Just a few words by way of introduction:
Many millennia ago, when our ancestors were living in the Stone Age, a giant mother spaceship was circling our planet. Smaller shuttles went down to Earth. The group of ETs acted like ethnologists. They studied some tribes, diligently learned the languages, gave human beings tips and instructions for a regulated future, and finally took leave again with the promise to return in the far distant future. This became the starting point for religions on Earth. Our ancestors had classed the strangers as “gods.”
These thoughts are not speculation, no kind of hypothesis, or any other kind of theory—they can be proven. Everyone who takes the trouble to study the material reaches the same conclusion. Those who want to, know about it.
The consequences of that prehistoric visit affect all of us: our religions, political systems, ideologies, what we are as “human beings,” and our present as much as our future. As an insider, as an “old hand” and author of 40 books on the subject, I am just as familiar with the unanswered questions as the critics are. For the latter, the contradictions appear obvious, problematic, and insurmountable. For those in the know, everything has its compelling logic, including those things that appear to be impossible.
Are there extraterrestrials at all? What do they look like? Why do they look like human beings? What technology enabled them to bridge the light years? What did they actually want here? Why, given the billions of available planets, did they come just here to Earth? And why did they do so precisely at this point in the course of earthly evolution? Why did they leave their home? What do the ETs gain from contact with us? Do they want to exploit us? Why don’t they kill humanity off? And why don’t they reveal themselves to the general public? Why play games of hide-and-seek?
These are all justified questions. And to each one—without exception!—there is a logical answer. In the meantime, the ETs have started influencing human beings again. I contend that the extraterrestrials were not only here millennia ago, they are here again. They are now and have been for decades. Earth is being observed, studied, and analyzed, and there is contact between the ETs and individual groups of people. Totally insane?
“I am certain about this: sometimes totally unfamiliar objects pass soundlessly through our airspace, displaying flight characteristics which we cannot imitate with the technical means at our disposal.”1
—Denis Letty, French Air Force Major General and recipient of the Order of the Legion of Honor
“I was a first lieutenant at the Malmstrom air force base in Montana, U.S.A. on 24 March 1967. A UFO hovering above the base had deactivated 10 intercontinental missiles. They all became inoperative.”2
—First Lieutenant Robert Salas, April 2015 lecture in Sindelfingen town hall
“During my time as an air force attaché in England, I came to the conclusion that something was happening in the skies of our world about which we had no idea.... In general I am convinced that UFOs exist and are a reality.”3
—Ricardo Bermudez Sanhueza, retired General of the Chilean Air Force und director of the Technical College for Aeronautics
“No institution has the right to block disputes... And that includes the study of unidentified flying objects.”4
—José Carlos Pereira, Commander-in-Chief of the Brazilian Air Force
“On the evening of March 3, 1997, during my second term of office as governor of Arizona, I experienced something between 8pm and 8:30pm which was contrary to all logic and called my view of the world into question: a huge delta-shaped aircraft flying soundlessly over Squaw Peak in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve. It wasn’t an apparition but an enormous solid body whose distinctive leading edge was lined with spotlights and which was crossing the skies across Arizona. As a pilot and former air force officer, I can say with certainty that there was no similarity with any object built by human hand familiar to me.”5
—Fife Symington III, Republican Governor of Arizona from 1991 to 1997
“At least four different species of aliens have been visiting earth for thousands of years.... Some of the extraterrestrials look like us and could walk down the street without anyone noticing.”6
—Paul Theodor Hellyer, former Defense Minister of Canada and 22-year member of the Canadian cabinet
“There is no longer any doubt about the objective reality of undefined aerial phenomena, better known as UFOs.... The climate of mistrust and disinformation, not to mention ridicule, displays a surprising form of intellectual blindness.”7
—Yves Sillard, former Director General of the French Aerospace Agency CNES
“We are participants in a universe which is teeming with intelligent forms of life from which we have cut ourselves off.”8
—Professor John Mack, Harvard University
“We already have the possibility of flying to the stars.... Whatever you can imagine, we know how it works.... We have the technology to bring ET home. No, it will not require a lifetime to do it. We know how it works. We could have the opportunity to fly to the stars.”9
—Dr. Benjamin Robert Rich, U.S. aircraft designer and Second Director of the Lockheed Skunk Works, California, 1975–1991. (Skunk Works is Lockheed’s secret research department. The stealth bomber was developed there. This statement was made on March 23, 1993, at the School of Engineering Alumni Association.)
“I and some others had the privilege to be officially informed that our planet has already been visited by extraterrestrials and that the UFO phenomenon is real.”10
—Dr. Edgar Dean Mitchell, U.S. astronaut, Captain of Apollo 14, and sixth human being on the moon
“There is hardly any doubt that some unidentified flying objects are real, three-dimensional, massive objects, existing physically and observable. Their material nature is proven in that they have been logged by various sensor systems.”11
—Colonel Dr. John B. Alexander, former project leader at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the National Research Council.
With this selection of quotes (there are hundreds more!), it should have become clear even to the most skeptical of skeptics: we are no longer alone. We might not like it; we might want to scream, curse, repress it, refuse to acknowledge it, complain about it, whine, or let our jaw drop; we are no longer alone. Science and rational people will probably look for alternatives, for “logical” explanations in order to categorize the impossible. This is of no use; we are no longer alone. Every one of the witnesses quoted above is a person aware of their responsibilities and each one knows why they said something.
Why did these men do what they did? They want to protect humankind from a shock. They want to introduce the new findings gradually to society. And some of these courageous personalities know more than they are saying because they have had dialogue with the extraterrestrials and have asked them about their reasons. They wanted to know why the aliens have not assailed us despite their technical superiority, why they did not reveal themselves over a sold-out football match, and why they have any understanding for us humans. After all, we don’t display any understanding for a colony of ants.
I do not intend to discuss (again!) the general question as to whether or not there is extraterrestrial life at all. Every reasonable person knows we are not alone in the universe. Furthermore, it may be swarming with unimagined life forms, but also with life forms similar to humans. This idea arises from the “panspermia” theory of the Swedish Nobel Prize winner Svante Arrhenius (1859–1927). I have already written about it.12 And Earth-like planets? Not too hot and not too cold? NASA calculates that there are 4.5 billion such worlds in our Milky Way alone. (Extrapolations from measurements of the Kepler space telescope expand to 17 billion Earth-like planets.)
What do the aliens want here? How do they know about our world at all? We are their scions. The gods created human beings in their image.
