

EF: Emil Fuchs

HA: Henry Arnold

KF: Klaus Fuchs

PG: Paul Geheeb

RP: Rudolf “Rudi” Peierls


AFSC: American Friends Service Center Archives, Philadelphia

BA: Bundesarchiv, Berlin

BFC: Library of the Society of Friends, Friends House, London

BODLEIAN-P: Rudolf Peierls Papers, Bodleian Library, Special Collections, Oxford University

BODLEIAN-S: Papers of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, Bodleian Library, Special Collections, Oxford University, Klaus Fuchs file

BRISTOL: University of Bristol Archives, Special Collections

BRITLIBE: British Library (Sound and Vision), London

CAMB: Cambridge University Archives, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives, Sir Nevill Mott Collection

CHURCH: Churchill Archives Centre, Born Collection, Cambridge University

EISENACH-C: Eisenach City Archives

FAM: Fuchs family papers formerly held by Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski, transferred to the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Fall 2018)

FBI: U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, online Vault,

GEHEEB: Papers of Paul and Edith Geheeb, formerly held at the École d’Humanité, Hasliberg Goldern, Switzerland, transferred to the Hessische Staatsarchiv, Darmstadt (Fall 2017)

HARVARD-B: Harvard University Archives, Percy Bridgman Collection

HAV: Quaker and Special Collection, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa.

IWM: Imperial War Museum, London

LAC: Library and Archives of Canada, Ottawa

LANL: Los Alamos National Laboratories

LASH: State Archives of Schleswig-Holstein, Schleswig, Germany

LEIPZIG: Leipzig University Archives

LOC-N: Library of Congress, John von Neumann collection

MEPO: Metropolitan Police, London

NA: Public Records Office, National Archives, London

NBLA: Niels Bohr Library and Archives, American Institute of Physics, College Park, Md.

NUFFIELD: Nuffield College, Oxford University, Lord Cherwell Papers

ROYSOC: Royal Society, London

RÜSSEL: Stadt und Industrie Museum, Rüsselsheim am Main

STABI: Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Max Born Papers

STASI: Archives of the Ministry of State Security of the former German Democratic Republic, Berlin

TH: Technische Hochschule, Berlin

USHMM: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C., Library and Archives, AFSC Refugee Case Files: Fuchs

VENONA: Wilson Center, Cold War International History Project, Washington, D.C., online,

WIENER: Wiener Holocaust Library, London