 11
- in cross-national grids, 201–202
- and decline in nuclear power, 239, 240
- for deep decarbonization, 61, 62, 234
- defined, 287g
- in Denmark, 200–201
- and future of solar energy, 5, 10, 59
- Work, from sunlight, 30
- Working capital, 128, 138–139
- Working fluid, 186
- World Bank, 67, 92, 111, 123, 128
- World Bank Group, 111
- World Economic Forum, 212
- Yang, Peidong, 182
- Yangsui, 29
- YieldCos
- and Master Limited Partnerships, 92–98, 270
- oil and gas industry as model for, 91
- of SunEdison, 88, 89
- Zero-carbon power sources, 61
- Zero-carbon solar fuels, 9