Sudden, unannounced contact between ETs and our society would be a disaster primarily for us, but possibly also for the aliens. A science author writing under the pseudonym Claudio Stella says in this respect, “If the probable consequences of contact are war between states, if it therefore leads to death and destruction, there is a lot to be said for not establishing contact.”13
Why should the ETs be bothered at all about what happens on Earth? What concern of theirs are wars between humans, human feelings, behavior, politics, and religions? The counter-question is, what benefit would extraterrestrials have from a broken Earth, from billions of dead, from destroyed industries?
The answer is our raw materials! Ha! An extraterrestrial species would not mine its minerals, ores, and gold on an inhabited planet. Raw materials are available for free, without war and death, on the uninhabited planets of every solar system, in ours, on the moon, Mars, and not to mention the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. There—on the mini planet Ceres, for example—the raw materials are available in pure form. Robots can mine them without the presence of disruptive life forms, without horrible thunderclouds, and without payment. Why should ETs go in for a war on Earth, make themselves hated, and have to deal with acts of sabotage even after a victory, when it can be done much more simply? The extraterrestrials were never concerned with raw materials. Every solar system is full of them.
Why, then, is there no direct contact with us? Steady on. There are, in fact, connections with individual groups on Earth; I will get to that. But what is absent is the global presence, the impressive, awe-inspiring public appearance.
With whom should the ETs sit down? With the despot of an underdeveloped state who only thinks of their own advantage and does not understand anything about science and technology? With the corrupt rulers of developing countries? What would be the benefit of such contact for the ETs? No contact, then, with fools, but with the leaders of a progressive, technological society. On Earth with the Americans? The Russians? The French or Chinese? Every nation contacted would immediately try to draw some benefit for itself from the information obtained from the extraterrestrials. It would want to gain an advantage over the others. This is the breeding ground of jealousy about the technical superiority of the other and fear of possible subjugation. So should the extraterrestrials reveal themselves to all nations at the same time? Circle around the globe in huge spaceships and appear over golf courses and Olympic stadiums? Plug themselves into the global TV network?
Our reaction would be terrible.
The Pope would announce that the ETs were the Devil’s spawn, the Antichrist, and we Christians must never listen to them. The aliens have come to exploit us, to enslave and destroy us, as had already been proclaimed by the Apostle John in his Apocalypse. Things would be no better with the Grand Mufti in Islam or the Chief Rabbi in Jerusalem. The visit of the extraterrestrials would cause all the princes of the different religions to lose their power. A careless word from an ET, for example, that God did not have a son or that there was no original sin and thus no reason for Christ to have died on the Cross, would transform the belief in Christianity into a madhouse.
An extraterrestrial explains in a TV interview that Mohammed, the founder of Islam, did not write a single word of the Koran himself. He had been uneducated and illiterate and all the verses of the Koran had been invented by scholars at a later time. As a consequence, millions of devout Muslims would be lost. A life of prayer, suffering, and hard work for a lie? Life would have lost its meaning.
In Jerusalem, an extraterrestrial with a friendly smile explains to his Jewish interviewer that the God of the Torah who spoke to Moses, who had descended to the holy mountain in fire and brimstone, had only been an extraterrestrial, one of their ancestors who had visited Earth thousands of years ago. Yahweh an ET? A religion, exceptionally well sold for thousands of years, nothing but intellectual nonsense? Based on a misunderstanding of technically illiterate forebears? That cannot be serious! The God of the Old Testament an extraterrestrial? The Jewish community misled for over 5,000 years?
In a debate with the participation of ETs, an anthropologist insists that evolution was a secure part of the scientific worldview. But the ET on the panel explains, “Evolution, yes—but there’s more. Earth never was a closed system. Our forebears intervened in the human genome on several occasions.” For the Darwinists on Earth, and this really applies to the whole of the academic world, a scientifically well-founded building collapses. Are none of the things true that we human beings have acquired through hard and thorough work? The physicist comments that Albert Einstein had calculated as clear as daylight that nothing was faster than the speed of light. Faster was impossible because when the speed of light is reached mass becomes infinite. But the amiable ET next to him with his constant smile contradicts him with a gentle, resonant voice: “Einstein was right, but only in your physical system. There are systems in which Einstein’s physics no longer applies. How do you imagine we got here? With liquid propellant rocket power?”
As reasonable beings, centuries ahead of Earth technology, the ETs will not intervene in our lives without gentle preparation. Preparation? How?
On October 13, 1917, the aliens demonstrated their presence before 75,000 earthlings in the small Portuguese village of Fatima, disguised as a religious apparition. At the time, they delivered a message addressed to the “highest representative of the Earth” with the request to publish this message in 1960—43 years after the show in the firmament. The message ended up in the Vatican. All popes to the present day have refused to make the content of the so-called “third secret of Fatima” accessible to the public, although the message was actually supposed to come from the (alleged) Mother of God, who is likely to know what she can expect of her highest religious representative on Earth. Subsequently false messages were published and falsehoods produced by Vatican circles. I have scrupulously exposed the whole tissue of lies in my book The Gods Were Astronauts.14 Either way, visitors can still admire the marvelous stained-glass window depicting the so-called “Miracle of the Sun of Fatima” in the magnificent Basilica of Fatima. (See Image 1 of the color insert.)
The popes refuse to make the message of Fatima publicly accessible. Period. Would it not be high time for the extraterrestrials to protest and intervene? Clearly that has not happened, not in 1960 nor later. Why not? Because the ETs know our politics, our religions, our whole social system and, furthermore, do not have the slightest interest in throwing Earth into turmoil. That starts with simple self-interest. A broken planet with millions of angry, disappointed people is of no use to them at all. So they continued to show patience with these fractious beings and gentle preparation for the official contact. The popes, of course, know about this. Since 1960 (at the latest) each one of them knows the truth. Each one of them knows about that contact on October 13, 1917. And each one of them knows that the truth is inexorably approaching. Day for day, year for year. It comes as no surprise to me at all that His Holiness Pope John XXIII (1958–1963), who read the message of Fatima in 1960, died of grief and sorrow. The next pontiff, Pope John Paul V (1963–1978), traveled the world and likely informed all the princes of the different religions about the ETs and the inexorably approaching “Judgment Day of Knowledge.” And here it fits the mold perfectly that the next pope, John Paul I, could no longer bear the untruth and went to pieces. Even before his election, the future pope had detailed discussions with the nun Lucia—the same Sister Lucia who was the former girl of Fatima. The pope’s brother, Edoardo Luciani, reported that after the conversation with Sister Lucia, his brother (the future pope) had been “completely devastated.15 He exercised his difficult office a mere 33 days. There was subsequently speculation that the pope had been murdered, presumably because he had found out about some corrupt dealings in the Vatican’s banking business.16 And what if things were completely different? After all, the pope knew the truth about Fatima from Sister Lucia. He knew that it had not been the Mother of God who had been revealed there but an extraterrestrial. Did he discuss this fact with high dignitaries? Did he intend to publish it? Was this his death sentence? The fact remains: John Paul I was in office a miserly 33 days. The next pope, John Paul II, exercised his office from 1978 to 2005. He is seen as the Apostle who traveled the world. In each country that he visited he first kissed the ground. A symbolic act? Or did he want to symbolize that this land still belongs to us Earth citizens? Finally, there was Benedict XVI, the first German pope (in office from 2005 to 2013). On February 28, 2013, he retired from his office, which was a unique event in the 1,900-year history of the papacy. The highest Church dignitary, the successor to the Throne of St. Peter, couldn’t be bothered anymore. Oh yes, their Holinesses know what is going on. And science?
There is just a very small group that is in the know and it has undertaken not to go public. Why, for God’s sake? Why all this stupid secrecy?
Imagine an individual astrophysicist was contacted by an extraterrestrial somehow. What is the man supposed to do now? Call a scientific conference and inform his colleagues? They would declare him to be insane. And if he could prove his contact? Perhaps through a gift from the ETs that convinces all those present? Now the responsibility of the scientific community kicks in. Every astrophysicist and every astronomer is a highly educated person. Each one of them knows our social system, knows about religion and politics. Each one can imagine the reaction of people. It is clear immediately to each one of the scientists present that humanity is not yet ready for this explosive message. They impose self-censorship on themselves. And this can be proved.
Each year, a SETI conference takes place somewhere in the world under the auspices of the International Academy of Astronautics (the IAA). SETI stands for “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.” As long ago as the 1989 SETI conference, the scientists involved decided to introduce self-censorship that would apply to all astronomers and astrophysicists: the “Declaration of Principles Concerning Activities Following the Detection of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.”17 This declaration sets out how scientists must act in the face of an extraterrestrial intelligence.
Understood? Even a scientist, be they ever so high in their profession and, indeed, be able to present concrete evidence for their contact with an ET, may not go public with it. First, everything has to wend its sluggish way through the commissions. There, the decision is taken as to whether people are ready for an extraterrestrial message. But what if a scientist goes off script? Doesn’t care one jot about the declaration? They might call a press conference—and that would be end of them. Their own colleagues will stab them in the back. They will have broken the supreme command: Thou shalt not go public. And the media will not take what they say seriously. Just as they do not take seriously the statements of the personalities quoted on pages 31-34.
All nations with the technological capability engage in astronomy. They not only observe the heavens but also search for signals from ETs. Whole forests of parabolic antennas are pointed at the sky. Sensors have been fired into space and robots landed on the surface of Mars. As I am typing these lines, the space probe DAWN is orbiting the planet Ceres in the asteroid belt and is supplying sensational pictures. Pictures, by the way, that also show a mountain with strange white and black stripes and a large rectangle on the ground. It could not be clearer that these are not natural phenomena. Astronomers are desperately seeking a natural explanation for them, but they might equally be traces of mining. At some point, a group of ETs mined raw materials on Ceres. This thought is not allowed to be presented in public—at least not by any serious astronomer. And in general, these are very clever and thoroughly honest people. Should the highly important, astronomical authority of this world be ambushed and told that all its endeavors in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence had been superfluous? The billions spent on parabolic antennas, spacecraft, and robots had been wasted taxpayers’ money? Its scientific research down the drain—because the ETs were already here? Here! In the solar system and even on Earth? How should a brilliant astrophysicist like Stephen Hawking, who is looking for extraterrestrial life together with the billionaire Yuri Milner, react? Hawking and Milner started a hundred-million-dollar program in April 2016, to search for life in space. A huge sum spent for no purpose? I can imagine that Stephen Hawking has no wish to know anything about UFOs or any ETs on Earth—until he is contacted personally.
Slowly even skeptics must realize that, not just the public in general, but science as well, must be protected from the appearance of ETs. Science requires censorship as much as the trusting mass of the people. How, then, to proceed despite the evident facts? Claudio Stella, the thorough thinker about contact with ETs, proposes a long preparatory period: “If the adjustment takes place in a distanced, critical, deliberate, and slow way, then there need be less fear of a cultural shock extending as far as the loss of our own cultural orientation and the resulting terrible consequences....”18
According to his analysis, it would be wise on the part of the ETs to use a preparatory period in advance of the great event:
Because such processes can take an irrational course, it may be advisable for the ETs to prepare the earth mentally, culturally, politically, and organizationally for their arrival through direct advance notification. Various forms of advance notice could be used for such a careful, hardly shocking first contact. A technical artifact which can clearly be ascribed to an extraterrestrial civilization might appear, for example, to prepare humankind....19
We are in the middle of this preparatory process and very few citizens of the Earth have any inkling of it. Mental and cultural adjustment? For decades the science-fiction films coming out of Hollywood have become ever more sophisticated, technically ever more perfect. Millions of people follow the Star Wars series with huge enthusiasm. Since 2009, the History Channel has broadcast the series Ancient Aliens. This show focuses on the visits of extraterrestrials over the millennia. Originally there were to be five episodes; there are now 150. Ancient Aliens has the highest viewing figures in the history of the History Channel.
A political adjustment? How is this supposed to work on a planet on which religious wars are fought? On which dictators rule their countries and are not interested in any modernization? Every despot, and be he ever so cunning, registers the technical changes in the world. TV programs are broadcast via satellites. Travelers report on their experiences in other countries. The Internet is flourishing everywhere. A country cannot be closed off. Even the most stupid of dictators wants to partake in modern achievements. Since the industry in his own country is incapable of producing a refrigerator or cell phone, he has to acquire technical products from abroad, including arms. The invoices for his imported goods have to be settled with an international currency. His own national currency is of no interest whatsoever to anyone because nothing can be bought with it. The dictator has no alternative other than to fit in with international practices sooner or later. He will be taken into the UN family and has to comply with the relevant agreements. Finally, UN representatives visit his kingdom and citizens from his country travel abroad. If he continues to keep his state isolated, the homemade revolution becomes inevitable. The zeitgeist overcomes every dictatorship.
Most industrialized nations foster democracy and their representatives never tire of recommending this form of government to everyone else. However, a popular democracy as it is practiced in Switzerland, for example, is not feasible internationally. In a democracy the majority wins and the minority acquiesces to this dictate without dispute or, indeed, war. But this requires, before anything else, that all voters are rational. Reading and writing are the minimum requirements, and public education must have progressed to the level that the voting citizens can factually weigh up the pros and cons of a debate. Thanks to the media, the masses can be easily influenced. Does that mean clearing the way for the oligarchs? For the owners of these magical channels? Democracies have inbuilt rules to contain the power of the super-rich. These rules work, more or less.
What would happen if an ET allied themselves with a rich family and persuaded these super capitalists to publicize an embassy of the extraterrestrials through the media controlled by the rich family? There might even be an arrangement. The rich person is given some unique technical know-how by the ET, which he could patent and manufacture in his industries, making the family even richer. And what is the benefit for the ET?
They have broken the rules that their species agreed with another group. Other rich people—or also the military or states!—could attack the exposed oligarch, scorn his product, call him internationally to order. His freedom to travel and that of his staff could be restricted, his accounts frozen, and so on. The super-rich family would also have to fit in. It, more than others, knows the international conventions, and it too wants to be a respected member of human society. The ET would have no benefit from going it alone. Intergalactic rules might even apply in the universe, something like a “Milky Way UN,” which prohibits individual ETs from taking up contact with individuals on another planet. Perhaps the ET would risk being excluded from their community. They could be isolated and cut off from their technical bases.
If everything is so complicated, with whom are the extraterrestrials supposed to establish contact? Apparently their technological superiority may not be used—a destroyed planet is of no use to them and they can find raw materials for free in the solar system. An agreement may not be concluded with just a single nation because the nation concerned would immediately have an advantage over the others. Single persons may not be given an advantage and, even if such a person received exclusive and valuable information, they would not be taken seriously by public opinion. With whom, for all the world, are the ETs supposed to communicate? Who is left?
Intelligent people who have the competence to convene a body committed to silence. Thanks to its awareness of its responsibility, such a group would be suitable for judging the consequences of a contact. Precisely, this variant is currently happening.
The ETs are supposed to prepare humanity “mentally, culturally, politically and organizationally”20 for their visit? But they have to start somewhere. This has been happening since Fatima in 1917. For decades they have shown themselves intermittently. The earthlings called it UFOs. Reasonable people shrugged their shoulders and at best laughed about it. But the number of occasions grew. Stupid and clever books about UFOs were published, and intellectual giants and simple workers were among the people affected. The UFO literature grew into millions. Then there were encounters of the third and fourth kind—ETs conversed with humans and even invited them into their spaceships. There are authenticated reports about that.21 This was followed by the kidnapping of individual people. Down-to-earth scientists cried indignantly, “Stop this nonsense!” “Intolerable!” But the nonsense only lasted until it was scientifically verified because the ETs had given some of their victims implants. They could be surgically removed and physically and chemically analyzed.22, 23, 24 There was scientific verification at least for those who were seriously interested in knowing. Year after year, ever bigger international UFO conferences were convened, attended by thousands including an increasing number of scientists. For decades, I tended to see myself as an opponent of the UFO community. Too much nonsense was being peddled. Then, after meeting some wonderful people, including some extraordinary personalities, I gradually had to revise my opinion. That is what I wrote in the first chapter of my last book about five UFO cases that definitively cannot be proved wrong. I knew all the eye-witnesses personally.25 And when someone has delved so deeply into the subject, has taken the opposing arguments of the skeptics into account, then someone like me can no longer keep silent. We are called upon to show the courage of our convictions.
But how, in what form, did the first extraterrestrials contact individual scientists? Did they appear to them like angels in a dream? Storm into their bedrooms at night like goblins? Did they disguise themselves as speaking dogs or clever parrots?
After the ETs had quietly and secretly kidnapped individual earthlings, samples of sperm and ovum were taken from them.26 Human extraterrestrials were created. That is the people about whom Canada’s ex-defense minister said, “Some of the extraterrestrials look like us and could walk down the street without anyone noticing.”27 The comprehensive knowledge of these “ambassadors” impressed every scientist who had been contacted to such an extent that they—to use a colloquial expression—could have been knocked over with a feather. These brilliant people who were taken into the confidence of the aliens are aware of their responsibility toward humanity. Inevitably secret groups formed; that is how it works in human society. And of course the group of people contacted wanted something in return from the ETs. We simply cannot change our spots; the group accordingly tried to negotiate. That might have gone something like this: We accept your presence, and we will protect your anonymity until the majority of people can digest the existence of extraterrestrials without panicking. How about, in return, showing us some tiny aspect of your phenomenal technology? In a next step it is contractually agreed that the acquired knowledge may only be used for the benefit of humanity as a whole—an agreement that both parties must comply with. Earth people are aware of the terrible reaction of their fellow humans if the ETs were to appear over sold-out football stadiums. The extraterrestrials equally so and, furthermore, a destroyed planet and freaked-out humanity would be of no use to them. In the worst case of a breach of the agreement, the extraterrestrials could still use the threat of their arms. So within a short period of time, an earthly UFO has been built in a super-secret facility, which could just as well fly to the stars as its extraterrestrial model. How did Dr. Benjamin Robert Rich, the director of the Lockheed Skunk Works, in which the stealth bomber was developed, put it? “We already have the possibility of flying to the stars.... Whatever you can imagine, we know how it works. We have the technology to bring ET home. No, it will not require a lifetime to do it. We know how it works. We could have the opportunity to fly to the stars.”28 The U.S. astronaut Edgar Mitchell is of the same opinion: “Not all UFOs are in fact extraterrestrial in origin. Some of them are our own development...but we are by no means at the technological level of those who visit us.”29
Why does every American government class dramatic UFO sightings, unmistakable over-flights of its own territory reported by pilots, as harmless? Is it simply what the skeptics claim? That no one, neither a U.S. defense secretary nor any reasonable scientist takes the subject seriously? UFOs and everything associated with them are baloney, total nonsense, a figment of the imagination? And the people with their objective warnings are misled and should not be taken seriously? Sorry! The problem is the reverse. The skeptics and the “reasonable people” who want to stand with both feet on the ground are uninformed. They do not know what is going on. Every person, without exception, whom I quoted at the beginning of this chapter, was originally a skeptic. None of them considered UFOs to be an extraterrestrial reality before then. All of them stood on the ground of alleged reason until they were initiated. And it requires effort to get to this information—it does not just drop into a person’s lap. After all, we are still dealing with well-guarded secrets intended to prevent humanity from going mad. Meanwhile, however, UFOs have been recorded by all military systems. There is a wealth of outstanding radar and visual data, clear statements from fighter pilots and air force generals internationally. And none of these witnesses are a sandwich short of a picnic; none of them are crackpots. None of them are irresponsible. Yet the U.S. government does not see the slightest danger to national security?30 When, however, a foreign aircraft, which could be shot down immediately, crosses the U.S. border, national security is invoked without ado. There could not be a clearer indication of the existence of a secret agreement than the downright absurdly indifferent behavior of the U.S. authorities with regard to UFOs. Woe betide any Russian aircraft or foreign submarine violating American sovereign territory. All hell immediately breaks loose, including in the media. Yet UFOs do not exist even though hundreds of them have been documented and nailed down both electronically and visually.
Because the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, the authorities tie themselves up in exquisite knots. The announcement is made that UFOs do not exist, yet the U.S. Department of Transportation published a memo for pilots on February 9, 2012, titled “Section 8. Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) Reports.” It tells pilots where they should report UFO sightings, specifically to “Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS)” and provides a telephone number and email address.
Long before that, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) informed its staff of the following on June 24, 1965: “Our policy is to downplay the subject of UFOs and to avoid attaching undue attention or publicity to it.”31
As long ago as 1953, when UFO sightings were slowly coming into fashion, the CIA, the U.S. secret service, issued the following guidelines in the Robertson Panel Report:
All authorities in the secret service network are encouraged to influence the mass media for the purpose of debunking and infiltrate civilian UFO research groups...UFO reports should be made implausible and ridiculous...public interest in UFO events should be expressly undermined...and secret service agents should ensure that the facts are withheld from leading researchers through targeted disinformation.”32
There is no other word for this than “conspiracy.” By the authorities. Period. And the present shows how the instructions of the CIA were followed and carried out worldwide. Anyone who wants to be taken seriously thinks UFOs are nonsense.
Presumably, the ETs would prefer to negotiate with a world government that is responsible for the whole of humanity. But such a body does not exist on Earth. (Although some groups are working hard to achieve it.) That leaves the UN. In this case, the discussion would have to be with UN delegates and at some point the UN General Assembly would have to be involved. That, presumably, is the long-term goal. At the present time, however, pure suicide. ETs before the UN and the eggs would be broken. Total panic.
The ETs could simply ignore our concerns and interfere when and where they wanted. They could impose their legal order on us and totally disregard parliaments and the UN. That would be dictatorship with the consequences already discussed. The same applies to a kind of protectorate. Claudio Stella considers it feasible that the Earth could become the protectorate of an intergalactic community.33 That would be impossible without the political will of the Earth community (UN); it would ultimately be no different to an ET dictatorship. But now the aliens want something from us (I will get to that). The Earth, or we human beings, must possess something that is of interest to the others. With a dictatorship out of the running, that only leaves negotiation. But negotiations do not work anywhere in the universe without a legal basis. The aliens know their law and we know ours, as do countries all around the world. They all have laws of their own, but there is also the superior law of the world community. A consensus will have to be found. Ultimately, it will come down to human beings expecting a lot more from the aliens than the ETs expect from us.
How does communication faster than the speed of light work? How about interstellar space travel without our primitive liquid fuel rockets? How have you come to grips in your development with environmental problems? Energy problems? How did the different races actually arise? How many species are there out there? What was there before the Big Bang? What is God? How can we extremely extend our life? Are there also criminals in your world? How do you deal with them? Do you use transportation to move about? How does it work? And your social system? Capitalism? Communism? Socialism? Democracy? Dictatorship? Monarchy? What policies meet the requirements of all classes? Is there something like a “galactic club”? How does one become a member? What rules have to be complied with? What kind of clothing do you wear? How is it made? What kind of metal or other alloys do you have? Where are they used? Are there wars in the universe? Why? Who against whom?
Our curiosity is unending. At some point, we will be faced with the choice of being galactically involved or subsisting as an underdeveloped planet, cut off from the rest of the Milky Way, possibly to self-destruction and a new start.
Just think: A presence of the ETs visible to all citizens of Earth robs many global players of their power. Religions, cardinals, popes, mullahs, chief rabbis, and so on belong just as much to the losers as national governments. “Politicians must come to grips with the question of losing their power from one day to the next if they have to hand over their power to a world organization.... The elites will lose their prerogatives,” writes Claudio Stella.34
Why? Won’t people simply adapt? If only. And irrespective of the leading political and financial groups, there are myriads of religious communities on Earth. The so-called “prophets,” the self-styled “Apostles” of Jesus, the “elect,” the saints, and, not to mention, the hypocrites, will never admit that they have for decades led their believers in a merry dance. The lay person has no idea how many churches there are in total and that each one of them claims to be the only true one. The following incomplete list of existing religious communities should give us food for thought:
Other independent Old Catholic churches that belong to the World Council of Churches through the International Council of Community Churches (ICCC) are:
That was just a little more than a hundred Christian churches. Then there is the world community of Muslims with its respective subdivisions: Shi’ites, Sunnis, Wahhabites, Salafists, and so on. And each religious community is firmly convinced that it possesses the one “true” religion—the single, immutable truth, very often directly inspired by God or at least a Holy Spirit. For these people, it is simply incomprehensible that their faith is suddenly no longer correct.
Millions of high priests, sect leaders, the “blessed,” the “illuminated,” or otherwise-inspired people would never be able to cope with the new facts. All of them will admonish their followers not to listen to the extraterrestrials under any circumstances, curse them, and fight them “in the name of God.”
For how much longer will the ETs watch earthly egoism before they act? When will they have had enough? When will their patience be exhausted, the limits of their empathy be reached? Have they set a deadline for their scientific contact persons on Earth? For so long we will leave you in peace, but there will come a time when enough is enough? And then? Will they simply disappear without a trace for the next few thousand years or will there be the complete divine shock for humanity? Which values are more important for the ETs?
In the past, and I know quite a lot about this, the extraterrestrials never revealed themselves to huge crowds of people. They always showed themselves to biblical figures such as Moses and his brother Aaron, the Patriarch Abraham, wise Solomon, or the Prophet Ezekiel in small groups, at least according to what “Holy Scripture” says. They did indeed subsequently take Enoch, later misunderstood as a “prophet,” into their spaceship and instructed him in language and science, but they did not cause a shock to any crowds. On the other hand, they struck mercilessly, rampaged terribly if an experiment went wrong. Cities such as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with the same brutality as, ultimately, the whole of humanity through a deliberately caused flood. Deliberate? The Flood was not a natural event?
Stories of the Flood are a universal fact in religions and myths. Be it the Bible, the Sumerian Gilgamesh epic, the “Epic of Creation,” the “Enuma Elish” of the Babylonians, the Book of Mormon, the Kogi in Columbia, the Hopi in Arizona, the Maya in Central America, or the Dogon in Africa, a “God” always warns human beings of the Flood. All of them knew of the coming deluge far in advance. And not just only two weeks in advance like today’s weather forcast. The moment in time was set long before, the countdown has started. Without exception, all adherents were instructed to build a specific, watertight ship. Logically, none of the gods acted “omnipotently,” none gave human beings a boat as a gift. None of the “heavenly beings” who had come down to Earth possessed the omnipotence to produce a ship just like that in the blink of an eye or by snapping their fingers. Every ship that was built required technology. Shipbuilding is technology. And each of the pseudo gods described the coming Flood as a punishment. The human spawn of the time was meant to be destroyed. Clearly a genetic program had gone wrong. That, at least, is what many traditions say. According to the Book of Enoch, Chapter 106-13, “A great destruction will come over the whole earth, a deluge...great punishment will come over the earth and the earth will be cleaned of all dirt.... That is why I will bring a deluge to the earth...”35
What decision will the ETs take today? In the past, they left us unmistakable signs, enticed us to follow the trail. These signs do exist; those who want to have recognized them.36, 37, 38 Created thousands of years ago, they are nevertheless addressed to a technologically and scientifically oriented society of the future which had to stumble across them. Millions of enlightened Earth inhabitants have meanwhile understood this. And, as planned, the message from the past has promptly added up. But science, whose real task should actually be to further knowledge, indignantly turns its back. Nothing to do with me! It does not want to acknowledge that it was deliberately led astray. And afterward it is difficult to admit to having been used as a “useful idiot.” In psychology, it is called repression. And the media, always concerned for its alleged integrity, is not allowed to report objectively about something that millions of people are concerned with. We have created a two-class society. A small group of people in the know is opposed by a mighty majority of those who don’t know and do not want to know in their lovely idyllic world. But for how much longer?
Does every intelligent species out there actually have to engage in space travel? Do they have to do it because it is dictated by their insatiable curiosity? Because they need raw materials? Because their home planet, their home sun is exploding, burning up? Because their galaxy is being swallowed up by a black hole? Or is colliding with another galaxy? That is also relevant for us. According to NASA calculations, the so-called “Smith’s Cloud” will collide with our Milky Way in 30 million years. There will be gigantic fireworks of destroyed celestial bodies, and two million new stars will be created. The Smith’s Cloud consists primarily of hydrogen gas, currently still about 8,000 light years distant from the Earth. But it is approaching us at a speed of 240 kilometers per second. If our astronomers are able to calculate what will happen in 30 million years, then extraterrestrial astrophysicists can do the same. They, too, will know how long before they crash and will seek out new habitats before then. Space travel is a must for every society. Others think differently.
In a lengthier article in the specialist journal IBIS, astronomer William Hoesek argues that ETs wouldn’t engage in space travel.39 How so? Hoesek argues that the raw materials on every planet will run out at some point. But people are made such that they do not plan for the long term—meaning for centuries and longer. Be it the state or private companies, neither invests with centuries in mind because they need short-term results for their shareholders or voters. If humans were to send a spaceship on the search for raw materials, the people left at home would have no idea whether the crew of the spaceship had been successful or would return empty-handed. And no human society would spend perhaps a billion dollars on such an uncertain venture. People live for the short term and want to see quick results. Furthermore, the construction of a gigantic generational spaceship would not only swallow up vast amounts of money but also raw materials—precisely those materials that are becoming scarce on the home planet. Logically, such valuable raw materials could not be squandered on an immensely expensive space adventure, the results of which—if any—would not become apparent for centuries. The same “earthly” logic also applies, William Hoesek says, to extrasolar civilizations. The results of his analysis are correspondingly sobering:
That might all make sense from an economic perspective; it is, nevertheless, incorrect. After all, no gigantic spaceship is needed to seek and mine raw materials in space. We never have to go to far distant locations. We have masses of raw materials in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Distant suns, too, are orbited by more than one planet and meteorites fly through all of space. Neither are generational spaceships required to discover the geological composition of distant planets. Thanks to spectral analysis, we can already do that with our super telescopes. Furthermore, innumerable probes can be sent out that radio back their findings to the home planet. Then, earthly lifespans should never be transposed to alien civilizations. The space-traveling ETs will know ways to extend life. Finally, space travel at interstellar distances will not be undertaken with our outdated liquid propellant rockets in any case. Quite different possibilities will exist in the future—and thus different times. Dr. Hoesek’s views are based on false assumptions.
The ETs have left traces in the past. Lots of them. They are described in ancient sacred writings as well as in the landscape. The completely straight lines that have been inscribed across the earth for thousands of years were not created by our Stone Age forebears because they had nothing better to do, but they followed orders from the ETs only to establish their sacred sites in specific locations.41 The stone circles of Stonehenge do not happen to indicate the distances between the planets of our solar system. Their astronomical teachers were those “gods.” Similarly, the columns of menhirs in Brittany, France, which always reveal the same distances or precisely half thereof, and which are full of Pythagorean triangles, are not inspired by any whim of nature. Our Stone Age blokes received their geometrical orders directly from the ETs. Long before Pythagoras.
And today? We human beings should be prepared for a peaceful arrival of the extraterrestrials. Where are the signs, other than Fatima, the UFOs, films, books, and TV series? They lie in the open landscape, yet our blind intellectual world, including the “rational” media, has long since managed to ridicule these signs, to discredit everything.
Crop circles? Every Tom, Dick, and Harry knows about the fakes! After all, the thoroughly earthly artists are revealed in magazines and on television. Clearly recognizable, they demonstrate their skill in creating magnificent pictures in the landscape. What else is there to be said about it? Why waste time and money to confirm simple fakes?
The whole weird business started in Australia in the area surrounding Tully in Queensland. In the autumn of 1966, farmer George Pedley discovered six circles in a corn field. They were classed as the product of small tornadoes. Others described them as a “UFO nest.” Then the phenomenon began to spread like a virus to other countries: Canada, Italy, Mexico, the United States, and, of course, the country where there has always been weird events, England. Reasonable and unreasonable theories were advanced. They were the tracks of tornadoes, of rutting pigs or other animals. Ants or termites were responsible for the circles and, in general, they were damage from hail. Next on the list were unknown force fields active below the surface of the earth. I read somewhere that certain animals would run in circles when in heat, and I also read about the assumption that the riddle could be explained quite reasonably through mushrooms. Then it was the turn of hot air balloons, which had gone down in impossible locations, and of course we must not forget the footpads of UFOs. The next theory took recourse to solar wind as a solution or lightning strikes with an electrical discharge to subterranean water courses. Moles or a collection of worms were made responsible, and high frequency signals were supposedly at fault for the symbols in the fields. The physicist Dr. Terence Maeden (University of Oxford and Dalhousie University Halifax, Canada) connected these impossible events with “atmospheric physics,” “plasma vortices,” and “electromagnetic fields.”42
None of this was sufficient for profound thinkers because every explanation had convincing counter arguments. Did the world-famous psychologist C.G. Jung not write about strange lights and celestial phenomena that would appear as the messengers of great, collective changes in thinking?43 Even about “psychic forces” and “events which would be incomprehensible to people?” Could it therefore be that these symbols “might have their origin in the imagination of individuals or the imagination fed by collective dreams and visions?”44 Or did the community of human beings not generate a “collective, cultural impulse which released sufficient energy to cause a wave of unusual events?”45
Over the years, all explanations, be they ever so reasonable and factual, faded away because the drawings on the ground simply refused to cooperate. If originally the pictures appeared in grain fields, they now suddenly grew in fields of barley, rapeseed, and even maize. If in the beginning they were simple circles, increasing numbers of ellipses and wonderful, partially interlaced works of art began to be created. The pictures are their own proof. None of this fit any longer with ants, termites, mushrooms, worms, tornadoes, rutting beasts, lightning strikes, or plasma vortices. The pictures displayed intelligence, so fakers had to come to the rescue! Some wise guys were making fools of all of us and having a good laugh about the human ability to make things up. The first to “out” themselves were the British pensioners “Doug and Dave.” In front of the camera, they stated that they had faked all the crop circles to make the subject ridiculous. Their revelations soon turned out to be a huge bluff. Several mighty shapes appeared in various places where the busy pensioners could never have been. That included the picture of August 8, 2008, in Milk Hill, Wiltshire. It consists of 44 circles of various sizes, interlaced at the center with various additional representations. Or the geometrical shape of the “hypercube,” created on July 17, 2010, in Fosbury Camp, Wiltshire. Here, there is not a single circle, but only symmetrical lines forming a massive hexagon with a cube in the center. When the busy pensioners Doug and Dave could not be held liable, other fakers had to do.
At some point (I can no longer remember when), a young man announced on a German television program that he and his group had faked all the symbols. Cockily he drew attention to one detail that people had to be aware of: All the circles, lines, and so on always bordered on a tractor track or beaten path. A pure lie. Hundreds of circles and lines are not connected at any point with a track, however insignificant it might be. A picture like the so-called “magnetic field formation” not far from the Avebury stone circle is so complex that not even a company of soldiers could have faked it overnight.
On March 4, 2015, a complex formation appeared in a maize field near Icara, Santa Marta (Brazil); on January 4 of the same year, a group of interlinking circles appeared near Guadalajara, Mexico, also in a maize field. On May 8, 2015, there were formations in Fangshan district near Beijing, China. From June to September of the same year, there were further extraordinary formations in various locations in Italy.46 Even Germany, skeptical about crop circles, marveled on July 16, 2015, about a shape in a grain field. It was near Fürstenfeldbruck in Bavaria. And, hard as it is to believe, a picture near Fürstenfeldbruck was even printed in the major German magazines Focus and Spiegel—without a mocking commentary!
Meanwhile, the riddle of the crop circles has spread to about 50 countries. Sophisticated teams of fakers must be at work worldwide. The logical conclusion—or are we being deliberately misled, as with the UFOs? The editors of the 150part History Channel TV series Ancient Aliens wanted to find out. They sent their clever commentator Giorgio Tsoukalos to England. He was to commission two well-known fakers to make a copy of an already existing crop circle. So “Russel and John,” as the two were called, stuck their poles into the ground, laid out trails, fixed ropes, and seized their “stalk stompers.” (That is what the small boards are called which are used to flatten the grain.) The boards have a rope attached to both ends. This rope is put over the shoulder and then the board is pressed down on the grain and lifted again by the rope for the next step.
In fact, Russel and John managed to produce quite a reasonable copy of the original within 210 minutes. Drones flew over both pictures. Only a few differences could be discerned from the air. But what did a closer inspection reveal?
In the meantime, a team from the University of Michigan had started to investigate the phenomenon scientifically. The physicist Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff demonstrated the differences between “real” and “fake” in front of the camera. The typical signs of a real crop circle are the following: the blossoms are not damaged or broken, in contrast to the fake made with the “stalk stomper.” The same applies to the way the stalks are bent. With the “stomping method” they are broken or at least lacerated. Not so with the mysterious shapes that did not involve any human activity. Curiously, all so-called “apical nodes” display an extension of 172 percent in comparison to the compressed stalks in the fake circles. The second and third node on the stalk has veritably burst from the inside. This points to a short discharge of energy that must have occurred in the stalk. Dr. Haselhoff demonstrated it in front of the camera: Various stalks were taken from the crop circle and put under the microscope. The stalks in the middle showed longer, burst nodes than those on the periphery of the circle. “The differences are like between a horse and an elephant,” the physicist explained.47 The burst nodes are longest in the center and grow smaller toward the outside. The stalks can be shown to have burst because of electromagnetic energy. It is the trigger of the phenomenon.48 Giorgio Tsoukalos, the commentator of the TV program, said, “I find it strange and discouraging that a phenomenon like the crop circles is not being investigated in depth by science. The circles are dismissed from the beginning as fakes although there is undeniable evidence that they are genuine.”
He is right. As long ago as 1990, a Centre for Crop Circle Studies was set up in England—where else?—to investigate the riddle in a squeaky clean scientific way. In the foreword to the book The Crop Circle Enigma, the archaeologist Michael Green wrote, “Meanwhile the phenomena are revealed to us in astonishing diversity, in mighty proportions and in downright awe-inspiring beauty.... Various strange circumstances accompany the appearance of the circles. They include, above all, high frequency signals which appear to be subject to specific laws.”49 And Professor Archie Roy, honorary member of the School of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Glasgow and a number of other recognized astronomical institutes, speaks of an “immense riddle” facing physics. The old gentleman knows his history of science. He says, “The whole history of scientific discovery consists of the outsider being declared to be mad by the so-called specialist world—in order finally to triumph after all the contempt and be elected a genius.”50
The TV program Ancient Aliens also showed irrefutable film clips that are quite shocking. The observer sees white circles or spheres floating in the air above a field, including over a track, and a tractor driving along. Within seconds, an amazing picture is created under the shining spheres. As if on command, the stalks lie flat and form into a wonderful and complex work of art. The British Centre for Crop Circle Studies has meanwhile published such films and lets the evidence speak for itself.51 Thus, 145 of such circles were created within 16 minutes near the Stone Age complex of Stonehenge. And recently, perfect microscopic balls made of a melted material have been discovered in these curious formations. The first were found by accident at Martinson Farm in Midala (Saskatchewan), Canada, after the earth had been sifted there. Meanwhile, they have also been captured in sieves at other locations.
Ralph Noyes, an ex-civil servant in the British air ministry, who later became an under-secretary of state, noted a development in the riddle of these pictures: It is no longer correct to refer to crop circles.52 The depictions are growing in size, diversity, and complexity. If in the 1970s and 1980s they were still circles with a diameter of 10 to 20 meters, today’s formations extend for hundreds of meters and often consist of more than a hundred individual parts, which combine into an awesomely beautiful “pictogram.” (See Images 2–10 in the color insert.) Fakers, and be they ever so sophisticated, can no longer keep up. Neither could a company of soldiers of the British Army. Sites at which pictures appeared in previous years are kept under observation with automatic cameras. Groups of volunteers support the nightly checks. The wise guys are out of the picture, even if there is still the occasional stray one. On the other hand, researchers with a scientific background are growing increasingly baffled and are searching for a common factor. John Mitchell says, “The impression is growing that there is a specific reference to something.”53 But what? What is the intention of the “circle builders”? The Master of Science and former astronomer at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, George Wingfield, asserts that we are dealing with some kind of non-human intelligence. “The messages speak of an extension of human consciousness.”54 The archaeologist Michael Green said, “I am convinced that the source is intelligent in nature and that they are gradually revealing their ideas in accordance with a plan.”55 Meanwhile, Terry Wilson from England has published a remarkable story about the crop circles. The phenomenon is documented worldwide with precise dates and locations, and it is also shown that strange formations were already documented in the 16th and 17th centuries.56
Who is this intelligence supposed to be? Does this “unknown” power have no other possibility than to make itself noticed through “pictures in the fields”? Why not direct communication through our media? Why no awesomely beautiful pictures in the night sky? Or interference on our television screens that gradually reveals itself as a pictogram? Counter question: Why don’t UFOs show themselves over a sold-out football stadium even though that would be technically possible?
I assume all these things would be possible but “the others” want it like this right now. People are intended to marvel and talk, write and marvel. Slowly we are to be made aware of the other dimension without ambush, without violence, and without dictatorship, yet visible for everyone. Whereby other researchers (including myself) have noticed that many of the grandiose formations are emerging out of the ground near Stone Age complexes, such as Stonehenge, Avebury Ring, Silbury Hill, or the “White Horse” at Uffington, all of them in England. (I heard that the same is true of pictograms in Australia and Mexico. And in the United States, the pictures are created near Indian burial mounds.) How is the past connected with this?
Our early history is more mysterious than how we learned it in school. There we were told that our ancestors, only just descended from the apes, had vegetated in caves, groomed the lice out of their fur, occasionally hunted a mammoth or other animal, and in general chewed on berries and roots. May well be. But another group of Stone Age families behaved in a highly intellectual way. Their astronomical and geometrical achievements prove it. Furthermore, our diligent archaeologists are moving the Stone Age architectural marvels ever further into the past. Current dating is no longer correct.
Around 18,400 years ago, the Mediterranean sea level lay 35 meters lower than it is today. This is shown by a cave system with painted walls that lies 35 meters below the water. It is situated at Cap Morgiou (east of Marseille, France). Ruins have meanwhile been found under water in all the world’s oceans.57 The sea level has risen worldwide. If we thought that the first building phase of the stone circle of Stonehenge occurred in 2,800 BC, the complex is meanwhile (at least) 2,000 years older. The Great Pyramid in Egypt is the first planned high-rise building in antiquity, it used to be said, built in 2,500 BC. Yet the circular complex of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey is 8,000 years older.58 The approximately 400 rock paintings in the Chauvet Cave (near Vallon-Pont-d`Arc, France) were dated to about 20,000 BC after their discovery. The latest C14 analyses produce a definitive age of 37,000 years. And even in Germany, which, due to its recent history wants to avoid anything to do with nationalism, ever more prehistoric riddles are appearing that are all somehow connected with the starry sky. About 7,000 years ago, there existed in what is today Lower Bavaria several circular complexes with a diameter of between 50 and 180 meters. Without exception, they have an astronomical orientation and frequently several of these stone or wood circles are lined up like pearls on a string. The same applies to Lower Austria, Poland, and Hungary.59, 60 The circular palisade of Goseck in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, has a circumference of 75 meters, and like all the others, it is a so-called “sun temple.” That is, astronomical, and its age is at least 5,000 BC.61 Near Künzing in Bavaria, the “Stone Age blokes” jammed 2,000 oak tree trunks into the ground. The same applies to innumerable dolmens and menhirs.
Astronomy played a central role in the heads of the “stoneagers.” And we modern people only have super-clever answers as to the why. They were “light-pointer instruments,” “playing fields,” and “secret locations for male rituals,” up to and including the most naïve of all answers: they had been calendars.62 The Stone Age complexes show the intelligence of their planners. These clever architects will also have noticed in nature when the first insects appeared, when the buds opened, or the fruits ripened in the autumn. A small scratch on their cave wall was sufficient to register when the sun rose increasingly earlier or later. A wooden stick in the ground was sufficient to determine when the shadows were longest and shortest. Determining the equinox did not need a gigantic calendar complex. Dragging monoliths weighing several tons about and grinding them down to build a calendar was as necessary as a hole in the head. Furthermore, the command from the high priest, “Spring has come, the seed needs to be sown” would have been no use whatsoever if winter in the relevant year lasted longer than normal and there was another snowfall in the middle of April. It is time to think of something smarter than different versions of a calendar.
Our ancestors followed their celestial cult for one reason alone: because of the gods. It was the gods who had descended from the heavens, their lights moved in the night sky, and their disciples had instructed human beings in various fields of knowledge. Our Stone Age artists were meant to build astronomically aligned buildings. Their descendants—us!—should take notice, become puzzled, and seek causes. That is precisely what is happening now. We have no alternative because the creature in our heads causing us disquiet has a name: curiosity. No intelligence in the universe can do anything about curiosity—otherwise it would not be intelligence. So who are these beings racing about in UFOs who have caused magnificent art works to be created in the landscape? And who could clearly destroy us at any time, and did so in the past, but today observe the madness on planet Earth pretty dispassionately? Who are these types who manipulated us thousands of years ago and who even today give us a demonstration of technologies which can, for example, quite simply disable intercontinental missiles with nuclear warheads? That happened on March 24, 1967, at the site of the Oscar Flight Launch Control Facility in Montana.63 None of the launch-ready missiles could be prepared for launch any longer. And this happened although each silo was located more than a kilometer from the next and each one had an independent power supply. Who is playing with us? Why do we have to put up with it? Are ETs really on Earth? Why could they do with us what they want—but are clearly refraining from doing so?